原创 How to call a closure that is a class variable?

Answer from StackOverflow In PHP, methods and properties are in a separate namespace (you can have a method and a p

原创 Get all the coordinates of listed banks from Google Maps with Python 3

Resume Last week, my girl friend was writing her financial paper. She needs a data called Headquarter to sub branch

原创 JavaScript closure: compare with Java

Resume Closure in JavaScript provides us an opportunity to make our codes clearer and Object Oriented. Actually I c

原创 Learning Arduino in 1 hour[Preview]

Resume It has been a long time that I wanna write an article for Arduino. So, let’s rock n roll. Introduction Ardu

原创 吐槽一下測評網的筆試居然只支持 Python 2,害我在 input 上面搞了好久

from random import random def getNumber(lst): mn = min(lst) notIn = [] swift = 0 for i in range(len

原创 C++11 - Rvalue reference

Preview 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 Voyager3 發佈了72 篇原創文章 · 獲贊 14 · 訪問量 6萬+ 私信

原创 NGINX Configuration file [Not finished yet]

Summary This is an introduction to NGINX configuration file. For NGINX installed by brew, you may find out nginx.conf

原创 搭建Ubuntu下的Node.js和Pomelo開發環境(三)—— 聊天室例程及Cocos Creator客戶端


原创 Find ORACLE logs

Basic variables for installation:a. $GI_BASE, $GI_HOME, $GI_USERb. $ORACLE_BASE, $ORACLE_HOME, $ORACLE_USERc. $ORACLE_I

原创 Quick steps to remove nodes from cluster

Summary This passage will leads you to remove nodes in cluster. This passage is specified to remove admin managed RAC D

原创 Django hit <Error loading MySQLdb module> solution

Issue You may see following information when trying to run your Django server by ./manage.py runserver in your virtuale

原创 Remove ASMLib on OEL7

Summary This passage guides you to remove ASMLib on OEL7. This passage is based on Oracle & 18.1.1. Oracel Ent

原创 Install and Run MongoDB

Summary This is a short tuto to lead you install Mongo DB on your platform. OS X Install and Run MongoDB by Downloading

原创 Forking and executing process

Summary This passage tells you how to fork a child process and execute another command in child process on Linux. Thoug

原创 Quick tutorial to configure Oracle Restart without ASM

Summary This quick tutorial leads you to create Oracle Restart wihout ASM and listener. $ORACLE_HOME in this passage is