Error Handling with Exceptions【5】

The restriction on exceptions does not apply to constructors. You can see in StormyInning that a constructor can throw anything it wants, regardless of what the base-class constructor throws. However, since a base-class constructor must always be called one way or another (here, the default constructor is called automatically), the derived-class constructor must declare any base-class constructor exceptions in its exception specification. Note that a derived-class constructor cannot catch exceptions thrown by its base-class constructor.


The reason StormyInning.walk( ) will not compile is that it throws an exception, but Inning.walk( ) does not. If this were allowed, then you could write code that called Inning.walk( ) and that didn’t have to handle any exceptions, but then when you substituted an object of a class derived from Inning, exceptions would be thrown so your code would break. By forcing the derived-class methods to conform to the exception specifications of the base-class methods, substitutability of objects is maintained.


The overridden event( ) method shows that a derived-class version of a method may choose not to throw any exceptions, even if the base-class version does. Again, this is fine since it doesn’t break any code that is written—assuming the base-class version throws exceptions. Similar logic applies to atBat( ), which throws PopFoul, an exception that is derived from Foul thrown by the base-class version of atBat( ). This way, if you write code that works with Inning and calls atBat( ), you must catch the Foul exception. Since PopFoul is derived from Foul, the exception handler will also catch PopFoul.


The last point of interest is in main( ). Here, you can see that if you’re dealing with exactly a StormyInning object, the compiler forces you to catch only the exceptions that are specific to that class, but if you upcast to the base type, then the compiler (correctly) forces you to catch the exceptions for the base type. All these constraints produce much more robust exception-handling code


It’s useful to realize that although exception specifications are enforced by the compiler during inheritance, the exception specifications are not part of the type of a method, which comprises only the method name and argument types. Therefore, you cannot overload methods based on exception specifications. In addition, just because an exception specification exists in a base-class version of a method doesn’t mean that it must exist in the derived-class version of the method. This is quite different from inheritance rules, where a method in the base class must also exist in the derived class. Put another way, the “exception specification interface” for a particular method may narrow during inheritance and overriding, but it may not widen—this is precisely the opposite of the rule for the class interface during inheritance.



When writing code with exceptions, it’s particularly important that you always ask “If an exception occurs, will this be properly cleaned up?” Most of the time you’re fairly safe, but in constructors there’s a problem. The constructor puts the object into a safe starting state, but it might perform some operation—such as opening a file—that doesn’t get cleaned up until the user is finished with the object and calls a special cleanup method. If you throw an exception from inside a constructor, these cleanup behaviors might not occur properly. This means that you must be especially diligent while you write your constructor.


Since you’ve just learned about finally, you might think that it is the correct solution. But it’s not quite that simple, because finally performs the cleanup code every time, even in the situations in which you don’t want the cleanup code executed until the cleanup method runs. Thus, if you do perform cleanup in finally, you must set some kind of flag when the constructor finishes normally so that you don’t do anything in the finally block if the flag is set. Because this isn’t particularly elegant (you are coupling your code from one place to another), it’s best if you try to avoid performing this kind of cleanup in finally unless you are forced to.


In the following example, a class called InputFile is created that opens a file and allows you to read it one line (converted into a String) at a time. It uses the classes FileReader and BufferedReader from the Java standard I/O library that will be discussed in Chapter 12, but which are simple enough that you probably won’t have any trouble understanding their basic use:



// Paying attention to exceptions in constructors.

import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;



class InputFile {

  private BufferedReader in;

  public InputFile(String fname) throws Exception {

    try {

      in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fname));

      // Other code that might throw exceptions

    } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {

      System.err.println("Could not open " + fname);

      // Wasn't open, so don't close it

      throw e;

    } catch(Exception e) {

      // All other exceptions must close it

      try {


      } catch(IOException e2) {

        System.err.println("in.close() unsuccessful");


      throw e; // Rethrow

    } finally {

      // Don't close it here!!!



  public String getLine() {

    String s;

    try {

      s = in.readLine();

    } catch(IOException e) {

      throw new RuntimeException("readLine() failed");


    return s;


  public void dispose() {

    try {


      System.out.println("dispose() successful");

    } catch(IOException e2) {

      throw new RuntimeException("in.close() failed");






public class Cleanup {

  private static Test monitor = new Test();

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    try {

      InputFile in = new InputFile("");

      String s;

      int i = 1;

      while((s = in.getLine()) != null)

        ; // Perform line-by-line processing here...


