原创 Eclipse and Java heap space (plus .dll)!!!

I got this problem "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" a lot and search a lot these days, just because there

原创 some practice with django (still before the real world appears..)

It is hard for beginner to add packages to python. I really did not know where they could be found. http://docs.pytho

原创 JUnit Test Infected: Programmers Love Writing Tests (zz)

did not get time to read much. keep it here for later reading! == http://junit.sourceforge.net/doc/testinfected/testi

原创 Merge several pdf files together in Latex!!!

  /documentclass{article} /usepackage{pdfpages} /begin{document} /includepdfmerge{summary.pdf,-} /includepdfmerge{me.pd

原创 Read the value of a cookie in Jmeter

Just found that there is one property of Jmeter that I can set so as to get the value of a cookie. The following is fr

原创 Latex: put two separate figures horizontally (not sub figure)

/begin{figure}[h] /begin{minipage}[t]{0.45/linewidth} /centering /includegraphics[width=/textwidth]{name_of_picture1.ep

原创 Latex's subfigure

Tried so hard to merge several figures into one, as required by a reviewer. This should be a easy task if all the figur