原创 Majority Element [LeetCode 169]

Description Given an array of size n, find the majority element. The majority element is the element that appears

原创 Unity 3d 學習筆記

如何應用左手法則決定視圖,應用 Field of view 設置場景大小。 1.場景視圖的右上角是場景Gizmo,這個顯示場景相機的當前方向,並允許你迅速修改視圖角度,Unity中默認是左手法則視圖。 2.選中Main Cam

原创 [LeetCode 14] Longest Common Prefix

Longest Common PrefixDescriptionExampleSolutionSummary [Problem Link] Description Write a function to find the long

原创 TPC-H linux下生成數據表

1. 下載TPC-H http://www.tpc.org/tpc_documents_current_versions/current_specifications.asp 2. 解壓源文件 解壓後文件夾內有一個DBGE

原创 Freedom Trail [LeetCode 514]

Description In the video game Fallout 4, the quest “Road to Freedom” requires players to reach a metal dial called

原创 24 game [LeetCode 679]

Description You have 4 cards each containing a number from 1 to 9. You need to judge whether they could operated t

原创 編譯原理作業1、2

Exercise 1.1 Question 1 In this course, we will try to develop a compiler. I find it hard to develop a compiler,

原创 通過trainingset的單詞訓練出一個模型,並用於預測出任意一個單詞的重音位置。

實驗報告 實驗環境 Eclipse;JDK1.8 實驗內容 設計一個基於命令行界面的計算個人所得稅(工資、薪金所得)應用程序,根據用戶輸入的當月工資薪金總額計算應繳納的個人所得稅額。 爲適應未來個人所得稅法的可能變化(歷史上曾

原创 unity_3d基礎知識

Unity 3D基礎知識 解釋對象與資源的區別與聯繫,根據官方案例,分別總結資源和對象組織的規則/規律。 資源(Asset)是硬盤中的文件,存儲在Unity工程的Assets文件夾內。例如,紋理(Texture),材質(Mat

原创 [LeetCode 6] ZigZag Conversion

ZigZag ConversionDescriptionExampleSolution 1Solution 2Summary [Problem Link] Description The string “PAYPALISHIRING”

原创 [LeetCode 7] Reverse Integer

Reverse IntegerDescriptionExampleSolutionSummary [Problem Link] Description Given a 32-bit signed integer, reverse di

原创 [LeetCode 9] Palindrome Number

Palindrome NumberDescriptionExampleSolution 1Solution 2Summary [Problem Link] Description Determine whether an intege

原创 [LeetCode 8] String to Integer (atoi)

String to IntegerDescriptionExampleSolutionSummary [Problem Link] Description Implement atoi which converts a string

原创 [LeetCode 2] Add Two Numbers

Add Two NumbersDescriptionExampleSolution 1Solution 2Summary [Problem Link] Description You are given two non-empty l

原创 [LeetCode 3] Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Add Two NumbersDescriptionExampleSolution 1Solution 2Summary [Problem Link] Description Given a string, find the leng