    } catch(Exception e) {

      System.err.println("Caught Exception in main");



    monitor.expect(new String[] {

      "dispose() successful"




The constructor for InputFile takes a String argument, which is the name of the file you want to open. Inside a try block, it creates a FileReader using the file name. A FileReader isn’t particularly useful until you turn around and use it to create a BufferedReader that you can actually talk to—notice that one of the benefits of InputFile is that it combines these two actions.


If the FileReader constructor is unsuccessful, it throws a FileNotFoundException, which must be caught separately. This is the one case in which you don’t want to close the file, because it wasn’t successfully opened. Any other catch clauses must close the file because it was opened by the time those catch clauses are entered. (Of course, this is trickier if more than one method can throw a FileNotFoundException. In that case, you might want to break things into several try blocks.) The close( ) method might throw an exception so it is tried and caught even though it’s within the block of another catch clause—it’s just another pair of curly braces to the Java compiler. After performing local operations, the exception is rethrown, which is appropriate because this constructor failed, and you wouldn’t want the calling method to assume that the object had been properly created and was valid.


In this example, which doesn’t use the aforementioned flagging technique, the finally clause is definitely not the place to close( ) the file, since that would close it every time the constructor completed. Because we want the file to be open for the useful lifetime of the InputFile object, this would not be appropriate.


The getLine( ) method returns a String containing the next line in the file. It calls readLine( ), which can throw an exception, but that exception is caught so getLine( ) doesn’t throw any exceptions. One of the design issues with exceptions is whether to handle an exception completely at this level, to handle it partially and pass the same exception (or a different one) on, or whether to simply pass it on. Passing it on, when appropriate, can certainly simplify coding. In this situation, the getLine( ) method converts the exception to a RuntimeException to indicate a programming error.


The dispose( ) method must be called by the user when finished using the InputFile object. This will release the system resources (such as file handles) that are used by the BufferedReader and/or FileReader objects. You don’t want to do this until you’re finished with the InputFile object, at the point you’re going to let it go. You might think of putting such functionality into a finalize( ) method, but as mentioned in Chapter 4, you can’t always be sure that finalize( ) will be called (even if you can be sure that it will be called, you don’t know when). This is one of the downsides to Java; All cleanup—other than memory cleanup—doesn’t happen automatically, so you must inform the client programmer that they are responsible, and possibly guarantee that cleanup occurs using finalize( ).


In an InputFile is created to open the same source file that creates the program, the file is read in a line at a time, and line numbers are added. All exceptions are caught generically in main( ), although you could choose greater granularity.


One of the benefits of this example is to show you why exceptions are introduced at this point in the book—there are many libraries (like I/O, mentioned earlier) that you can’t use without dealing with exceptions. Exceptions are so integral to programming in Java, especially because the compiler enforces them, that you can accomplish only so much without knowing how to work with them.


Exception matching

When an exception is thrown, the exception handling system looks through the “nearest” handlers in the order they are written. When it finds a match, the exception is considered handled, and no further searching occurs.


