Unity3D圖像後處理特效——Grayscale image effect

Grayscale is a simple image effect that changes colors to grayscale by default. It can also use a Texture Ramp texture to remap luminance to arbitrary colors. 
灰度圖像特效是一種將原始顏色轉變成灰度的圖像特效。它可以使用一個Texture Ramp紋理來將亮度值重新映射到任意的顏色。

Like all image effects, Grayscale is available in Unity Pro only. Make sure to have the Pro Standard Assets installed. 
和其他圖像特效一樣,該特效只能在Unity Pro上進行使用,並且在使用之前必須安裝Pro Standard Assets。

Grayscale image effect applied to the scene

Remapping colors        重新映射顏色

Grayscale can do a simple version of color correction, i.e. remap grayscale image into arbitrary colors. This can be used for effects like heat vision. 

The process of color remapping is very similar to ColorCorrection effect: 

1.      Take a screenshot of a typical scene in your game. 

2.      Open it in Photoshop and convert to grayscale. 

3.      Color correct it using the Image->Adjustments->Curves. 

4.      Save the .acv file file from the dialog using Save... 

5.      Open Pro Standard Assets->Image Based->color correction ramp.png in Photoshop 
        在Photoshop中打開Pro Standard Assets->Image Based->color correction ramp.png

6.      Now apply color correction to the ramp image: open Image->Adjustments->Curves again and load your saved .acv file 

7.      Select your camera in Unity and select Component->Image Effects->Grayscale to add the effect. Select your modified color ramp. 
         在Unity中選擇您的相機,並添加灰度圖像特效Component->Image Effects->Grayscale,同時選擇您的顏色漸變圖像。

8.      Hit Play to see the effect in action! 

Details        技術細節
Color remapping works by remapping the original image luminance through the color ramp image (sized 256x1): 

       result color = pixel's color in the ramp image at (OriginalLuminance + RampOffset) index. For example, to invert the colors in the image 
       you only need to flip the original color ramp horizontally (so that it goes from white to black instead of from black to white): 
       結果顏色=漸變圖像上索引爲(OriginalLuminance + RampOffset)的像素顏色。比如,要翻轉圖片上的顏色,您只需水平翻轉原始的漸變圖像即可(這樣它才能從白色到從黑色到白色而不是黑色)。

Grayscale applied to the scene with color ramp that goes from white to black.


A more complex version of color remapping that does arbitrary color correction can be achieved with ColorCorrection image effect. 

Hardware support        硬件支持
This effect requires a graphics card with pixel shaders (2.0) or OpenGL ES 2.0. PC: NVIDIA cards since 2003 (GeForce FX), AMD cards since 2004 (Radeon 9500), Intel cards since 2005 (GMA 900); Mobile: OpenGL ES 2.0; Consoles: Xbox 360, PS3. 
這個特效需要顯卡擁有像素着色器(2.0)或者OpenGL ES 2.0。臺式機:2003年以後的NVIDIA顯卡(GeForce FX),2004年以後的AMD顯卡(Radeon 9500),2005年以後的Intel卡(GMA 900);移動設備:OpenGL ES 2.0;控制檯: Xbox 360、 PS3。

All image effects automatically disable themselves when they can not run on end-users graphics card. 
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