LotusScript 學習筆記2

LotusScript 學習筆記2


  Nothing    變量初始值默認爲nothing
  PI         3.1415926...   
  True&False 布爾值
  變量定義:[Dim|private|public] varName As dataType
  一次定義多個變量: [Dim|Public|Private] varName1 As dataType,varName2 As dataType,...
  Suffix  Data type
  %   Integer
  &   Long
  !   Single
  #   Double
  @   Currency
  $   String
  變量初始值:數據類的初始值爲0(Boolean, Byte, Integer,Long,Single,Double, Currency);String的初始值爲""或者 the Null character
  數組最大維度爲8。每一層維度的上下限爲:-32768 to 32767
  DIM a(5) as Integer 數組有六個元素,從0到5。默認的數組下標開始爲0.也可以使用Option Base * 來設置其默認值。
  Option Base 0
  ’Dim empSpacesA(0 To 119, 0 To 3) As String
  Dim empSpacesA(119, 3) As String
  Option Base 1
  'Dim empSpacesA(1 To 120, 1 To 4) As String 
  Dim empSpacesA(120, 4) As String
  Option Base 0
  Dim myStats(3, 1 To 2, -2 To 2) As Currency
  'The first dimension of this 4 x 2 x 5 array is 0 To 3.
  Dim states(1 to 50) As String
  Dim statesAnd10Cities(1 to 50, 1 to 10) As String
  Dim statesAnd10CitiesAndPeople(1 to 50, 1 to 10, 1 to 3) As Double
  定義時可以使用As dataType 或者後綴
  Dim aStringArray(1 To 10) As String等同於Dim aStringArray$(1 To 10)
  當後綴和As dataType都不使用時,LotusScript會查看數組名中是否包含可識別的dataType。若有那數組便是這個dataType,若是沒有那數組便是Variant type。例如:
  'Declare an array of integers.
  Dim arrayOfInts(1 To 10)
  'Declare an array of Variants.
  Dim otherArrayV(1 To 10)
  Dim arrayOfSingles(1 To 5, 1 To 10, 1 To 2) As Single
  Dim myStats(1980 To 1983, 1 To 4, -2 To 2) As Currency
  LBound方法可以獲取數組的lower bound
  LBound ( arrayName [ , dimension ] )
  Option Base 1
  Dim myStats(1980 To 1983, 2, -2 To 2) As Currency
  Print LBound(myStats)
  'Output: 1980 (the lower bound of the first dimension).
  Print LBound(myStats, 2)
  'Output: 1 (the lower bound of the second dimension).
  同理,可以調用Ubound方法獲取數組的upper bound
  For example:
  Dim empSpacesA(120,4) As String
  Dim counter As Integer
  Dim LB1 As Integer
  Dim LB2 As Integer
  'Get lower bound of first dimension.
  LB1% = LBound(empSpacesA, 1)
  'Get lower bound of second dimension.
  LB2% = LBound(empSpacesA, 2)
  'For the first 40 elements in the first dimension,
  'assign the value "Floor 1" to the first element
  'in the second dimension; for the next 40 elements
  'in the first dimension, assign the value "Floor 2"
  'to the first element in the second dimension; and
  'for the last 40, assign the value "Floor 3".
  For counter% = LB1% to LB1% + 39
   empSpacesA(counter%, LB2%) = "Floor 1"
   empSpacesA(counter% + 40, LB2%) = "Floor 2"
   empSpacesA(counter% + 80, LB2%) = "Floor 3"
  Dim myDynamicArray() As String
  ReDim [ Preserve ] arrayName ( bounds ) [ As dataType]
  Option Base 1
  'Declare a dynamic String array. Later, this is
  'defined as a one-dimensional array whose elements
  'are assigned values that the user enters.
  Dim myNames() As String
  Dim ans1 As Integer
  Dim ans2 As Integer
  Dim counter As Integer
  Dim userInput As String
  'Ask the user to enter a number and assign it to ans1%.
  ans1% = CInt(InputBox$ ("How many names would you like to enter?"))
  'Use ans1% as the upper bound of the array’s only dimension.
  ReDim myNames(ans1%)
  'Elicit ans1% strings from the user, and assign them
  'to successive elements in the array.
  For counter% = 1 to ans1%
   myNames(counter%) = InputBox$("Enter a name: ")
  'Print the contents of the array on a single line
  'with a space between the value of each element.
  For counter% = 1 to ans1%
   Print myNames(counter%) " " ;
  'Output: a newline
  Print ""
  'Ask the user for another number and assign it to ans2%.
  ans2% = CInt(InputBox$("How many more names?"))
  'If the number is greater than 0, resize the
  'array, preserving its original values, so that the
  'user can enter additional values.
  If ans2% > 0 Then
   ReDim Preserve myNames(ans1% + ans2%)
   'Elicit the new values and assign them to the
   'elements that have been allocated after the old ones.
   For counter% = 1 to ans2%
    myNames(counter% + ans1%) = InputBox$("Enter a name: ")
   'Print the contents of the array on a single line
   'with a space between the value of each element.
   For counter% = 1 to ans1% + ans2%
    Print myNames(counter%) " " ;
   Print ""
  End If
  若使用Erase關鍵字,數組的元素會被重置(to zeros, empty strings,EMPTY, or NOTHING, depending on the data type of the array’s elements)
  'Declare arrays with a base of 1 and containing 10 elements
  Dim myDblArray(1 To 10) As Double
  Dim anIntArray(1 To 10) As Integer
  Dim counter As Integer
  'Seed the random number generator.
  'Populate myDblArray with random numbers
  'greater than 0 and less than 1.
  For counter% = 1 To 10
   myDblArray(counter%) = Rnd()
  'Populate anIntArray with the elements of myDblArray
  'after rounding to one decimal place, multiplying
  'by 10, dividing by 10 and adding 1 to the remainder
  'to yield a whole number between 1 and 10.
  For counter% = 1 To 10
   anIntArray(counter%) = ((Round(myDblArray(counter%), 1) * 10) Mod 10) + 1
  'Test the first element of anIntArray for its data type.
  Print TypeName(anIntArray(1))
  'Output: INTEGER
  'Print the contents of myDblArray and anIntArray.
  For counter% = 1 To 10
   print myDblArray(counter%) & " " & anIntArray(counter%)
  'Output: something like the following:
  '.402520149946213 5
  '.530154049396515 6
  '.309299051761627 4
  '5.76847903430462E-02 2
  '2.41877790540457E-02 1
  '.988802134990692 1
  '.688120067119598 8
  '.493557035923004 6
  '.28598952293396 4
  '.610387742519379 7
  Dim aStringArray(1 to 5, 1 to 2)
  aStringArray(1,1) = "Roman"
  aStringArray(1,2) = "Minsky"
  aStringArray(2,1) = "Sara"
  aStringArray(2,2) = "Nala"
  aStringArray(3,1) = "Raymond"
  aStringArray(3,2) = "Nala"
  aStringArray(4,1) = "Sandra"
  aStringArray(4,2) = "Brooks"
  aStringArray(5,1) = "Simon"
  aStringArray(5,2) = "Anders"
  'Check to see if the first two characters of each element
  'in the first dimension of aStringArray would be SA
  'if they were uppercase. If so, print the corresponding
  'element in the second dimension of the array, making
  'its first character uppercase and the rest lowercase.
  For counter% = 1 to 5
   If UCase$(Left$(aStringArray(counter%, 1), 2)) = "SA" Then
    Print UCase$(Left$(aStringArray(counter%, 2), 1))& LCase$(Mid$(aStringArray(counter%, 2), 2, Len(aStringArray(counter%, 2))))
   End If

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