原创 Windows下查看Linux的共享文件

Ubuntu 下配置samba實現文件夾共享 一. Install the samba: sudo apt-get insall sambasudo apt-get install smbfs 二. Create the share

原创 grep summary

It’s often convenient to use the grep command to search header files for particular definitions and func-tion prototype

原创 Shell 重定向Redirection的應用

Other useful command: 1.       nm –list symbols from object files 2.       ar crv libfoo.a bill.o foo.o gcc –o hello he

原创 String data type: printf & cout output differently

Why is the output string irrecognizable by printf(%s)?   for example:   #include <iostream>using namespace std;int main

原创 Ubuntu terminal maximum setting

When you want to open the terminal maximum in Unbuntu, execute the following command: # sudo vi /usr/share/vte/termcap

原创 Debug 'The System cannot Execute the specified program' message

If you have a program from other friends,but when you try to open it , it says "The System cannot Execute the specified

原创 Vi learning

1. Vim --Linux IDE-some of usually shortcut if you go through the source code.   % 跳轉到配對的括號去 [[ 跳轉到代碼塊的開頭去(但要求代碼塊中'{'必

原创 gcc compile option -D -U

You can use the gcc compile option -D -U to compile the soure code debug toggle: such as: /* hello.c */ #include <stdi

原创 Awk print the process ID

Take the specify pidName to get the  correspondings Pid in /proc: And redirect to the PidFile in current directory.   p

原创 Delete the .svn directory recursively

Command:   Use the following command to delete the .svn or other file or directory recursively: #find . -type d -name "

原创 Fork and exit process

Int fork(): One process can create another process that is child process through fork(). fork() is called once but retu

原创 Shell中管道Pipes的運用

You can connect processes using the pipe operator ( | ). In Linux, unlike in MS-DOS, processes connected by pipes can r

原创 Return value about System("command")

System函數: 是由fork、execve和waitpid三個系統調用實現的。例如執行:system("ls /tm") --返回值爲256 所以如果execve出錯,則直接調用_exit(256),所以變量ret的值等於256.在s

原创 Distinguish the specify code in different OS

To distinguish the OS: you can use the preprocessor: __linux__ and _WIN32 , thay sare known to the compiler. The sourc

原创 Linux: Password for '(null)' GNOME keyring

If you input the svn + path, It will be happened Password for '(null)' GNOME keyringGenerally, this situation occured i