原创 copa擁塞控制仿真

 copa [1] is a congestion control algorithm propsed by MIT, targeting for low latency. It was implemented in mvfst[

原创 coupled congestion control for multipath transmission

The reasons to develop coupled congestion control have been proposed in [1] Goal 1 (Improve Throughput) A multipat

原创 bandwidth configuration for video communication

 這裏蒐集一些關於實時視頻傳輸的帶寬需求的數據。數據來源不一,說法各異。實時視頻傳輸的一個主要應用場景就是網絡電話(微信電話,QQ視頻)。  實時貓的視頻通信帶寬要求(15fps): 分辨率 總像素數(kilopixel)

原创 Poisson point processes-泊松點過程代碼

 在矩形中,產生符合泊松分佈的點,代碼實現參考[1]。 possion_point_rectangle.py import random import time import numpy as np import matplot

原创 tcp throughput trace dataset

 目前關於TCP在實際網絡中的吞吐量情況,基本可以說缺乏數據支撐。而關於網絡研究的論文,則是層出不窮。Nearly all of them are done with some fucking ridiculous assumpt

原创 段路由的不相交路徑求解

 記錄下關於論文的理解,論文讀的一知半解的。  在段路由中,段和段之間依然遵循最短路徑的原則。在不存在段路由的情況下,forw(x→y)forw(x\rightarrow y)forw(x→y)=SP(x,y)。在段路由存在的情況

原创 Evaluate Elastic-TCP congestion control on ns3

 Congestion management is a fundamental problem in networking because the way to achieve cost-effective and scalabl

原创 The last sermon on congestion control-關於擁塞控制研究的勸退文

 In my opinion, BBR [1] is the last solution in congestion control area. Even the origin version of BBR also bring

原创 westwood擁塞控制仿真

 The congestion window adjust rule of westwood is[1]: w←{w+1wWhen an ack is receivedw−(w−B⋅rttmin)When packet loss 

原创 harmonic mean-調和平均數

 調和平均數的公式[1]: H=n1x1+1x2+1x3+...+1xn H=\frac{n}{\frac{1}{x_1}+\frac{1}{x_2}+\frac{1}{x_3}+...+\frac{1}{x_n}} H=x1​1

原创 The traffic control module in ns3.26 contains some bug

 Today, I update my possion traffic generator[1] in ns3. Durung the test, I do not disable the traffic module, whic

原创 一個在ns3平臺基於UDP協議實現的擁塞控制仿真框架


原创 Evaluate multipath balia congestion control on ns3

 The dumbbell topology in [1] is used for to evaluate balia performance on ns3. n0--L0--n2--L1--n3--L2--n4 n1--L3--

原创 Evaluate multipath olia congestion control algorithm on ns3

The dumbbell topology in [1] is used for to evaluate olia [2] performance on ns3. n0--L0--n2--L1--n3--L2--n4 n1--L3

原创 Evaluation multipath weswood congestion control on ns3

 A coupled form westwood congestion cotrol algorithm is proposed in [1], in order to gain better performance in wir