原创 get the header content from some website, in java

just help one friend for writing some java code to access the meta data of the header of some website's response:   ===

原创 java layout

javax.swing.BoxLayout    ===================   java.awt.GridLayout      import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; p

原创 The errors I got before seeing the acutal django cms page...

After going through this tutorial (http://docs.django-cms.org/en/2.2/getting_started/tutorial.html), before seeing the

原创 VirtualBox shared folder setup

As I always forgot how to do it, now let me write it down. == Host machine is Windows. Guest machine is Ubuntu (very o

原创 update manifest.mf of a jar file

The command is: jar umf pathinfo.txt test.jar The option used is "umf", test.jar is an existing jar file, which is cre

原创 instead of WIN7, switch to Ubuntu...

Since I decided to try django, I found it is so hard to make the work done... In the beginning, I did not get big prob

原创 Some solutions for simple errors/exceptions when setting up Spring

== When setting up a simple Spring project that maps object from/to Json: A simple GET request received a 406 error fr

原创 Basic jpa and hibernate concepts

== SessionFactory vs EntityManagerFactory SessionFactory: Hibernate interface EntityManagerFactory: JPA standard interf

原创 db trace

set autotrace on stats; set autotrace trace stat;

原创 android:id and id are not same...

You need to be careful when defining the xml elements of layout. In the layout, mostly I specified the id by "android:

原创 xampp's mysql

I want to try drupal again locally. This artical gives good introduction for the installation: http://drupal.org/node/3

原创 Install postgres in my old ubuntu system

Install postgres in my old ubuntu system: 12.04 (precise) (based on the introduction at http://www.postgresql.org/downl

原创 Errors I got in django cms configurating process

Just want to find some templates to use in django cms, then I  downloaded "django-cms-themes pluggable app", followed

原创 pdf creation in unix

Just (just!) learn from my advisor... so tu am I... In Unix: 1, just make a ".tex" file, e.g., "my.tex"; 2, use comman

原创 install Apache web server on Ubuntu!

What I need is just a simple web server that can serve light load request. Just had a google, and found a good video fo