原创 Tokenization in C++11

Want to write some new articles, depends on whether I have time or not… Will be finished within 3 months…

原创 Hanoi in Prolog

Resume Hanoi is a very popular game in acient years. Here’s an implentation of Hanoi with prolog. Code hanoi(N) :-

原创 Django hit solution

Issue You may see following information when trying to run your Django server by ./manage.py runserver in your virt

原创 Unity design share

Want to write some new articles, depends on whether I have time or not… Will be finished within 3 months…

原创 Enable rewrite in Apache

Resume This passage will introduce how to enable rewrite in Apache. a2enmod a2enmod is a command that allows us to

原创 Rewriting URL on Apache [Not finished]

Resume It’s very common to do the URL rewriting while we are developing a site. Thus, many people wants to do this

原创 Finding max & sum of a tree in Haskell with map

Resume I found an interesting algorithm to find the max and sum of a tree in Haskell using map. This algorithm is p

原创 Create a background service in Android

Resume While developing Android applications, sometimes we expect our app to have a background service for sending

原创 ORACLE Clusterware/Grid Infrastructure/RAC 12c architecture

This is an introduction of ORACLE Clusterware/GI/RAC 12c architecture… Coming soon… 點贊 1 收藏 分享 文章

原创 JavaScript closure: difference between call and apply as well as use them to create inheritance

Resume Today, in an interview, speaking of closure, the interviewer asked me about the difference between call() an

原创 Get raw DOM by AngularJS [Not finished]

$scope.itemClicked = function ($event) { $($event.currentTarget).parent().find('h4').slideToggle('fast');

原创 使用Angular Resources 封裝Rest API

使用$http直接訪問接口 $http是angular提供的http調用的基礎服務。 基本用法爲: $http(config); config對象主要包含對諸如請求地址url,請求方法method,查詢參數參數param.以及po

原创 Strongly/Weekly typed, Explicitly/Implicitly typed and Dynamic/Static type

Preview 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 Voyager3 發佈了72 篇原創文章 · 獲贊 14 · 訪問量 6萬+ 私信

原创 Difference between prototype and this in JavaScript

Resume When I’m studying JavaScript, I got a little bit confused while I first time look at function.prototype(Here

原创 Git errors

Resume Errors and solutions in Git. Errors pre-receive hook declined ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-rec