原创 Numerical Analysis : Several Interpolation Methods

[This is actually my project report for my Numerical Analysis course this semester] * Cubic Spline Algorithm applicatio

原创 Volume Rendering using CUDA – Basic framework

nVidia Tesla architecture GPU + CUDA + OpenGL(FBO mapped to CUDA) is probably the best solution framework for Volume Re

原创 Dynamic Cube-Mapping

Static cube mapping is only several vector calculation in GPU at runtime. But dynamic cube mapping is different. The ty

原创 “Physically based Rendering” first round done

I found it has been exactly one year since I got this book from Amazon, by checking my mark on its cover - Mar. 29 2010

原创 My renderer update – Tone Mapping (Global Op.)

I tried Tone-mapping a little bit. The first try I took is the simple “Spatially Varying Nonlinear Scale ” which is a g

原创 My implementation of “Lightcuts”(CPU version) – got 100% speed-up

My CPU version(C/C++) of Lightcuts (http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1073318) has been done right now. It rocks, i

原创 Dragon Book reading notes 1

This note is on the intro. and lexical parts.Since I studied my compiler course pretty well (I think), the first 2 chap

原创 Geometry clustering using K-Means algorithm

Geometry clustering is usually useful when an object is supposed to be represented by bill-boards, which is a common te

原创 "Algorithms" by S. D., C.H. P., and U.V. V., recommended

As a CS lover, I guess you must have read CLRS, maybe 2nd version, or even 3rd version. Unless you are a Math fan, you

原创 'Professional Assembly Language' is a nice book about Intel_AT&T

"Professional Assembly Language" is a very nice beginner text about Intel/AT&T ASM. It offers a very broad view of the

原创 A belated enlightment on [Lacawell06JGT]

About one year ago I did a project on Bill-Board Cloud (http://blog.csdn.net/saintony/archive/2010/04/28/5541052.aspx),

原创 TortoiseSVN SSH Tunnel Setup

1. Setup SSH client parameter for TortoiseSVN   Right click on the blank of the folder, go to TortoiseSVN->Settings->Ne

原创 CLRS 2nd Round - reading notes 1

I TOTALLY skipped Maths part of CLRS in this 2nd round. You know what, I can finish nearly 100 pages per day, for the f

原创 《編程之美》(The beauty of Programming) Reading notes

First round of this book has just been finished. It is a wonderful book. It focuses on teaching readers how to analyze

原创 VTK rocks

The primary visualization tool for my Scientific Visualization course this semester is VTK. I would say it is really a