原创 Doctype and charset : standard of HTML--Head first into HTML

HTML use DOCTYPE to tell the browser which version of HTML they're using. In the older version of HTML, it's like this

原创 Axes--D3 Interactive Data Visualization for the web

D3's axes are actually functions whose parameters you define.  when an axis function is called, it doesn't return a va

原创 div and span in HTML and CSS

<div>  means divide page into logical sections or groupings. What is a logical section: It's just a group of elements

原创 Link in the HTML--Head first into HTML

1. Link <a href="path"> content  </a> <a> element to create a hypertext link to another web page. The content of the

原创 video element in HTML

1.   <video controls autoplay width="512 height="288" src="video/tweetsip.mp4"> </video> Add more video formats to t

原创 Python internals: Symbol tables, part 2

點擊打開鏈接  Eli Bendersky's website  About Code Archives Python internals: Symbol tables, part 2  September

原创 More than you ever wanted to know about GeoJSON

點擊打開鏈接 關於GeoJason很好的介紹文章 Let's look at GeoJSON in a little more depth, from the ground up. Understanding these co

原创 Fear

似乎內心有很多的恐懼,害怕沒有工作,害怕被人judge,害怕沒人愛,害怕傷害到他人,害怕孤獨,害怕家庭,害怕嫁不掉..... 爲什麼要害怕?害怕的情緒哪裏來的? 看到蛇,我們會感到害怕,因爲它們很可能會傷到我們。看到狗,會害

原创 two great articles about THIS in Javascript

點擊打開鏈接Tom Hicks Some of this 11 AUG 2014 Bjorn Tipling wrote an interesting article about the this ke

原创 Thinking with Joins

點擊打開鏈接  February 5, 2012Mike Bostock Thinking with Joins Say you’re making a basic scatterplot using D3, and you n

原创 D3 scales and colors

By Jerome Cukier 點擊打開鏈接 Scales: the main idea scales transform a number in a certain interval( called domain) into a

原创 40 Key Computer Science Concepts Explained In Layman’s Terms

http://carlcheo.com/compsci To make learning more fun and interesting, here’s a list of important computer science

原创 Order of evaluation

expression[ ik-spresh-uhn]  noun 1. the act of expressing or setting forth in words: the free expression of polit

原创 編譯 鏈接 --轉自阮一峯

點擊打開鏈接 阮一峯的網絡日誌 » 首頁 » 檔案 上一篇:JavaScript  下一篇:數據可視化:基本圖表  分類:   理解計算機 編譯器的工作過程