An error was encountered while running (Domain = FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain, Code = 4)


“An error was encountered while running (Domain = FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain, Code = 4)”


When you say "my app" are you a programmer or an end user?

A user can't fix an error like that under most circumstances.

FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain code =4 error on StackOverflow suggests it is an error from cached data on the simulator (for programmers). Cleaning and restarting worked for them.

OK, you're the programmer. A lot more information is still needed to help diagnose a problem like this.

Most of the threads found from a quick search suggest it's most common on the simulator but Google Groups for RoboVM has a thread where someone mentions it on their device too.

What environment are you using - are you just using plain XCode with Cocoa or have you included other frameworks?

What versions of products - what iOS, what devices, what XCode version?

When does it crash - does the app make it out of initialising?

If you don't know how to use breakpoints in XCode, learn. An excellent tutorial on debugging app crashes in detail is

英語不好的甚是看不懂啊,但是找到紅色這幾個關鍵詞,應該是對在模擬器上對他們進行清理和重置,試了下,問題解決了。。還是有問題多去Stack OverFlow上逛逛吧

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