Error Handling with Exceptions【2】

The keyword throw causes a number of relatively magical things to happen. Typically, you’ll first use new to create an object that represents the error condition. You give the resulting reference to throw. The object is, in effect, “returned” from the method, even though that object type isn’t normally what the method is designed to return. A simplistic way to think about exception handling is as a different kind of return mechanism, although you get into trouble if you take that analogy too far. You can also exit from ordinary scopes by throwing an exception. But a value is returned, and the method or scope exits.

Throw關鍵詞引發了一系列相關的事情,典型的,你首先會用new方法創建一個對象來描述異常的條件,將這個對象給了throw方法。這個方法會返回這個對象,儘管它的類型不是這個方法設計所返回的類型。一種簡單的方式來看“異常處理程序”就是一種不同返回類型的機制,但是這種機制不要走的太遠否則就麻煩了,你也可以在一段順序執行的區域採用throw 一個異常來退出程序。但是返回結果,退出了方法或者作用域。

Any similarity to an ordinary return from a method ends here, because where you return is someplace completely different from where you return for a normal method call. (You end up in an appropriate exception handler that might be far—many levels away on the call stack—from where the exception was thrown.)


In addition, you can throw any type of Throwable (the exception root class) object that you want. Typically, you’ll throw a different class of exception for each different type of error. The information about the error is represented both inside the exception object and implicitly in the name of the exception class, so someone in the bigger context can figure out what to do with your exception. (Often, the only information is the type of exception, and nothing meaningful is stored within the exception object.)


Catching an exception

If a method throws an exception, it must assume that exception will be “caught” and dealt with. One of the advantages of exception handling is that it allows you to concentrate on the problem you’re trying to solve in one place, and then deal with the errors from that code in another place.


To see how an exception is caught, you must first understand the concept of a guarded region. This is a section of code that might produce exceptions and is followed by the code to handle those exceptions.


The try block

If you’re inside a method and you throw an exception (or another method you call within this method throws an exception), that method will exit in the process of throwing. If you don’t want a throw to exit the method, you can set up a special block within that method to capture the exception. This is called the try block because you “try” your various method calls there. The try block is an ordinary scope preceded by the keyword try:


try {

  // Code that might generate exceptions


If you were checking for errors carefully in a programming language that didn’t support exception handling, you’d have to surround every method call with setup and error testing code, even if you call the same method several times. With exception handling, you put everything in a try block and capture all the exceptions in one place. This means your code is much easier to write and read because the goal of the code is not confused with the error checking.

你必須爲了不支持異常處理程序的語言仔細的檢查錯誤信息,你必須在每個方法周圍寫很多測試錯誤的代碼,甚至你調用一個方法很多次。而有了異常處理程序之後,你把所有的程序放置到Try Block,再把捕獲異常信息的代碼放到一個位置。這將使得你的代碼書寫更加簡單,這樣的話你的邏輯代碼和錯誤檢查代碼就不會很複雜的交織在一起。

Exception handlers

Of course, the thrown exception must end up someplace. This “place” is the exception handler, and there’s one for every exception type you want to catch. Exception handlers immediately follow the try block and are denoted by the keyword catch:

當然,拋出異常也必須在某些位置結束。而這個位置就是“異常處理程序”,這裏你可以書寫你希望捕獲的所有類型的異常信息。異常處理程序緊緊跟隨Try Block區並且以關鍵詞Catch來標識。

try {

  // Code that might generate exceptions

} catch(Type1 id1) {

  // Handle exceptions of Type1

} catch(Type2 id2) {

  // Handle exceptions of Type2

} catch(Type3 id3) {

  // Handle exceptions of Type3



// etc...

Each catch clause (exception handler) is like a little method that takes one and only one argument of a particular type. The identifier (id1, id2, and so on) can be used inside the handler, just like a method argument. Sometimes you never use the identifier because the type of the exception gives you enough information to deal with the exception, but the identifier must still be there.


The handlers must appear directly after the try block. If an exception is thrown, the exception handling mechanism goes hunting for the first handler with an argument that matches the type of the exception. Then it enters that catch clause, and the exception is considered handled. The search for handlers stops once the catch clause is finished. Only the matching catch clause executes; it’s not like a switch statement in which you need a break after each case to prevent the remaining ones from executing.

