原创 sendmail postfix dovecot iptables and mutt

# sendmail config 1. /etc/mail/access 2. /etc/mail/local-host-name 3. /etc/mail/sendmail.mc    # comment out l

原创 mount .file system

#mount -a check /etc/fstab#mkdir -p /abc/sfs/ad   recursly mkdir#mount -o nosuid,noatime /mnt#fuser /mntcheck who is usi

原创 Service availability managment

The Availability Manager / Service Availability Manager need to have a set of roles defined in the organization:Infrastr

原创 IBM AIX system

http://ibmsystemsmag.blogs.com/aixchange/lpar/ Assuming I have my facts right (I borrowed them from the presentation, p

原创 VMware Infrastructure 3 with VMware VirtualCenter Management Server 2

VMware improved storage integration with support for high-end fibre channel SANs and sharing of virtual machine storag

原创 Manage major incident -crisis management

define major incident measure business impact create communication strategy creat a crisis management team with primary

原创 ITIL-release management

implentation of hardware and software releases,the release is going to be defined by the RFC, so the releaes management

原创 printer configure with rpcclient

# rpcclient scao1l01 -U root      ( it is samba root user) #rpcclient $> enumprinters   ### list printers queue installe

原创 Artifact shell for APAR

# (date;rpm -qa)>"`hostname -s`_`date +%Y%m%d`.log" this would help to generate a log file with format like : hkfs01_200

原创 sendmail

nslookup set q=mxexample to ensure the mail server is readyadd MX to example.com.zone and 192.168.1.zonerndc reloadensur

原创 *** on Cloud instance (AWS&GCP)

How to setup open *** on AWS.A. Create a default VPC B. Use the link to create *** server via cloud formation of AWS

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原创 user admin

#sg                    ---- change group#gpasswd groupname     ----create group passwd in /etc/gshadow#useradd [option]

原创 useful command

history grepdiff find /  -cmin -60  --check c time last 60 minsstrace lspci   --trace commandstrace -p pid  --trace proc

原创 APAR upgrade

#rpm -Fvh --repackage fire* check if the system installed original fire* packages before install it, this avoid install