原创 爲什麼Rails4放棄了對Gemfile中“assets”組的支持 - Why did Rails4 drop support for “assets” group in the Gemfile

問題: In Rails 3, gems used exclusively to generate assets in the asset pipeline were properly placed in the assets grou

原创 C++ 自動& vs 自動 - C++ auto& vs auto

問題: When creating local variables, is it correct to use (const) auto& or auto ?創建局部變量時,使用(const) auto&或auto是否正確? eg:例如

原创 FCM 獲取 MismatchSenderId - FCM getting MismatchSenderId

問題: I have an application that uses Google FCM for sending push notifications.我有一個使用 Google FCM 發送推送通知的應用程序。 When i se

原创 演員表<int>列出<string>在 .NET 2.0 中 - Cast List<int> to List<string> in .NET 2.0

問題: Can you cast a List<int> to List<string> somehow?你能以某種方式將List<int>爲List<string>嗎? I know I could loop through and

原创 Can PNG image transparency be preserved when using PHP's GDlib imagecopyresampled?

問題: The following PHP code snippet uses GD to resize a browser-uploaded PNG to 128x128. 以下PHP代碼段使用GD將瀏覽器上傳的PNG調整爲128x1

原创 關閉Hg分支機構 - Closing Hg Branches

問題: When using hg branch FeatureBranchName and publishing it to a central repo that is shared amongst developers, is t

原创 訓練期間nans的常見原因 - Common causes of nans during training

問題: I've noticed that a frequent occurrence during training is NAN s being introduced.我注意到在訓練期間經常發生的是NAN被引入。 Often tim

原创 何時調用C ++析構函數? - When is a C++ destructor called?

問題: Basic Question: when does a program call a class' destructor method in C++? 基本問題:程序何時在C ++中調用類的析構函數方法? I have been

原创 在 C++20 之前將 malloc 用於 int 未定義行爲 - Is using malloc for int undefined behavior until C++20

問題: I was told that the following code has undefined behavior until C++20:有人告訴我,以下代碼在 C++20 之前具有未定義的行爲: int *p = (int*)

原创 如何從 Android Marshmallow 中的服務請求權限 - How to request permissions from a Service in Android Marshmallow

問題: In Android Marshmallow, permissions should be requested at runtime when they are needed, instead of all at once whe

原创 給定程序使用什麼端口? [關閉] - What port is a given program using? [closed]

問題: I want to be able to figure out what port a particular program is using. 我希望能夠找出特定程序正在使用的端口。 Are there any program

原创 JavaScript:一個字符在字符串中出現多少次? - JavaScript: How many times a character occurs in a string?

問題: 有沒有一種簡單的方法來檢查字符在字符串中出現的次數? 解決方案:參考: https://stackoom.com/en/question/CBLK

原创 如何在 HTML 表格中使用 colspan 和 rowspan? - How do you use colspan and rowspan in HTML tables?

問題: I don't know how to merge rows and columns inside HTML tables.我不知道如何合併 HTML 表格中的行和列。 Can you please help me with

原创 使用 firebug 打印整個程序的函數日誌/堆棧跟蹤 - Print function log /stack trace for entire program using firebug

問題: Firebug has the ability to log calls to a particular function name. Firebug 能夠記錄對特定函數名稱的調用。 I'm looking for a bug t

原创 Ruby中chr()的反義詞是什麼? - What's the opposite of chr() in Ruby?

問題: In many languages there's a pair of functions, chr() and ord() , which convert between numbers and character value