Matching an exception doesn’t require a perfect match between the exception and its handler. A derived-class object will match a handler for the base class, as shown in this example:



// Catching exception hierarchies.

import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;


class Annoyance extends Exception {}

class Sneeze extends Annoyance {}


public class Human {

  private static Test monitor = new Test();

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    try {

      throw new Sneeze();

    } catch(Sneeze s) {

      System.err.println("Caught Sneeze");

    } catch(Annoyance a) {

      System.err.println("Caught Annoyance");


    monitor.expect(new String[] {

      "Caught Sneeze"





The Sneeze exception will be caught by the first catch clause that it matches, which is the first one, of course. However, if you remove the first catch clause, leaving only:


    try {

      throw new Sneeze();

    } catch(Annoyance a) {

      System.err.println("Caught Annoyance");


the code will still work because it’s catching the base class of Sneeze. Put another way, catch(Annoyance e) will catch an Annoyance or any class derived from it. This is useful because if you decide to add more derived exceptions to a method, then the client programmer’s code will not need changing as long as the client catches the base class exceptions.


If you try to “mask” the derived-class exceptions by putting the base-class catch clause first, like this:


    try {

      throw new Sneeze();

    } catch(Annoyance a) {

      System.err.println("Caught Annoyance");

    } catch(Sneeze s) {

      System.err.println("Caught Sneeze");



the compiler will give you an error message, since it sees that the Sneeze catch-clause can never be reached.


Alternative approaches

An exception-handling system is a trap door that allows your program to abandon execution of the normal sequence of statements. The trap door is used when an “exceptional condition” occurs, such that normal execution is no longer possible or desirable. Exceptions represent conditions that the current method is unable to handle. The reason exception handling systems were developed is because the approach of dealing with each possible error condition produced by each function call was too onerous, and programmers simply weren’t doing it. As a result, they were ignoring the errors. It’s worth observing that the issue of programmer convenience in handling errors was a prime motivation for exceptions in the first place.


One of the important guidelines in exception handling is “don’t catch an exception unless you know what to do with it.” In fact, one of the important goals of exception handling is to move the error-handling code away from the point where the errors occur. This allows you to focus on what you want to accomplish in one section of your code, and how you’re going to deal with problems in a distinct separate section of your code. As a result, your mainline code is not cluttered with error-handling logic, and it’s much easier to understand and maintain.


Checked exceptions complicate this scenario a bit, because they force you to add catch clauses in places where you may not be ready to handle an error. This results in the “harmful if swallowed” problem:

Checked exceptions使得程序複雜了一些,因爲要求即使你沒準備好捕獲錯誤異常,也強制你增加catch語句,那麼這麼異常可能被私吞了。

try {

  // ... to do something useful

} catch(ObligatoryException e) {} // Gulp!

Programmers (myself included, in the first edition of this book) would just do the simplest thing, and swallow the exception—often unintentionally, but once you do it, the compiler has been satisfied, so unless you remember to revisit and correct the code, the exception will be lost. The exception happens, but it vanishes completely when swallowed. Because the compiler forces you to write code right away to handle the exception, this seems like the easiest solution even though it’s probably the worst thing you can do.


Horrified upon realizing that I had done this, in the second edition I “fixed” the problem by printing the stack trace inside the handler (as is still seen—appropriately—in a number of examples in this chapter). While this is useful to trace the behavior of exceptions, it still indicates that you don’t really know what to do with the exception at that point in your code. In this section we’ll look at some of the issues and complications arising from checked exceptions, and options that you have when dealing with them.

當我意識到我犯了一個錯誤的時候我嚇了一大跳,在第二個版本中我在異常處理程序中打印堆棧的軌跡來修復了這個問題,本章中還是有很多的例子採用了這個辦法這是很合理的,它可以很好的記錄異常發生的行爲軌跡,但是你可能還是不知道應該如何處理這個異常。在本小節中你可以來看看checked exception所帶來的併發症以及問題,以及通過什麼方法來解決這個問題。

This topic seems simple. But it is not only complicated, it is also an issue of some volatility. There are people who are staunchly rooted on either side of the fence and who feel that the correct answer (theirs) is blatantly obvious. I believe the reason for one of these positions is the distinct benefit seen in going from a poorly-typed language like pre-ANSI C to a strong, statically-typed language (that is, checked at compile-time) like C++ or Java. When you make that transition (as I did), the benefits are so dramatic that it can seem like strong static type checking is always the best answer to most problems. My hope is to relate a little bit of my own evolution, that has brought the absolute value of strong static type checking into question; clearly, it’s very helpful much of the time, but there’s a fuzzy line we cross when it begins to get in the way and become a hindrance (one of my favorite quotes is: “All models are wrong. Some are useful.”).



