【Homework】【整理】SSS 2012-09-25

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It's easy to see acne sufferers from afar,but it's not so easy to see the bacteria that trigger their skin inflammation.Now researchers hope to clear out those bacteria and clear up the acne with viruses.The work is in the journal mBio.Many thriving  microbe communities inhabit the human face.There is for example the pimple-producing species Propionibacterium acnes.Some antibiotic acne treatments have been used so widely that this bacteria have developed resistance.Other treatments cause unpleasant side effects.But there are viruses that targeted the bacteria called ,called phages.Researchers isolated 11 phages from people with and without acne and sequenced the viral genomes.Phages are generally a diverse bunch,but these viruses were close relatives to each other,which make sense,as they all evolve to attack bacteria that live in the a specific environment-facial hair follicles.When pitted against the facial bacteria in the lab the viruses easily mopped up their acne-causing foes.Which may make the phages good candidates for acne treatment-a treatment that might truly go viral.


1) acne  n. [皮肤] 痤疮,[皮肤] 粉刺

2) afar adv. 遥远地;在远处

3)trigger vt. 引发,引起;触发 vi. 松开扳柄 n. 扳机;触发器;制滑机

4)inflammation n. [病理] 炎症;[医] 发炎;燃烧;发火

5)thriving adj. 繁荣的;蒸蒸日上的;旺盛的 v. 兴旺(thrive的ing形式)

6)microbe n. 细菌,微生物

7)inhabit vt. 栖息;居住于;占据 vi. (古)居住;栖息

8) pimplen. 疙瘩;[医] 丘疹;面疱

9)Propionibacterium n. [微] 丙酸菌属

10)antibiotic adj. 抗生的;抗菌的 n. 抗生素,抗菌素

11)resistance n. 阻力;电阻;抵抗;反抗;抵抗力

12) phagen. [病毒] 噬菌体

13)isolated adj. 孤立的;分离的;单独的;[电] 绝缘的 v. 使孤立;使绝缘;脱离(isolate的过去分词)

14)sequenced   序列

15) viral genomes   病毒基因组

16) diverse bunch  多样化的群体

17)facial hair follicles  毛囊表面

18) be pitted against   与

19) mop up 擦;用拖把拖洗;结束

20) foe n. 敌人;反对者;危害物

21) go viral  像病毒般扩散
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