LotusScript 學習筆記3

LotusScript 學習筆記3


List 列表
  [Dim|public|private] listname List AS dataType
  同樣,如果不添加AS dataType選項,可以添加相應數據類型的後綴。
  Dim mylist1$ List
  Dim mylist2 List As String
  另外如果As String和後綴都沒有添加,lotusScript會檢查listname中是否包含相應的數據類型,沒有就認爲list爲Variant.
  Option Compare { Case | NoCase | Binary }
  以上操作用來設置list tags是否對大小寫敏感。Case或者Binary關鍵字表示大小寫敏感。NoCase表示不敏感。
  'Make string comparison case insensitive
  'in this module.
  Option Compare NoCase
  'Declare a list, myList, to hold first names.
  'The list tags will be unique IDs.
  Dim myList List As String
  Dim newTag As String
  Dim newValue As String
  'Put some elements in the list.
  myList("A1234") = "Andrea"
  myList("A2345") = "Vera"
  myList("A3456") = "Isabel"
  'Ask the user to enter an ID and a name.
  newTag$ = InputBox$("Please enter your ID:")
  newValue$ = InputBox$("Please enter your first name:")
  'Add a new element to the list with
  'the user’s ID as the list tag and the user’s name as
  'the value of the new element.
  myList(newTag$) = newValue$
  Print myList(newTag$)
  'Output: the name that the user entered
  TypeName(listName) 返回表示列表數據類型的String  TypeName(listName(listTag))返回表示列表某個元素數據類型的String
  DataType(listName)返回一個Integer:2048+列表的dataTypeCode  DataType(listName(listTag))返回一個Integer:2048+列表listTag位置元素的dataTypeCode
  IsList(listName) returns True(-1) or False 0)
  IsElement(listName(stringExpr))returns True(-1) or False(0)來判斷stringExpr是不是列表中的標籤;判斷stringExpr的元素是否存在
  Erase listName 移除listName列表中的所有元素並收回之前分配的存儲空間
  Erase listName(listTag)移除listName列表中的listTag對應的元素並收回之前分配的存儲空間
  'Declare a list to hold employee IDs.
  'The list tags will be the names of the employees.
  Dim empList List As Double
  'Make absolutely sure empList is Double.
  If TypeName(empList) <> "DOUBLE LIST" Then
   Print "Warning: empList is " & TypeName(empList)
  End If
  If DataType(empList) <> 2053 Then
   Print "Warning: empList is " & CStr(DataType(empList))
   'We expected 2053 (that is, 2048 + 5).
  End If
  'Declare a String variable for user name.
  Dim ans As String
  'Declare a Double variable for user ID.
  Dim yourID As Double
  'Declare an Integer variable to serve as a flag.
  Dim found As Boolean
  'Create some list elements and assign them values.
  empList("Maria Jones") = 12345
  empList("Roman Minsky") = 23456
  empList("Joe Smith") = 34567
  empList("Sal Piccio") = 91234
  'Ask the user to enter the name to be removed from the
  'list of employees who have been assigned parking spaces.
  ans$ = InputBox$("Which employee no longer needs a space?")
  'Check to see if the employee’s name appears as a list tag
  'in the list. If not, display a message and stop. Otherwise,
  'validate the employee’s ID. If everything checks out,
  'remove the employee item from the parking list.
  If IsElement(empList(ans$)) = True then
   Print ans$ & " is a valid employee name."
   yourID# = CDbl(InputBox$("What’s " & ans$ & "’s ID?"))
   'The following ForAll block does two things:
   'it checks to see if yourID# is a valid ID and,
   'if so, if it matches the ID for the employee
   'whose name is ans$. If so, that element is removed
   '(erased) from the list. The found flag is initially
   'FALSE (0). If yourID# is a valid ID, found is set to
   'TRUE (-1). The variable empID is the reference variable
   'in the ForAll loop.
   found = FALSE
   ForAll empID In empList
    If empID = yourID# then
     found = TRUE
    If ListTag(empID) = ans$ then
     Erase empList(ans$)
     'Verify the removal of the list element.
    If IsElement(empList(ans$)) = FALSE then
     Print ans$ & " is no longer on the list."
    End If
     Print "Valid ID but wrong employee."
    End If
    'No need to look further for yourID#,
    'so get out of the ForAll loop.
    Exit ForAll
    End If
   End ForAll
   If found = False then
    Print "No such employee ID."
   End If
    Print "No such employee."
  End if
 LotusScript支持的常用數據類型:Boolean, Byte, Integer, Long, Single,Double, Currency, String;
 A date/time value;
 An array or list;
 An object reference, that is, a pointer to an OLE Automation object or to an instance of a product-defined or user-defined class, or an object reference to a Java Object;
 The NULL value;
 The EMPTY value.
 Dim myVariant1V As Variant
 Dim myVariant2V
 Public myVariant3V As Variant
 myVariant4V = 123.45
 Dim numVarV As Variant
 Dim anAmount As Currency
 anAmount@ = 20.05
 numVarV = anAmount@
 Print TypeName(numVarV)
 'Output: CURRENCY
 numVar = 20.05
 Print TypeName(numVar)
 'Output: DOUBLE
 'Declare a Boolean variable and assign it an initial
 'value of FALSE (0). The application subsequently tests
 'this variable, taking appropriate action depending on the
 'variable’s value, True (-1) or False (0).
 quitFlag = FALSE
 Dim ansV As Variant
 'Have the user enter some numeric characters.
 ansV = InputBox("Enter a number.")
 'See how many characters the user entered
 'and assign that number to the Integer variable
 'UB%. This involves treating the value of ansV
 'as a String.
 UB% = Len(ansV)
 'Test the value of ansV to see if it can be
 'interpreted as being of one of the numeric
 'data types. If so, declare a dynamic array of Variants,
 'then allocate space for as many elements as
 'there are characters in ansV, and then assign
 'the successive digits in ansV to the elements in
 'the array.
 If IsNumeric(ansV) = True then
  Dim digitArrayV() As Variant
  ReDim digitArrayV(1 To UB%)As Variant
  For x% = 1 to UB%
   digitArrayV(x%) = Mid(ansV, x%, 1)
  Print "You entered some nonnumeric characters."
  quitFlag = TRUE
 End If
 'If ansV was able to be interpreted as a numeric,
 'print its digits and their sum; then print
 'the result of adding that sum to the original
 'number that the user entered.
 If quitFlag = False Then
  Dim theSum As Integer
  'theSum% is initialized to 0.
  For x% = 1 to UB%
   theSum% = theSum% + digitArrayV(x%)
   Print digitArrayV(x%) ;
  Print ""
  Print "Their sum is: " & theSum%
  Print "Their sum added to the original number is: " & ansV + theSum%
 End If