Exception handling originated in systems like PL/1 and Mesa, and later appeared in CLU, Smalltalk, Modula-3, Ada, Eiffel, C++, Python, Java, and the post-Java languages Ruby and C#. The Java design is similar to C++, except in places where the Java designers felt that the C++ design caused problems.

To provide programmers with a framework that they were more likely to use for error handling and recovery, exception handling was added to C++ rather late in the standardization process, promoted by Bjarne Stroustrup, the language’s original author. The model for C++ exceptions came primarily from CLU. However, other languages existed at that time that also supported exception handling: Ada, Smalltalk (both of which had exceptions but no exception specifications) and Modula-3 (which included both exceptions and specifications).

In their seminal paper[44] on the subject, Liskov and Snyder note that a major defect of languages like C that report errors in a transient fashion is that:

“...every invocation must be followed by a conditional test to determine what the outcome was. This requirement leads to programs that are difficult to read, and probably inefficient as well, thus discouraging programmers from signaling and handling exceptions.”

Note that one of the original motivations of exception handling was to prevent this requirement, but with checked exceptions in Java we commonly see exactly this kind of code. They go on to say:

“...requiring that the text of a handler be attached to the invocation that raises the exception would lead to unreadable programs in which expressions were broken up with handlers.”

Following the CLU approach when designing C++ exceptions, Stroustrup stated that the goal was to reduce the amount of code required to recover from errors. I believe that he was observing that programmers were typically not writing error-handling code in C because the amount and placement of such code was daunting and distracting. As a result, they were used to doing it the C way, ignoring errors in code and using debuggers to track down problems. To use exceptions, these C programmers had to be convinced to write “additional” code that they weren’t normally writing. Thus, to draw them into a better way of handling errors, the amount of code they would need to “add” must not be onerous. I think it’s important to keep this goal in mind when looking at the effects of checked exceptions in Java.

C++ brought an additional idea over from CLU: the exception specification, to programmatically state in the method signature what exceptions may result from calling that method. The exception specification really has two purposes. It can say “I’m originating this exception in my code, you handle it.” But it can also mean “I’m ignoring this exception that can occur as a result of my code, you handle it.” We’ve been focusing on the “you handle it” part when looking at the mechanics and syntax of exceptions, but here I’m particularly interested in the fact that often we ignore exceptions and that’s what the exception specification can state.

In C++ the exception specification is not part of the type information of a function. The only compile-time checking is to ensure that exception specifications are used consistently; for example, if a function or method throws exceptions, then the overloaded or derived versions must also throw those exceptions. Unlike Java, however, no compile-time checking occurs to determine whether or not the function or method will actually throw that exception, or whether the exception specification is complete (that is, whether it accurately describes all exceptions that may be thrown). That validation does happen, but only at run time. If an exception is thrown that violates the exception specification, the C++ program will call the standard library function unexpected( ).

It is interesting to note that, because of the use of templates, exception specifications are not used at all in the standard C++ library. Exception specifications, then, may have a significant impact on the design of Java generics (Java’s version of C++ templates, expected to appear in JDK 1.5).


First, it’s worth noting that Java effectively invented the checked exception (clearly inspired by C++ exception specifications and the fact that C++ programmers typically don’t bother with them). It has been an experiment, which no language since has chosen to duplicate.

Secondly, checked exceptions appear to be an obvious good thing when seen in introductory examples and in small programs. It has been suggested that the subtle difficulties begin to appear when programs start to get large. Of course, largeness usually doesn’t happen overnight; it creeps. Languages that may not be suited for large-scale projects are used for small projects that grow, and at some point we realize that things have gone from manageable to difficult. This is what I’m suggesting may be the case with too much type checking; in particular, with checked exceptions.

