Java String 設計爲不可變類型的好處


There are many reasons due to the string class has been made immutable in Java. These reasons in view, concurrency issues, security issues and performance issues. Here is a list of various valid reasons to go for immutable string class:

String在Java中被設計成不可變的是出於很多方面的考慮. 這麼做主要是針對併發問題,安全問題和性能問題。下面列出了將String設計爲不可變的各種原因:


1. The use of immutability is a best practice and has been recommended by many sources including effective Java and official Oracle Java tutorials. The property of the object is that none of the member variables that object can be changed as they are marked as private and final. This property becomes an advantage in case of multi-threaded applications. Since the updating of the String object is not allowed, multiple threads cannot run in to synchronization issues which occur when one object updates the state of object while the other was reading the object.

1. “使用不可變的對象”是一個最佳實踐,很多地方包括Effective Java(是一本書)和Oracle官方的教程都推薦使用這個準則. 不可變對象的所有成員變量都是不可變的,因爲它們被設置成了private和final的. 在多線程環境中,這樣的屬性成了一個很大的優勢. 由於對於String對象的修改操作是不允許的, 多線程環境中就不會遇到同步的麻煩,比如:一個線程正在更新數據而另一個線程正在讀取數據.

The official Oracle Java tutorial says that developers should not have any doubt by using immutability. Usually developers think that by having immutability the number of objects in the memory will increase because instead of updating an object, a new object has to be created. But in reality this is balanced off by the reduction in garbage collector execution. If properly used immutability can make an application more stable.

Oracle的官方教程說:開發人員在使用不可變對象的時候不應該有任何疑慮.通常開發者們會認爲內存中不可變對象的數量會越來越多因爲對於一個對象的更改並不是真正的修改該對象,而是產生新的對象. But in reality this is balanced off by the reduction in garbage collector execution. 在程序中正確地使用不可變對象反而會使應用更加穩定。


2. The second reason why string class is immutable in Java is both a cause as well as effect of string being immutable. Strings in Java in implement the fly weight design pattern and the result is string literal pool. This literal pool has the property that if string literal is already present in the literal pool then it will be reused every-time a string reference variable is initialized to a string literal with the same characters.


The requirement for having a string literal pool arises from the fact that string class is immutable in Java. Imagine a scenario where millions of string objects have been created with same characters just because the new operator always creates and returns a new instance of the class and we cannot modify a string object once it has been created. The above scenario will result in performance issues. To avoid these performance issue, string literal pool has been introduced in Java.


Now let us see why string literal pool is a cause for making string class immutable in Java. Since the string literals have to be reused, updating the contents of these objects should not be allowed. Had updating of string literals been allowed, a string literal may not be reused because its contents have been changed by another reference variable.



3. The most used key object for hash map is the string object. Every time a string is referenced in hash based collections classes, it’s hash code is calculated. The hash code of string objects depends upon the characters contained in that string. If the characters of a string object were allowed to be changed, the hash code of that string object will change when the characters of the string change. By making string class immutable in Java, it has been insured that the hash code of string object will not change after the string object has been created in the memory. More over, this allows the hash code to be cached as a member variable. Once the hash code has been calculated for a string object and is told as the value of this internal member variable, the same can be returned next time without the need for performing any calculation.



4. The security aspect of having the string class immutable in Java is that strings are used for file operations, memory management and network operations. If strings are allowed to be mutable, various properties could be changed in malicious ways.



5. Another reason to make the string class mutable is the simplicity aspect. Though for beginners it is a learning curve to understand the behavior of string objects but once they understand, it is very easy to visualize the behavior of string objects in any particular scenario. Allowing the updating of string objects would have made it more complex to understand the behavior of strings.


The point to note about the design decision is that the advantages of making string class immutable are more than not making it immutable.











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