
1. 先用astyle進行格式化

2. 再用python腳本進行自動添加

3. 在vim中添加doxygentoolit.vim插件


let g:DoxygenToolkit_briefTag_pre="@brief  " 
let g:DoxygenToolkit_paramTag_pre="@param  " 
let g:DoxygenToolkit_returnTag="@return   " 
"let g:DoxygenToolkit_blockHeader="**************************************************************************" 
"let g:DoxygenToolkit_blockFooter="**************************************************************************" 
let g:DoxygenToolkit_blockTag = ""
let g:DoxygenToolkit_briefTag_funcName="yes"    
let g:DoxygenToolkit_authorName="Thomas Li" 
let g:DoxygenToolkit_licenseTag="\n********************************************************************************************************\nCopyright (c) 2015, .licnese All  eserved.\n*********************************************************************************************************" 

 “”添加函數名  let g:DoxygenToolkit_briefTag_funcName="yes"   



 Dox :call <SID>DoxygenCommentFunc()                         用在函數頭
DoxLic :call <SID>DoxygenLicenseFunc()                         用在license
 DoxAuthor :call <SID>DoxygenAuthorFunc()                     用在文件頭
DoxUndoc :call <SID>DoxygenUndocumentFunc(<q-args>)        
 DoxBlock :call <SID>DoxygenBlockFunc()                        用在結構體


#!/usr/bin/env python
This script's function is adding doxygen comment in source and heard file. 
In *.cpp or *.c file, it will add file head in front of file.
then walk for each line, find global functions or class member functions,
grep some useful information, such as: 
  ^ return type
  ^ class name
  ^ function name
  ^ argument list
Then build a function comment.
In *.h and *.hpp file, it just add file head.
Each time it tries to add comment, it will check wether it alrealy has. 
if yes, it will not add again.
file    : add_doxygen_comment.py
author  : Thomas_li
Date    : 2016-10-10 

History : 
[2013-10-11 V1.3]
    make it has ability to recognize '/* xxxx */' and ' xxx */ '
file_head_template = \
Copyright (c) 2015, Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* @file      $file
* @brief     $brief
* @details   Here typically goes a more extensive explanation of 
*                what this file defines.
* @author    Thomas_li
* @date      $date
* @version   v0.1

import sys, os
from time import *
from re import *
ident_reg_ex = '[A-Za-z_]\w*'
mem_func_reg_ex = '^([\sA-Za-z_\*&:]*)\\b(' + ident_reg_ex + ')\s*::\s*(~?' + ident_reg_ex + ')\s*\((.*)\)\s*(?:const|:)?\s*$'
gb_func_reg_ex = '^\s*(?:static\s+)?([A-Za-z_][\sA-Za-z_\*&:]*)\\b(' + ident_reg_ex + ')\s*\((.*)\)\s*(?:const)?\s*$'
key_words = ['do', 'if', 'return', 'typedef', 'double', 'short', 'bool', 'int', 'signed', 'break', 'else', 'long', 'sizeof', 'union', 'case', 'enum', 'static', 'unsigned', 'catch', 'namespace', 'using', 'char', 'export', 'new', 'struct', 'virtual', 'class', 'extern', 'operator', 'switch', 'void', 'const', 'false', 'private', 'template', 'float', 'protected', 'this', 'continue', 'for', 'public', 'throw', 'while', 'friend', 'true']
# utility functions
def read_file_lines(file_name) :
    if not os.path.exists(file_name) :
        print ('WARN: ' + file_name + ' is not exist !')
        return []
    f = open(file_name, 'r')
    lines = f.readlines()
    return lines
def write_file_lines(file_name, lines) :
    #file_name = 'new_' + file_name
    f = open(file_name, 'w')
def get_date() :
    return strftime('%Y-%m-%d', localtime())
def make_file_head(file_name) :
    file_name = file_name.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
    t = file_head_template
    t = t.replace('$file', file_name)
    t = t.replace('$date', get_date())
    file_type = file_name.split('.')[-1]
    brief = ''
    if file_type == 'h' or file_type == 'hpp':
        brief = 'define class ??????'
    elif file_type == 'cpp' or file_type == 'c':
        brief = 'implement functions'
    else :
    t = t.replace('$brief', brief)
    return [t]
def make_func_comment(func_type, class_name, func_name, arg_list, ret_type) :
    text = '/**\n'
    if func_type == 'mem_func' :
        text += ' * %s::%s\n' % (class_name, func_name)
    elif func_type == 'gb_func' :
        text += ' * %s\n' % func_name
    # add brief field
    text += ' * @brief    '
    if func_type == 'mem_func' :
        if class_name == func_name :
            text += ('constructor of ' + class_name)
        elif func_name == ('~' + class_name) :
            text += ('destructor of ' + class_name)
        elif func_name == 'instance' :
            text += ('singleton instance function of ' + class_name)
        else :
    text += '\n'
    # add param list
    for arg in arg_list :
        text += ' * @param   %s\n' % arg
    # add return type
    if ret_type and ret_type != '' and ret_type != 'void' :
        text += ' * @return  %s\n' % ret_type

