原创 Android Sqlite Example

In this example, we are adding a lable on button click and displaying all the added labels on the spinner. As you have

原创 Default transanction isolation level in PHP for Firebird

I was hunting some problem in PHP application and thanks to Trace API in Firebird I found terrible default value in P

原创 D3.js Sankey diagrams with the OpenSpending API

This post is cross-posted from the PBS Idea Lab Blog. OpenSpending has a built-in set of visualizations – bubble char

原创 Difference Between Class.ForName() And ClassLoader.LoadClass() Methods In Java

This is one of the most frequently asked questions in Java interviews. This question describes how deeply you know abo

原创 Struts2 Interceptors

Web.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"        x

原创 Machine learning and Data Mining - Association Analysis with Python

Recently I've been working with recommender systems and association analysis.  This last one, specially, is one of the

原创 Replace Conditional with Polymorphism

You have a conditional that chooses different behavior depending on the type of an object. Move each leg of the condi

原创 time for standards

MySQL 5.6 includes support for microsecode timestamp resolution, which is a great new feature.To get the current times

原创 GridLayout——android style

In a recent series of articles, we covered he basic layout types supported by Android. Since those articles were wr

原创 JQuery Show Session Timeout message before session expires in asp.net

Introduction:  In this article I will explain how to show session timeout message before session expires or redirect to

原创 Type Inference vs. Static/Dynamic Typing

Jeff Atwood just wrote a nice piece on why type inference is convenient, using a C# sample: I was absolutely thrill

原创 Create a Flipping Awesome 3D Gallery with jQuery Flipping Gallery

Today, I would like to show you another jQuery plugin of mine called Flipping Gallery that will let you add a simpl

原创 Logging with MySQL

I was reading a post by Dathan Vance Pattishall titled "Cassandra is my NoSQL solution but..". In the post, Dathan ex

原创 Pass CSV string as parameter to your SQL Server stored procedure

Below is an example procedure showing a way to pass a csv string to a stored procedure in SQL Server. In this case, I n

原创 How to use a SQL Server database with your PHP web site

Intended audience: Web developers who are not familiar with SQL Server, yet want to learn how to use a SQL Server data