 'Output, supposing the user enters 12345:
 'Their sum is: 15
 'Their sum added to the original number is: 12360
 lotusScript中的布爾值True and False,-1 and 0。 當你把一個布爾值assign給一個variant變量時,這個值可以是True or False 或者-1 or 0
 varV = -1
 Print varV 'Output : -1
 If varV = True Then
  Print "varV is True."
  Print "varV is False."
 'Output: varV is True.
 anInt% = 0
 If anInt% = True then
  Print "True"
  print "False"
 'Output: False

  Function      Statement Purpose
  CDat Function 把數字類或者String的date表示轉換爲date/time Variant 的值表示。
  Date Function 返回系統日期
  Date Statement 設置系統時間
  DateNumber Function 把年,月,日轉化成 date value
  DateValue Function 把 string 轉化成 date value
  Day Function   返回一個date/time 表示中的日期信息
  FileDateTime Function 返回文件最近修改保存的日期和時間。
  Format Function 格式化 a number, a date/time value, or a string
  Hour Function 返回 date/time expression 中的小時數
  IsDate Function 判斷是否是 a Variant date/time value
  Minute Function 返回 date/time expression 中的分鐘數
  Month Function 返回 date/time expression 中的月份
  Now Function 返回系統當前的日期和時間
  Second Function 返回 date/time expression 中的秒數
  Time Function 返回系統時間.日期部分的值被設定爲0或者12.30.1899
  Time Statement  設置系統時間
  TimeNumber Function 把小時,分鐘和秒轉化爲小數表示的 date/time 值
  Timer Function 返回午夜過後的秒數
  TimeValue Function  把一個 string 轉化爲小數表示的 date/time 值
  Today Function 與Date function相同,返回系統當前時間
  WeekDay Function 從date/time expression返回星期幾
  Year Function 從 date/time expression返回一個四位數整型的年份
  兩個date/time variant數值相加還是date/time variant,但是兩個date/time variant相減便會產生一個Double的Variant.
  我們需要使用Cdat函數把這個變量轉化成一個date/time value.
  Dim theInstantV As Variant
  Dim theDateV As Variant
  Dim theDateValV As Variant
  Dim myDate As String
  theInstantV = Now
  Print theInstantV
  'Output: 10/26/94 7:49:23 AM
  Print Day(theInstantV) & " " & Hour(theInstantV)
  'Output: 26 7
  theDateV = Date
  Print theDateV
  'Output: 10/26/94
  Print theDateV - 1
  'Output: 10/25/94
  Print CDbl(theDateV)
  'Output: 34633
  'Convert a value of type Double
  'to a date value, assign it to a
  'Variant variable, and print it.
  theDateV = CDat(34633)
  Print theDateV
  'Output: 10/26/94

  y% = Year(theDateV)
  m% = Month(theDateV) + 1
  d% = Day(theDateV) + 1
  theDateV = DateNumber(y%, m%, d%)
  Print theDateV
  'Output: 11/27/94

  myDate$ = "October 28, 1994"
  Print DateValue(myDate$) - 1
  'Output: 10/27/94
  theDateV = DateValue(myDate$)
  'Check the data type of the value
  'held by the Variant variable theDateV.
  Print TypeName(theDateV)
  'Output: DATE

  Print Format(DateValue("10-18-14"), "mmm-d-yyyy")
  'Output: Oct-18-1914

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