原创 Convert Oracle Restart to Cluster

Summary This passage is based on Oracle & 18.1.1. Log down information Use srvctl config database -db <DB_UNI

原创 Create NFS server and mount on client on Linux

Summary This is a quick tutorial that guides you to create NFS server and mount it on your client. Install required pac

原创 Convert Single Instance DB to RAC DB using rconfig

Summary This passage will lead you convert Single Instance DB to RAC DB. This passage is based on Oracle & 18.

原创 Frequent hit problems of Django on Linux

Summary This is a collection page of frequent hit problems of Django on Linux. The version of Python is 3.5.2. Problems

原创 Response File generation

Summary This is a brief introduction to my Response File generator. The generator is named rspg stands for response fil

原创 Adding new nodes to GI

Summary This passage is based on Oracle & 18.1.1. Precheck Same OS (including version) CPU are same architect

原创 Using NFS with ASM

Using NFS with ASM Both ASM and NFS individually provide shared storage for use with RAC installations, but the two tec


FIRST集 FIRST(A)爲A的開始符或者首符號集。 定義: 設G=(VT,VN,S,P)是上下文無關文法 ,FIRST(α)={a|α能推導出aβ,a∈VT,α,β∈V*}    特別的,若α能推導出ε,則規定ε∈FIRST(α)

原创 Upgrade Solaris X64 with Oracle Support

Summary This passage leads you to upgrade your Solaris to latest SRU. This passage is based on upgrade from Oracle Sola

原创 C++ 技術文章庫

C++ 11/14 新特性 標題及鏈接 來源 評分 備註 右值引用與轉移語義 IBM ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 精確傳遞說得很通俗易懂。 Lambda Expression MSDN ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 介紹了[&]/[=]的用法,介紹了 C+

原创 Make ORACLE ACFS quick actions

Summary This is a quick tutorial to make an ACFS disk. ACFS is a file system developed by ORACLE. ACFS is managed by AS