原创 1. 準備開張了

作者:nccb 原帖地址:http://sinepost.wordpress.com   1. Ready to Launch This blog will primarily be about mathematics and compu

原创 4.使用模運算來實現世界的捲動

4.Teaching The World To Wrap: using modular arithmetric to make the world wrap around This post is about wrapping coord

原创 13.理論知識:向量

13.Theory: Vectors This post is a bit of theory about vectors, ready for more work onour bus scenario. 這篇帖子介紹一點關於向量的理論,

原创 5.The Mean Streak: visualising the calculation of the mean.

This post is about visualising the calculation of the mean (aka the average). An average is a useful way of summarising

原创 9. 實現類似星球大戰遊戲風格的漂移

9.Catch My Drift: a post about implementing asteroids-style drifting This post is about implementing drifting movement

原创 6.通過加速度來實現跳躍和下落.

6.What Goes Up Must Come Down: implementation falling and jumping through acceleration. This post is about making thing

原创 8.Looking Too Hard for Patterns: a post about finding spurious patterns

Today, March 14th, is Pi Day. In celebration, this post is related to the film Pi. Check out the retro style of his co

原创 14.像巴士一樣行駛:在位置基礎上添加摩擦力

14.Driving – Like A Bus: Adding friction based on location, and that differs sideways to forwards. This post is about a

原创 20.機器人逃犯:在網格中射擊

20.Robotic Outlaws: Shooting on a grid Recently, we’ve seen how to find your way around a grid, and how to draw a line

原创 3. 使用反正切來圍繞某個位置轉向

3.They’ve got atan, You Want atan2: using inverse tangent to turn towards a location This post is about turning towards

原创 19.繪製一條直線:在繪製直線時決定去填充哪些像素

19.Drawing in a Straight Line: Deciding which pixels to fill when drawing a line On paper, drawing a straight line betw

原创 15.理論知識:直線

15.Theory: Lines This post is a bit of background on lines, which we’ll be using in the next post to finish offour bus

原创 11.巴士停不下來:使用固定或按比例方式實現減速

11.The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down: implementing braking using fixed or proportional slow-down This post is about two d

原创 2. 使用正弦和餘弦來朝着某個角度移動

2. Sine on the Dotted Line: using sine and cosine to move at an angle This post is about moving at a given angle, or: w

原创 18.尋找你周圍的道路:在設有障礙物的網格中尋路

18.Finding Your Way Around: Pathfinding on a grid with obstacles In the last post we saw about distances with horizont