    text += ' */\n'
    return [text]
def get_func_arg_list(arg_str) :
    arg_list = []
    for arg in arg_str.split(',') :
        m = match('.*\\b(%s)' % ident_reg_ex, arg.strip())
        if m :
    return arg_list
def get_func_in_line(line) :
    class_name, func_name, arg_list, return_type = '','', [], ''
    func_type = ''
    m = match(mem_func_reg_ex, line)
    if m : 
        class_name = m.group(2)
        return_type = m.group(1).strip()
        func_name = m.group(3)
        arg_list = get_func_arg_list(m.group(4))
        func_type = 'mem_func'
    else :
        m = match(gb_func_reg_ex, line)
        if m :
            return_type = m.group(1).strip()
            func_name = m.group(2)
            arg_list = get_func_arg_list(m.group(3))
            func_type = 'gb_func'
    if (class_name in key_words) or (func_name in key_words) :
        func_type = ''
    return  func_type, class_name, func_name, arg_list, return_type 
def is_comment_start(line) :
    # find 'xxx /* yyyy ' in line
    return search('/\*', line) != None
def is_comment_end(line) :
    # find ' xxxxx */ ' in line
    return search('\*/', line) != None
def is_need_insert_file_head(lines) :
    if len(lines) < 2 :
        return True
    for i in range(2) :
        if is_comment_start(lines[i]) :
            return False
    return True
def is_need_insert_comment(lines, index) :
    if index == 0 :
        return True
    else :
        return not is_comment_end(lines[index-1])
def do_source_file(file_name) :
    lines_in = read_file_lines(file_name)
    lines_out = []
    # add file head
    if is_need_insert_file_head(lines_in) :
        lines_out += make_file_head(file_name)
    index = 0
    is_in_comment = False
    for line in lines_in :
        # check start or end line of comment
        if is_comment_start(line) : is_in_comment = True
        if is_comment_end(line) : is_in_comment = False
        # why not if .. elif ... ?
        # because '/*xxxx*/' is a whole comment. so comment head and tail
        # might in the same line.
        # we should ignore the functions inside of comment
        if not is_in_comment :
            t, c, f, a, r = get_func_in_line(line)
            if t != '':
                # check wether function need comment
                if is_need_insert_comment(lines_in, index) :
                    lines_out += make_func_comment(t, c, f, a, r)
            else :
        index += 1
    write_file_lines(file_name, lines_out)
def do_head_file(file_name) :
    lines_in = read_file_lines(file_name)
    lines_out = []
    if is_need_insert_file_head(lines_in) :
        lines_out += make_file_head(file_name)
    lines_out += lines_in
    write_file_lines(file_name, lines_out)
def do_file() :
    for file_name in sys.argv :
        if file_name == sys.argv[0] :
        file_type = file_name.split('.')[-1]
        if file_type == 'cpp' or file_type == 'c':
        elif file_type == 'h' or file_type == 'hpp' :
if __name__ == '__main__' :

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