異常處理模塊必須直接出現在Try Block區之後。如果拋出了一個異常信息,那麼異常處理機制會搜索第一個參數與異常類型匹配的處理程序。然後進入異常處理語句,這個異常就被認爲得到了處理。當異常處理結束的時候搜索匹配的程序也就停止了。只有匹配的異常處理部分得到執行。它不像是switch語句還需要在每個case中使用break來阻止剩餘部分繼續執行。

Note that within the try block, a number of different method calls might generate the same exception, but you need only one handler.

需要說明的是在Try block,不同的方法可能會產生一個同樣的異常信息,但是我們只需要處理一個就足夠了。

Termination vs. resumption

There are two basic models in exception handling theory. In termination (which is what Java and C++ support), you assume that the error is so critical that there’s no way to get back to where the exception occurred. Whoever threw the exception decided that there was no way to salvage the situation, and they don’t want to come back.


The alternative is called resumption. It means that the exception handler is expected to do something to rectify the situation, and then the faulting method is retried, presuming success the second time. If you want resumption, it means you still hope to continue execution after the exception is handled. In this case, your exception is more like a method call—which is how you should set up situations in Java in which you want resumption-like behavior. (That is, don’t throw an exception; call a method that fixes the problem.) Alternatively, place your try block inside a while loop that keeps reentering the try block until the result is satisfactory.


還有一種辦法將你的try block區在得到滿意的結果之前一直進入try block區。

Historically, programmers using operating systems that supported resumptive exception handling eventually ended up using termination-like code and skipping resumption. So although resumption sounds attractive at first, it isn’t quite so useful in practice. The dominant reason is probably the coupling that results; your handler must often be aware of where the exception is thrown, and contain nongeneric code specific to the throwing location. This makes the code difficult to write and maintain, especially for large systems where the exception can be generated from many points.


Creating your own exceptions

You’re not stuck using the existing Java exceptions. The JDK exception hierarchy can’t foresee all the errors you might want to report, so you can create your own to denote a special problem that your library might encounter.


To create your own exception class, you must inherit from an existing exception class, preferably one that is close in meaning to your new exception (although this is often not possible). The most trivial way to create a new type of exception is just to let the compiler create the default constructor for you, so it requires almost no code at all:


import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;


class SimpleException extends Exception {}


public class SimpleExceptionDemo {

  private static Test monitor = new Test();

  public void f() throws SimpleException {

    System.out.println("Throw SimpleException from f()");

    throw new SimpleException();


  public static void main(String[] args) {

    SimpleExceptionDemo sed = new SimpleExceptionDemo();

    try {


    } catch(SimpleException e) {

      System.err.println("Caught it!");


    monitor.expect(new String[] {

      "Throw SimpleException from f()",

      "Caught it!"





The compiler creates a default constructor, which automatically (and invisibly) calls the base-class default constructor. Of course, in this case you don’t get a SimpleException(String) constructor, but in practice that isn’t used much. As you’ll see, the most important thing about an exception is the class name, so most of the time an exception like the one shown here is satisfactory.


Here, the result is printed to the console standard error stream by writing to System.err. This is usually a better place to send error information than System.out, which may be redirected. If you send output to System.err, it will not be redirected along with System.out so the user is more likely to notice it.

在這裏System.err會把錯誤信息打印到控制檯的standard error stream。這比將錯誤信息發送到System.out要好的多,因爲後者可能會重新定向。如果你發送錯誤消息到System.err,它就不會被重新定向,這樣就能更好的引起用戶的注意。

You can also create an exception class that has a constructor with a String argument:


import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;


class MyException extends Exception {

  public MyException() {}

  public MyException(String msg) { super(msg); }



public class FullConstructors {

  private static Test monitor = new Test();

  public static void f() throws MyException {

    System.out.println("Throwing MyException from f()");

    throw new MyException();


  public static void g() throws MyException {

    System.out.println("Throwing MyException from g()");

    throw new MyException("Originated in g()");


  public static void main(String[] args) {

    try {


    } catch(MyException e) {



    try {


    } catch(MyException e) {



    monitor.expect(new String[] {

      "Throwing MyException from f()",


      "%% /tat FullConstructors.f//(.*//)",

      "%% /tat FullConstructors.main//(.*//)",

      "Throwing MyException from g()",

      "MyException: Originated in g()",

      "%% /tat FullConstructors.g//(.*//)",

      "%% /tat FullConstructors.main//(.*//)"




The added code is small: two constructors that define the way MyException is created. In the second constructor, the base-class constructor with a String argument is explicitly invoked by using the super keyword.


