原创 把事情做對,遠不如做對的事


原创 attention機制介紹,易懂

  以下文字轉自網址: https://towardsdatascience.com/attn-illustrated-attention-5ec4ad276ee3#0458 Attn: Illustrated Attention At

原创 Understanding LSTM and its diagrams

the Pic is from the following site: https://medium.com/mlreview/understanding-lstm-and-its-diagrams-37e2f46f1714   

原创 理解一致性

最近看到知乎文章關於“無偏性”和“一致性 ”的解釋,覺得寫得很好。轉載一下。- 叄晟的文章 - 知乎 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/66658725 無偏性:這個定義設定的目的在於判斷統計量在每次試驗中的取值對

原创 Typing bold symbols in math blocks in Typora|(在typora中輸入加黑數學符號)

In Typora, sometimes u would like to type bold math letters, which are symbols of a vector or a matrix. You can follow

原创 Difference between accuracy and precision

accuracy:準確 precision:精確   Accuracy and precision are two important factors to consider when taking data measurements.

原创 將字符型分類變量數據轉換爲數字格式

假設我們有如下dataframe,名字爲student_weight: ordered_height = ['Short', 'Medium', 'Tall']#定義順序,這裏是這個次序可以對應,0:short;1,:Medium;2:

原创 Difference Between Labor and Human Capital

When talking about production function, you should have  clear delimitation of "labour" and "human capital". The follow

原创 工具變量法(instrumental variable method)


原创 關於keras 中輸出模型網絡圖的說明-how to plot the lstm model graph and save it to a file

在keras中,可以通過Model visualization模塊進行作圖。以下是來自keras文檔的說明。 Model visualization Keras provides utility functions to plot a K

原创 lstm模型的5個步驟

the 5 steps in the LSTM model life-cycle in Keras that we are going to look at. Define Network Compile Network Fit Netw

原创 Multiple Input and Output Models in keras

Multiple Input and Output Models The functional API can also be used to develop more complex models with multiple input

原创 Introduction of moving block bootstrap (MBB)algorithm

Because we can not use usual bootstrap sampling method to get subsamples from time series dataset, then the MBB was

原创 函數的上確界和下确界

The Supremum and Infimum of a Function