原创 Anti Pattern

什麼是 AntiPatterns爲了提高軟件項目成功的比率,專家學者提出許多先進的軟件開發技術,例如 Iterative development process、對象導向技術、設計模式 (design patterns)、軟件組件、平臺與

原创 How to automatically select all text on focus in WPF TextBox?

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/660554/how-to-automatically-select-all-text-on-focus-in-wpf-textbox Why is focus in

原创 How to remove the VBA Project Password

Create a new simple excel file.In the VBA part, set a simple password (say - 1234).Save the file and exit. Then check t

原创 Strategy Design Pattern

1. 意圖:定義一系列的算法,把他們封裝起來,並且可以相互替換;2. Strategy:策略;定義公共算法的抽象接口abstract class Strategy  {    public abstract void AlgorithmI

原创 How to create installation patches for VS.NET deployment projects

(下載後改擴展名爲zip文件,包括Patch.pcp,patch.cmd) 如何爲VS 安裝文件MSI 製作更新補丁MSP 計算機 2010-03-09 11:08:56 閱讀23 評論0 字號:大中小 (此文轉自互聯網) Net 部署二

原创 操作符號,表達式,流程控制

1.算術運算符+-*/%(和.NET的不太一樣,不僅在數字上面,也可以放在String,數組上面執行) +: 2+4->6;  "hi"+"there"->"hithere" * 2*3->6 ; "2"*3->"222" 加法運算符號

原创 Behavioral Pattern Summary


原创 Repository Pattern

Repository Pattern:Mediates between the domain and data mapping layers usin

原创 Convert XAML Flow Document to XPS with Style (multiple page, page size, header, margin)


原创 visual studio setup project custom action ole calls and show dialog support

有用的Default Context.Parameters("assemblypath").比如:string assemblyPath = Context.Parameters["assemblypath"];來得到安裝後的Custom

原创 Flow Document in WPF

<FlowDocument xmlns=’http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation’ xmlns:x=’http://schemas.microsoft.

原创 Extension Methods

Extension methods enable you to "add" methods to existing types without creating a new derived type, recompiling, or ot

原创 Template Design Pattern


原创 WPF Datagrid Tooltip

常見設置: private ObservableCollection<ParameterList> _parameterList; public ObservableCollection<ParameterList> Paramet

原创 How Browsers Work: Behind the Scenes of Modern Web Browsers

http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/internals/howbrowserswork/ As a web developer, learning the internals of browser