In the handlers, one of the Throwable (from which Exception is inherited) methods is called: printStackTrace( ). This produces information about the sequence of methods that were called to get to the point where the exception happened. By default, the information goes to the standard error stream, but overloaded versions allow you to send the results to any other stream as well.


The process of creating your own exceptions can be taken further. You can add extra constructors and members:


import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;


class MyException2 extends Exception {

  private int x;

  public MyException2() {}

  public MyException2(String msg) { super(msg); }

  public MyException2(String msg, int x) {


    this.x = x;


  public int val() { return x; }

  public String getMessage() {

    return "Detail Message: "+ x + " "+ super.getMessage();




public class ExtraFeatures {

  private static Test monitor = new Test();

  public static void f() throws MyException2 {

    System.out.println("Throwing MyException2 from f()");

    throw new MyException2();


  public static void g() throws MyException2 {

    System.out.println("Throwing MyException2 from g()");

    throw new MyException2("Originated in g()");


  public static void h() throws MyException2 {

    System.out.println("Throwing MyException2 from h()");

    throw new MyException2("Originated in h()", 47);


  public static void main(String[] args) {

    try {


    } catch(MyException2 e) {



    try {


    } catch(MyException2 e) {



    try {


    } catch(MyException2 e) {


      System.err.println("e.val() = " + e.val());


    monitor.expect(new String[] {

      "Throwing MyException2 from f()",

      "MyException2: Detail Message: 0 null",

      "%% /tat ExtraFeatures.f//(.*//)",

      "%% /tat ExtraFeatures.main//(.*//)",

      "Throwing MyException2 from g()",

      "MyException2: Detail Message: 0 Originated in g()",

      "%% /tat ExtraFeatures.g//(.*//)",

      "%% /tat ExtraFeatures.main//(.*//)",

      "Throwing MyException2 from h()",

      "MyException2: Detail Message: 47 Originated in h()",

      "%% /tat ExtraFeatures.h//(.*//)",

      "%% /tat ExtraFeatures.main//(.*//)",

      "e.val() = 47"




A field i has been added, along with a method that reads that value and an additional constructor that sets it. In addition, Throwable.getMessage( ) has been overridden to produce a more interesting detail message. getMessage( ) is something like toString( ) for exception classes.


Since an exception is just another kind of object, you can continue this process of embellishing the power of your exception classes. Keep in mind, however, that all this dressing-up might be lost on the client programmers using your packages, since they might simply look for the exception to be thrown and nothing more. (That’s the way most of the Java library exceptions are used.)


The exception specification

In Java, you’re encouraged to inform the client programmer, who calls your method, of the exceptions that might be thrown from your method. This is civilized, because the caller can know exactly what code to write to catch all potential exceptions. Of course, if source code is available, the client programmer could hunt through and look for throw statements, but often a library doesn’t come with sources. To prevent this from being a problem, Java provides syntax (and forces you to use that syntax) to allow you to politely tell the client programmer what exceptions this method throws, so the client programmer can handle them. This is the exception specification and it’s part of the method declaration, appearing after the argument list.


The exception specification uses an additional keyword, throws, followed by a list of all the potential exception types. So your method definition might look like this:


void f() throws TooBig, TooSmall, DivZero { //... 

If you say

void f() { // ...

it means that no exceptions are thrown from the method (except for the exceptions inherited from RuntimeException, which can be thrown anywhere without exception specifications—this will be described later).


