原创 WIN7 進程解釋彙總


原创 Sharepoint 2010:如何定製Master page精華帖整合

最近要對Sharepoint 2010改變樣式和母版頁,在網上花了很多時間蒐集資料研究,多是國外網站: http://www.thesharepointblog.net/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?List=815f255

原创 Sharepoint 2010:如何在Master page引用jQuery

1. 以管理員的身份登錄網站,進入Site Actions>Site settings>Site Adimistration>Site libraries and lists>Customize "Style Library" ,找到存放

原创 system.runtime.interopservices.sehexception external component has thrown an exception

system.runtime.interopservices.SEHexception :external component has thrown

原创 < telerik:GridEditCommandColumn/> and imagebutton hover

When i change the styles for Telerik, i want the imagebutton used in < telerik:GridEditCommandColumn/> and <telerik:Gri

原创 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007與Windows SharePoint Services 3.0的區別(WSS V3和MOSS2007的區別 )

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 :用於信息管理的 Microsoft Office 服務器集成套件,簡稱爲:MOSS2007; Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

原创 win7中的快捷鍵

一、功能型快捷鍵 F1:顯示幫助窗口 F2:更改當前選擇項的名稱 F3:打開高級搜索窗口 F4:在資源管理器或IE中顯示地址欄下拉菜單 F5:刷新當前活動窗口或桌面 F6:在當前活動窗口的各個區塊之間切換 F10;顯示當前窗口的菜單項並用

原创 數據庫連接字符串有什麼區別?

data source=;initial catalog=;uid=;pwd=; SERVER=;DATABASE=;UID=;PWD=;

原创 sharepoint 2010:如何修改search box的樣式

方法一,使用jQuery修改search box的icon 1.sharepoint 2010的master page上,search box是使用DelegateControl來生成的,      <div id="s4-search

原创 Custom Mater Page with MOSS

1. 按照 http://www.thesharepointblog.net/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?List=815f255a-d0ef-4258-be2a-28487dc9975c&ID=42 http://sha

原创 unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPsite' to type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb'

ERROR:unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPsite' to type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb' during deploy MO

原创 How to synhronize source files with Visual Studio for team work

Not only will the control system track changes you make to files version by version, but it will also let you work with

原创 SharePoint 2010 suddenly occures: 404 - File or directory not found

問題描述: 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed

原创 How to run Visual Studio 2010 as administrator- by default

Sometimes, we need to develop with running VS 2010 as administrator, you can make this behaviour automatic by setting t

原创 WIN7 快捷鍵

一、功能型快捷鍵 F1:顯示幫助窗口 F2:更改當前選擇項的名稱 F3:打開高級搜索窗口 F4:在資源管理器或IE中顯示地址欄下拉菜單 F5:刷新當前活動窗口或桌面 F6:在當前活動窗口的各個區塊之間切換 F10;顯示當前窗口的菜單項並用