原创 貓頭鷹的深夜翻譯:開發者必須瞭解的分支發佈模型

前沿 本文只會聚焦於分支發佈策略,不會涉及任何的項目細節。 爲什麼選擇Git 想要深入瞭解Git和中心化代碼版本管理系統的優缺點比較,可以在網上自行查詢,這個話題一直爭論不休。作爲一個開發者,我更傾向於使用Git。Git確實改變了開發者對代

原创 leetcode421. Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array

題目要求 Given a non-empty array of numbers, a0, a1, a2, … , an-1, where 0 ≤ ai< 231. Find the maximum result of ai XOR aj,

原创 初探Logback:學會看懂Logback配置文件

前言 在現如今的應用中,日誌已經成爲了一個非常重要的工具。通過系統打印的日誌,可以監測系統的運行情況,排查系統錯誤的原因。日誌從最早期的System.out.print到如今各種成熟的框架,使得日誌打印更加規範化和清晰化。尤其是SLF4J的

原创 leetcode472. Concatenated Words

題目要求 Given a list of words (without duplicates), please write a program that returns all concatenated words in the given

原创 leetcode501. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree

題目要求 Given a binary search tree (BST) with duplicates, find all the mode(s) (the most frequently occurred element) in th

原创 leetcode473. Matchsticks to Square

題目要求 Remember the story of Little Match Girl? By now, you know exactly what matchsticks the little match girl has, pleas

原创 leetcode427. Construct Quad Tree

題目要求 We want to use quad trees to store an N x N boolean grid. Each cell in the grid can only be true or false. The root

原创 leetcode493. Reverse Pairs

題目要求 Given an array nums , we call(i, j)an important reverse pair if i < j andnums[i] > 2*nums[j]. You need to return th

原创 leetcode454. 4Sum II

題目要求 Given four lists A, B, C, D of integer values, compute how many tuples`(i, j, k, l)`there are such that`A[i] + B[j]

原创 leetcode446. Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence

題目要求 A sequence of numbers is called arithmetic if it consists of at least three elements and if the difference between

原创 深入探尋JAVA8 part2:淺談幾個內置的函數式接口

前情提要 深入探尋JAVA8 part1:函數式編程與Lambda表達式 看此文前,不熟悉函數式編程和Lambda表達式的可以先看一下上文回憶一下。 本文將會簡單介紹Java8中內置的一些函數式接口 回顧函數式接口 函數式接口就是隻定義一個

原创 leetcode491. Increasing Subsequences

題目要求 Given an integer array, your task is to find all the different possible increasing subsequences of the given array,

原创 leetcode352. Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals

題目要求 Given a data stream input of non-negative integers a1, a2, ..., an, ..., summarize the numbers seen so far as a lis

原创 leetcode479. Largest Palindrome Product

題目要求 Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two n-digit numbers. Since the result could be very large, yo

原创 leetcode478. Generate Random Point in a Circle

題目要求 Given the radius and x-y positions of the center of a circle, write a function randPoint which generates a uniform