You can’t lie about an exception specification. If the code within your method causes exceptions, but your method doesn’t handle them, the compiler will detect this and tell you that you must either handle the exception or indicate with an exception specification that it may be thrown from your method. By enforcing exception specifications from top to bottom, Java guarantees that a certain level of exception correctness can be ensured at compile time.


There is one place you can lie: You can claim to throw an exception that you really don’t. The compiler takes your word for it, and forces the users of your method to treat it as if it really does throw that exception. This has the beneficial effect of being a placeholder for that exception, so you can actually start throwing the exception later without requiring changes to existing code. It’s also important for creating abstract base classes and interfaces whose derived classes or implementations may need to throw exceptions.


Exceptions that are checked and enforced at compile time are called checked exceptions.

會在編譯期間檢查並且得到處理的異常叫做checked exceptions

Catching any exception

It is possible to create a handler that catches any type of exception. You do this by catching the base-class exception type Exception (there are other types of base exceptions, but Exception is the base that’s pertinent to virtually all programming activities):

catch(Exception e) {

  System.err.println("Caught an exception");



This will catch any exception, so if you use it you’ll want to put it at the end of your list of handlers to avoid preempting any exception handlers that might otherwise follow it.


Since the Exception class is the base of all the exception classes that are important to the programmer, you don’t get much specific information about the exception, but you can call the methods that come from its base type Throwable:


String getMessage( )
String getLocalizedMessage( )
Gets the detail message, or a message adjusted for this particular locale.

String toString( )
Returns a short description of the Throwable, including the detail message if there is one.

void printStackTrace( )
void printStackTrace(PrintStream)
void printStackTrace(
Prints the Throwable and the Throwable’s call stack trace. The call stack shows the sequence of method calls that brought you to the point at which the exception was thrown. The first version prints to standard error, the second and third prints to a stream of your choice (in Chapter 12, you’ll understand why there are two types of streams).

Throwable fillInStackTrace( )
Records information within this Throwable object about the current state of the stack frames. Useful when an application is rethrowing an error or exception (more about this shortly).

In addition, you get some other methods from Throwable’s base type Object (everybody’s base type). The one that might come in handy for exceptions is getClass( ), which returns an object representing the class of this object. You can in turn query this Class object for its name with getName( ). You can also do more sophisticated things with Class objects that aren’t necessary in exception handling.


Here’s an example that shows the use of the basic Exception methods:


import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;


public class ExceptionMethods {

  private static Test monitor = new Test();

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    try {

      throw new Exception("My Exception");

    } catch(Exception e) {

      System.err.println("Caught Exception");

      System.err.println("getMessage():" + e.getMessage());

      System.err.println("getLocalizedMessage():" +


      System.err.println("toString():" + e);




    monitor.expect(new String[] {

      "Caught Exception",

      "getMessage():My Exception",

      "getLocalizedMessage():My Exception",

      "toString():java.lang.Exception: My Exception",


      "java.lang.Exception: My Exception",

      "%% /tat ExceptionMethods.main//(.*//)"




You can see that the methods provide successively more information—each is effectively a superset of the previous one.


Rethrowing an exception

Sometimes you’ll want to rethrow the exception that you just caught, particularly when you use Exception to catch any exception. Since you already have the reference to the current exception, you can simply rethrow that reference:


catch(Exception e) {

  System.err.println("An exception was thrown");

  throw e;


Rethrowing an exception causes it to go to the exception handlers in the next-higher context. Any further catch clauses for the same try block are still ignored. In addition, everything about the exception object is preserved, so the handler at the higher context that catches the specific exception type can extract all the information from that object.


