原创 如何區分 GitHub 中的兩個分支? - How can I diff two branches in GitHub?

問題: I am just wondering if there is a way to simply diff two branches in GitHub?我只是想知道是否有一種方法可以簡單地比較 GitHub 中的兩個分支? I k

原创 在 matplotlib 中反轉 imshow 顯示的圖像 - Invert image displayed by imshow in matplotlib

問題: I wanted the imshow() function in matplotlib.pyplot to display images the opposite way, ie upside down.我希望matplotli

原创 Android Lollipop, AppCompat ActionBar custom view doesn't take up whole screen width

問題: So, I just updated my codebase to Lollipop, and I'm having issues with the Action Bar. 所以,我剛剛將我的代碼庫更新爲Lollipop,而且我

原创 Why does select SCOPE_IDENTITY() return a decimal instead of an integer?

問題: So I have a table with an identity column as the primary key, so it is an integer.所以我有一個以標識列作爲主鍵的表,所以它是一個整數。 So, wh

原创 !!~(不是波浪號/bang bang 波浪號)如何改變“包含/包含”數組方法調用的結果?

問題: If you read the comments at the jQuery inArray page here , there's an interesting declaration:如果您在這裏閱讀 jQuery inArr

原创 Java在構造函數中初始化一個int數組 - Java Initialize an int array in a constructor

問題: I have a class and in that class I have this:我有一堂課,在那堂課上我有這個: //some code private int[] data = new int[3]; //som

原创 Haskell Prelude 中的“const”有什麼意義? - What's the point of 'const' in the Haskell Prelude?

問題: Looking through the Haskell Prelude, I see a function const :查看 Haskell Prelude,我看到了一個函數const : const x _ = x I c

原创 我可以在不使用Composer的情況下安裝Laravel嗎? - Can I Install Laravel without using Composer?

問題: I'd like to know if I can install or use the Laravel PHP framework on any web server without using Composer (PHP p

原创 java:使用StringBuilder在開頭插入 - java: use StringBuilder to insert at the beginning

問題: I could only do this with String, for example:我只能用字符串來做到這一點,例如: String str=""; for(int i=0;i<100;i++){ str=i+st

原创 使用iPhone 6 / iOS 8讀取NFC標籤 - Reading NFC Tags with iPhone 6 / iOS 8

問題: Now that Apple just announced the iPhone 6 will have an NFC chip, does anyone know if iOS 8 will enable reading/de

原创 ios使用HTTP POST上傳圖像和文本 - ios Upload Image and Text using HTTP POST

問題: Thanks for reading. 謝謝閱讀。 I am new to iOS and I am trying to upload an Image and a text using multi-part form en

原创 How can I find all hard coded strings in my project in Android Studio

問題: I need to find and extract all hard coded strings in my project in Android Studio (beta) 0.84.我需要在 Android Studio (

原创 Java曾經有過Pair類嗎? [重複] - Didn't Java once have a Pair class? [duplicate]

問題: This question already has an answer here: 這個問題在這裏已有答案: A Java collection of value pairs? 價值對的Java集合? (tuples?)

原创 如何使 textarea 成爲 ACE 編輯器? - How do I make a textarea an ACE editor?

問題: I'd like to be able to convert specific textareas on a page to be ACE editors.我希望能夠將頁面上的特定文本區域轉換爲 ACE 編輯器。 Does an

原创 git commit error: pathspec 'commit' did not match any file(s) known to git

問題: I am trying to upload a Ruby app to Heroku.我正在嘗試將 Ruby 應用程序上傳到 Heroku。 I start with git init and then I type git ad