原创 Yum Pending Transaction

I need to clean yum pending or unfinished transactions before our installer start to work, otherwise the yum update or y

原创 Offline package Installation II

Now, let's practice what we have learned from series I. For example, I want to create a self-contained k8s cluster insta

原创 BASH Pipeline Demo

This blog reformats and builds on top of this stackoverflow topic. Big thanks to rahmu and people contributed. Problem L

原创 Versioning Large File in Git

I want to introduce you Git LFS, it is a command line extension and specification for managing large files with Git. LFS

原创 Commonly Used Code Snippets

This blog collects the commonly used code snippets based on my daily work, also do summary from related stackoverflow to

原创 tar Command Daily Work Summary

# This article used to record tar usage I learned in my daily work # Insert latest update at the top of the logs # ###

原创 SSH and SCP Daily Work Summary

# This article used to record ssh and scp usage I learned in my daily work # Insert latest update at the top of the lo

原创 Kubectx and Kubens

I want to introduce you two useful tools for kubernetes development, github link with detail. Note: this is not an offi

原创 Set Up K8s Cluster by Kubeadm

This article mainly talks about setting up k8s cluster by kubeadm manually, I will continue to update once new version r

原创 強制刪除Statefulset及其中Pod

在工作中遇到了statefulset不能正常刪除的問題,命令一直掛起不能執行得到結果,比如: kubectl delete statefulset is-en-conductor [root@opsft-lb-1 OpenShift] o

原创 Mac 命令行中的複製粘貼

平時工作主要使用命令行,在Mac中也提供了相應的複製粘貼的命令,這樣省去了很多操作鼠標的時間 參考:http://osxdaily.com/2007/03/05/manipulating-the-clipboard-from-the-co