If you simply rethrow the current exception, the information that you print about that exception in printStackTrace( ) will pertain to the exception’s origin, not the place where you rethrow it. If you want to install new stack trace information, you can do so by calling fillInStackTrace( ), which returns a Throwable object that it creates by stuffing the current stack information into the old exception object. Here’s what it looks like:


import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;


public class Rethrowing {

  private static Test monitor = new Test();

  public static void f() throws Exception {

    System.out.println("originating the exception in f()");

    throw new Exception("thrown from f()");


  public static void g() throws Throwable {

    try {


    } catch(Exception e) {

      System.err.println("Inside g(),e.printStackTrace()");


      throw e; //17

      //throw e.fillInStackTrace(); 18



  public static void  main(String[] args) throws Throwable {

    try {


    } catch(Exception e) {


        "Caught in main, e.printStackTrace()");



    monitor.expect(new String[] {

      "originating the exception in f()",

      "Inside g(),e.printStackTrace()",

      "java.lang.Exception: thrown from f()",

      "%% /tat Rethrowing.f(.*?)",

      "%% /tat Rethrowing.g(.*?)",

      "%% /tat Rethrowing.main(.*?)",

      "Caught in main, e.printStackTrace()",

      "java.lang.Exception: thrown from f()",

      "%% /tat Rethrowing.f(.*?)",

      "%% /tat Rethrowing.g(.*?)",

      "%% /tat Rethrowing.main(.*?)"




The important line numbers are marked as comments. With line 17 uncommented (as shown), the output is as shown, so the exception stack trace always remembers its true point of origin no matter how many times it gets rethrown.


With line 17 commented and line 18 uncommented, fillInStackTrace( ) is used instead, and the result is:


originating the exception in f()

Inside g(),e.printStackTrace()

java.lang.Exception: thrown from f()

        at Rethrowing.f(

        at Rethrowing.g(

        at Rethrowing.main(

Caught in main, e.printStackTrace()

java.lang.Exception: thrown from f()

        at Rethrowing.g(

        at Rethrowing.main(

(Plus additional complaints from the Test.expect( ) method.) Because of fillInStackTrace( ), line 18 becomes the new point of origin of the exception.


The class Throwable must appear in the exception specification for g( ) and main( ) because fillInStackTrace( ) produces a reference to a Throwable object. Since Throwable is a base class of Exception, it’s possible to get an object that’s a Throwable but not an Exception, so the handler for Exception in main( ) might miss it. To make sure everything is in order, the compiler forces an exception specification for Throwable. For example, the exception in the following program is not caught in main( ):


public class ThrowOut {

  public static void

  main(String[] args) throws Throwable {

    try {

      throw new Throwable();

    } catch(Exception e) {

      System.err.println("Caught in main()");




It’s also possible to rethrow a different exception from the one you caught. If you do this, you get a similar effect as when you use fillInStackTrace( )—the information about the original site of the exception is lost, and what you’re left with is the information pertaining to the new throw:


import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;


class OneException extends Exception {

  public OneException(String s) { super(s); }



class TwoException extends Exception {

  public TwoException(String s) { super(s); }



public class RethrowNew {

  private static Test monitor = new Test();

  public static void f() throws OneException {

    System.out.println("originating the exception in f()");

    throw new OneException("thrown from f()");


  public static void  main(String[] args) throws TwoException {

    try {


    } catch(OneException e) {


        "Caught in main, e.printStackTrace()");


      throw new TwoException("from main()");


    monitor.expect(new String[] {

      "originating the exception in f()",

      "Caught in main, e.printStackTrace()",

      "OneException: thrown from f()",

      "/tat RethrowNew.f(",

      "/tat RethrowNew.main(",

      "Exception in thread /"main/" " +

      "TwoException: from main()",

      "/tat RethrowNew.main("




The final exception knows only that it came from main( ) and not from f( ).


You never have to worry about cleaning up the previous exception, or any exceptions for that matter. They’re all heap-based objects created with new, so the garbage collector automatically cleans them all up.


Exception chaining

Often you want to catch one exception and throw another, but still keep the information about the originating exception—this is called exception chaining. Prior to JDK 1.4, programmers had to write their own code to preserve the original exception information, but now all Throwable subclasses may take a cause object in their constructor. The cause is intended to be the originating exception, and by passing it in you maintain the stack trace back to its origin, even though you’re creating and throwing a new exception at this point.


It’s interesting to note that the only Throwable subclasses that provide the cause argument in the constructor are the three fundamental exception classes Error (used by the JVM to report system errors), Exception, and RuntimeException. If you want to chain any other exception types, you do it through the initCause( ) method rather than the constructor.


Here’s an example that allows you to dynamically add fields to a DynamicFields object at run time:


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