Sprite Kit Actions(一)

So far, you have learned how to move or rotate Sprite Kit nodes – a node being anything that appears onscreen – by manually setting their position and rotation over time.


This do-it-yourself approach works and is quite powerful, but Sprite Kit provides an easier way to move sprites incrementally: actions.


Actions are great because they allow you to do things like rotate, scale or change a sprite’s position over time with just one line of code! You can also chain actions together to create some neat movement combinations quite easily.


Move action


Right now your zombie’s life is a bit too carefree, so let’s add some action into this game by introducing some enemies to dodge – crazy cat ladies!


Open MyScene.m and create the start of a new method to spawn an enemy:


- (void)spawnEnemy 
    SKSpriteNode *enemy = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"enemy"]; 
    enemy.position = CGPointMake(self.size.width + enemy.size.width/2, self.size.height/2); 
    [self addChild:enemy];

Now, you’d like to move the enemy from the right of the screen to the left. If you were doing this manually, you might update the enemy’s position each frame according to a velocity.


No need to trouble yourself with that this time! Simply add these two lines of code to the bottom of spawnEnemy:


SKAction *actionMove = [SKAction moveTo:CGPointMake(-enemy.size.width/2,enemy.position.y) duration:2.0]; 
[enemy runAction:actionMove];

To create an action in Sprite Kit, you call one of several static constructors on the SKAction class, such as the one you see here, moveTo:duration:. This particular constructor returns an action that moves a sprite to a specified position, over a specified duration (in seconds).


Here you set up the action to move the enemy along the x-axis at whatever speed is necessary to take it from its current position to just off the left side of the screen in two seconds.


Give it a try! For now, just call this method inside initWithSize:, right after calling [self addChild:_zombie]:


[self spawnEnemy];

Build and run, and you should see the crazy cat lady race across the screen:


Not bad for just two lines of code, eh? You could have even done it with a single line of code if you didn’t need to use the actionMove variable for anything else.


Here you saw an example of moveTo:duration:, but there are a few other move action variants:


moveToX:duration: and moveToY:duration: These allow you to specify a change in only the x or y position – the other is assumed to remain the same. You could have used moveToX:duration: in the example above, to save a bit of typing.


moveByX:y:duration: The “move to” actions move the sprite to a particular point, but sometimes it’s convenient to move a sprite as an offset from its current position, wherever that may be. You could have used moveByX:y:duration for this example, passing -(self.size.width + enemy.size.width) for x and 0 for y.


You’ll see this pattern of “[action] to” and “[action] by” variants for other action types as well. In general, you can use whichever of these is more convenient for you – but keep in mind that if either works, the “[action] by” actions are preferable because they are reversible. 


Sequence action


The real power of actions lies in how easily you can chain them together. For example, say you want the cat lady to move in a V – down toward the bottom of the screen, then up to the goal position.


To do this, replace the lines that create and run the move action in spawnEnemy with the following:


// 1
SKAction *actionMidMove =
[SKAction moveTo:CGPointMake(self.size.width/2,
// 2
SKAction *actionMove =
[SKAction moveTo:CGPointMake(-enemy.size.width/2,
enemy.position.y) duration:1.0];
// 3
SKAction *sequence =
sequence:@[actionMidMove, actionMove]];
// 4
[enemy runAction:sequence];

The sequence action is one of the most useful and commonly used actions – chaining actions together is just so powerful! You will be using the sequence action many times in this chapter and throughout the rest of this book.

動作序列是actions最有用,最常用的功能 — 把一些列動作串起來是如此的強大!本章和本書的剩餘部分都會大量的使用動作序列.

Wait for duration action


The wait for duration action does exactly what you’d expect: makes the sprite wait for a period of time, during which the sprite does nothing.


“What’s the point of that?”, you may be wondering. Well, wait for duration actions only truly become interesting when combined with a sequence action.


For example, let’s make the cat lady briefly pause when she reaches the bottom of the V-shape. To do this, simply modify your list of actions in spawnEnemy:, like so (changes highlighted):


SKAction *wait = [SKAction waitForDuration:0.25];
SKAction *sequence = [SKAction sequence:@[actionMidMove, wait, actionMove]];

Run block and selector actions


At times when you’re running a sequence of actions, you’ll want to run your own block of code at some point. For example, say you want to log out a message when the cat lady reaches the bottom of the V.


To do this, just modify your list of actions in spawnEnemy: like so (changes highlighted):


SKAction *logMessage = [SKAction runBlock:^{
    NSLog(@"Reached bottom!”);
SKAction *sequence = [SKAction sequence: @[actionMidMove, logMessage, wait, actionMove]];

Build and run, and when the cat lady reaches the bottom of the V, you should see the following in the console:


ZombieConga[9644:70b] Reached bottom!

Of course, you can do far more than just log a message here – since it’s an arbitrary code block, you can do anything you want!


You should be aware of a few other actions related to running blocks of code:


runBlock:queue: Allows you to run the block of code on an arbitrary dispatch queue instead of in the main Sprite Kit event loop. You can learn more about this in Chapter 25, “Performance.”

runBlock:queue:方法允許你通過多線程來調用block(該部分內容涉及到GCD的相關知識,此處不展開討論,有興趣的讀者可以到以下連接獲取相關資料…http:www.google.com.hk...  =.=||).

performSelector:onTarget: Allows you to run any method on a target object, rather than having a block of code inline. Whether you use this or the runBlock: action to execute code is a matter of personal preference – mostly. You’ll see an example where your choice actually matters in Chapter 16, “Saving and Loading Games.”


Reversed actions


Let’s say you want to make the cat lady go back the way she came – after she moves in a V to the left, she should move in a V back to the right.


You can reverse certain actions in Sprite Kit simply by calling reversedAction on them. This results in a new action that is the opposite of the original action.


Not all actions are reversible – for example, moveTo:duration: is not.


Let’s try this out. Modify your list of actions in spawnEnemy:


SKAction *actionMidMove = [SKAction moveByX:-self.size.width/2-enemy.size.width/2 y:-self.size.height/2+enemy.size.height/2 duration:1.0];

SKAction *actionMove = [SKAction moveByX:-self.size.width/2-enemy.size.width/2 y:self.size.height/2+enemy.size.height/2 duration:1.0];

SKAction *wait = [SKAction waitForDuration:1.0]; 

SKAction *logMessage = [SKAction runBlock:^{
    NSLog(@"Reached bottom!"); 

SKAction *reverseMid = [actionMidMove reversedAction];
SKAction *reverseMove = [actionMove reversedAction];

SKAction *sequence = [SKAction sequence:@[actionMidMove, logMessage, wait, actionMove, reverseMove, logMessage, wait, reverseMid]]; 

[enemy runAction:sequence];

One last thing about reversible actions: if an action is not reversible, then it will return the same action. And because sequence actions are also reversible, you can simplify the above code as follows. Remove the lines where you create the reversed actions and replace the sequence creation with the following lines:


SKAction *sequence = [SKAction sequence:@[actionMidMove, logMessage, wait, actionMove]];
sequence = [SKAction sequence:@[sequence,[sequence reversedAction]]];

Astute observers may have noticed that the first half of this action logs a message as soon as it reaches the bottom of the screen, but on the way back the message is not logged until after the sprite has waited at the bottom for one second.


This is because the reversed sequence is the exact opposite of the original, unlike how you wrote the first version. Later in this chapter you’ll read about the group action, which you could use to fix this.



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