原创 GSReg_demo

#!/bin/tcsh -f set sdir = $PWD set stat = 0 set pname = `basename $0` SETUP: set gngain = 4.0 #base nz gain factor

原创 Bash 14-16

Lesson 14: Sending Email with sendEmail sudo apt-get install sendEmail libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ssleay-perl

原创 Bash 11-13

Lesson 11: Correcting Laptop Insomnia cat /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state #會返回電腦是否開着的信息 cat /sys/class/power_s

原创 Python 5 -Logic

True (T) False (F) NOT AND OR -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

原创 bash shell 常用特殊字符

轉自百度文庫 http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=B6FJVno29INgmkxv3HpwLXQhLkS-qhDsIdFRVt1029jwlVPuMkJHd_CIAbQOHhMqlx5nfuulomdK2pjb

原创 Global Linear Model

fMRI=β0+β1∗BOLD+error 即Y=Xβ+ϵ minϵ 會得到β^=(XtX)−1XtY ———————————————————————– 因爲ϵ−N(0,δ2I) 推出 Y ~N(Xβ,δ2I) β^

原创 Functional MRI (second edition) -- 2. MRI Scanners

———————————————————————————————– M–main static magnetic field R –delivery of energy at the resonance frequency o

原创 Functional MRI (second edition) -- 4. Basic Principles of MR Image Formation

Bloch Equation dM⃗ dt=γM⃗ ×B⃗ +1T1(M0→−Mz→)−1T2(Mx→+My→) ————————–1 可以分解爲三個標量方程: dMxdt=MyγB−MxT2 ————–2 dMydt=−

原创 Functional MRI (second edition) -- 1. An introduction to fMRI

phrenologists(顱相學家):認爲可以憑藉顱骨的突出和凹陷來判斷腦的每個功能區域的發育是否發達。 position emission tomography(PET) 與 BOLD 的區別:PET需要注射造影劑,測量的是

原创 E-prime debug

沒有SRBOX怎麼辦? SRBOX是常用的一種鍵盒,如果沒有SRBOX,在E-prime中會報錯無法找到設備。這時只需要雙擊”Experiment”名,進入”properties”,在裏面選擇”device”頁,將SRBOX

原创 Statistical Analysis of fMRI Data- 2: Basic MR Physics

longitudinal relaxation: T1, spin return to parallel state (63%) transverse Relaxation: T2, loss of phase coherenc

原创 bash 6-10

Lesson 6: If statement #!/bin/bash MYNUM=100 if [ $MYNUM -eq 200 ] then echo “MYNUM is equal to 200.” els

原创 Python 3 -Functions

# computes the area of a triangle def triangle_area(base, height):     # h

原创 Python 7 - programming tips

用“”“ ”“”來添加help文件

原创 MRI task-base Experiment

Task setting: training 6min baseline test: 看到紅色物體出現就按空格,用於測試被試的反應速度。 (test用synscope寫成)大約20min (2 blocks * 100 tri