The scale of the program seems to be a significant issue. This is a problem because most discussions tend to use small programs as demonstrations. One of the C# designers observed that:

“Examination of small programs leads to the conclusion that requiring exception specifications could both enhance developer productivity and enhance code quality, but experience with large software projects suggests a different result—decreased productivity and little or no increase in code quality.” [45]

In reference to uncaught exceptions, the CLU creators stated:

“We felt it was unrealistic to require the programmer to provide handlers in situations where no meaningful action can be taken.” [46]

When explaining why a function declaration with no specification means that it can throw any exception, rather than no exceptions, Stroustrup states:

“However, that would require exception specifications for essentially every function, would be a significant cause for recompilation, and would inhibit cooperation with software written in other languages. This would encourage programmers to subvert the exception-handling mechanisms and to write spurious code to suppress exceptions. It would provide a false sense of security to people who failed to notice the exception.” [47]

We see this very behavior—subverting the exceptions—happening with checked exceptions in Java.

Martin Fowler (author of UML Distilled, Refactoring, and Analysis Patterns) wrote the following to me:

“...on the whole I think that exceptions are good, but Java checked exceptions are more trouble than they are worth.”

I now think that Java’s important step was to unify the error reporting model, so that all errors are reported using exceptions. This wasn’t happening with C++, because for backward compatibility with C the old model of just ignoring errors was still available. But if you have consistent reporting with exceptions, then the exceptions can be used if desired, and if not, they will propagate out to the highest level (the console or other container program). When Java changed the C++ model so that exceptions were the only way to report errors, the extra enforcement of checked exceptions may have become less necessary.

In the past, I have been a strong believer that both checked exceptions and strong static type checking were essential to robust program development. However, both anecdotal and direct experience[48] with languages that are more dynamic than static have lead me to think that the great benefits actually come from:

  1. A unified error-reporting model via exceptions, regardless of whether the programmer is forced by the compiler to handle them.
  2. Type checking, regardless of when it takes place. That is, as long as proper use of a type is enforced, it doesn’t matter if it happens at compile time or run time.

On top of this, there are very significant productivity benefits to reducing the compile-time constraints upon the programmer. Indeed, reflection (and eventually, generics) is required to compensate for the over-constraining nature of strong static typing, as you shall see in the next chapter and in a number of examples throughout the book.

I’ve already been told by some that what I say here constitutes blasphemy, and by uttering these words my reputation will be destroyed, civilizations will fall, and a higher percentage of programming projects will fail. The belief that the compiler can save your project by pointing out errors at compile time runs strong, but it’s even more important to realize the limitation of what the compiler is able to do; in Chapter 15, I emphasize the value of an automated build process and unit testing, which give you far more leverage than you get by trying to turn everything into a syntax error. It’s worth keeping in mind that:

A good programming language is one that helps programmers write good programs. No programming language will prevent its users from writing bad programs.[49]

In any event, the likelihood of checked exceptions ever being removed from Java seems dim. It would be too radical of a language change, and proponents within Sun appear to be quite strong. Sun has a history and policy of absolute backwards compatibility—to give you a sense of this, virtually all Sun software runs on all Sun hardware, no matter how old. However, if you find that some checked exceptions are getting in your way, or especially if you find yourself being forced to catch exceptions, but you don’t know what to do with them, there are some alternatives.

Passing exceptions to the console

In simple programs, like many of those in this book, the easiest way to preserve the exceptions without writing a lot of code is to pass them out of main( ) to the console. For example, if you want to open a file for reading (something you’ll learn about in detail in Chapter 12), you must open and close a FileInputStream, which throws exceptions. For a simple program, you can do this (you’ll see this approach used in numerous places throughout this book):





public class MainException {

  // Pass all exceptions to the console:

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // Open the file:

    FileInputStream file =

      new FileInputStream("");

    // Use the file ...

