原创 Everyday OOP Tasks in

Recently,I'm reading the <Ruby Way> book.Some people said that the book is

原创 Thread in Ruby(1)

Thread is a very important concept in every computer language,for example i

原创 Rails Query Cache Context Plugin

There is a simple query cache in Rails. When you use find method to query a

原创 Add the changing message in your java code

When you are developing a java project,you maybe want to log the history of

原创 執行mvn hibernate3:hbm2ddl


原创 Declarative caching for AppEngine

I really hate when my source files are bloated with lines and lines of code

原创 Change your netbeans configuration

This method was wrote by dcaoyuan in one of his blogs.Open the nbrubyide.co

原创 AspectR

The concept of aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is an interesting one. In

原创 An interesting helper of Rails

"pluralize" is a very insteresting helper of Rails,but it may be not very u

原创 Migration

1、Generate migrations l         You can use the “ruby script/generate model model-name” command to generate model and t

原创 Google App Engine中使用JDO增強的問題

開始學習Google App Engine了, 在學習過程中發現一個問題,就是使用JDO的POJO沒有被自動增強。這個在Google的文檔中已經很清楚

原创 The append_features method of Module

In the same way that the class could include some singleton methods,the Mod

原创 ActiveRecord

1.         Table and class By default,Active Record assumes that the name of the table is the plural form of the name

原创 Eclipse啓動參數

-showlocation -vm "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javaw.exe" -vmargs -Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX

原创 在防火牆之後使用Maven訪問Repository