    // Close the file:



} ///:~


Note that main( ) is also a method that may have an exception specification, and here the type of exception is Exception, the root class of all checked exceptions. By passing it out to the console, you are relieved from writing try-catch clauses within the body of main( ). (Unfortunately, file I/O is significantly more complex than it would appear to be from this example, so don’t get too excited until after you’ve read Chapter 12).


Converting checked to unchecked exceptions

Throwing an exception from main( ) is convenient when you’re writing a main( ), but not generally useful. The real problem is when you are writing an ordinary method body, and you call another method and realize “I have no idea what to do with this exception here, but I don’t want to swallow it or print some banal message.” With JDK 1.4 chained exceptions, a new and simple solution prevents itself. You simply “wrap” a checked exception inside a RuntimeException, like this:

當你在寫main()方法的時候,在該方法中拋出異常是很簡單的,但是一般講沒有太大的用處,當你書寫代碼的時候遇到的問題就是,你會調用一個其它的方法並且意識到如果這裏發生異常的話我不知道該怎麼做,但是我不想私吞這個異常,也不想打印出一些通俗的錯誤信息。在JDK1.4中一個新的簡單的方法解決了,你直接把checked exception放到RuntimeException中去,像下面這樣:

try {

  // ... to do something useful

} catch(IDontKnowWhatToDoWithThisCheckedException e) {

  throw new RuntimeException(e);



This seems to be an ideal solution if you want to “turn off” the checked exception—you don’t swallow it, and you don’t have to put it in your method’s exception specification, but because of exception chaining you don’t lose any information from the original exception.

如果你想把checked exception關閉的話看起來像是個不錯的辦法,不會私吞異常,也不必把它放到方法的異常說明裏面,因爲異常鏈你也不會丟失任何原始異常的信息。

This technique provides the option to ignore the exception and let it bubble up the call stack without being required to write try-catch clauses and/or exception specifications. However, you may still catch and handle the specific exception by using getCause( ), as seen here:



// "Turning off" Checked exceptions.

import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;



class WrapCheckedException {

  void throwRuntimeException(int type) {

    try {

      switch(type) {

        case 0: throw new FileNotFoundException();

        case 1: throw new IOException();

        case 2: throw new RuntimeException("Where am I?");

        default: return;


    } catch(Exception e) { // Adapt to unchecked:

      throw new RuntimeException(e);





class SomeOtherException extends Exception {}


public class TurnOffChecking {

  private static Test monitor = new Test();

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    WrapCheckedException wce = new WrapCheckedException();

    // You can call f() without a try block, and let

    // RuntimeExceptions go out of the method:


    // Or you can choose to catch exceptions:

    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

      try {

        if(i < 3)



          throw new SomeOtherException();

      } catch(SomeOtherException e) {

          System.out.println("SomeOtherException: " + e);

      } catch(RuntimeException re) {

        try {

          throw re.getCause();

        } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {


            "FileNotFoundException: " + e);

        } catch(IOException e) {

          System.out.println("IOException: " + e);

        } catch(Throwable e) {

          System.out.println("Throwable: " + e);



    monitor.expect(new String[] {

      "FileNotFoundException: " +



      "Throwable: java.lang.RuntimeException: Where am I?",

      "SomeOtherException: SomeOtherException"



} ///:~


WrapCheckedException.throwRuntimeException( ) contains code that generates different types of exceptions. These are caught and wrapped inside RuntimeException objects, so they become the “cause” of those exceptions.

In TurnOffChecking, you can see that it’s possible to call throwRuntimeException( ) with no try block because the method does not throw any checked exceptions. However, when you’re ready to catch exceptions, you still have the ability to catch any exception you want by putting your code inside a try block. You start by catching all the exceptions you explicitly know might emerge from the code in your try block—in this case, SomeOtherException is caught first. Lastly, you catch RuntimeException and throw the result of getCause( ) (the wrapped exception). This extracts the originating exceptions, which can then be handled in their own catch clauses.

The technique of wrapping a checked exception in a RuntimeException will be used when appropriate throughout the rest of this book.
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