

Rigidbodies enable your GameObjects to act under the control of physics. The Rigidbody can receive forces and torque to make your objects move in a realistic way. Any GameObject must contain a Rigidbody to be influenced by gravity, act under added forces via scripting, or interact with other objects through the NVIDIA PhysX physics engine.


Properties 屬性 ————-Property: Function:

  1. Mass 質量 The mass of the object (in kilograms by default).

  2. Drag 拉力(空氣阻力) How much air resistance affects the object when moving
    from forces. 0 means no air resistance, and infinity makes the
    object stop moving immediately.

  3. Angular Drag 角阻力 How much air resistance affects the object when
    rotating from torque. 0 means no air resistance.Note that you cannot
    make the object stop rotating just by setting its Angular Drag to

  4. Use Gravity 使用重力 If enabled, the object is affected by gravity.

  5. Is Kinematic 滿足運動學規範 If enabled, the object will not be driven by
    the physics engine, and can only be manipulated by its Transform.
    This is useful for moving platforms or if you want to animate a
    Rigidbody that has a HingeJoint attached.

  6. Interpolate 插值 Try one of the options only if you are seeing
    jerkiness in your Rigidbody’s movement. 當你發現剛體運動時抖動,可以嘗試該選項

    • None No Interpolation is applied. 不使用插值
  7. -Interpolate 內插值 Transform is smoothed based on the Transform of the previous frame. 基於上一幀的變換來平滑本幀變換。

  8. -Extrapolate 外插值 Transform is smoothed based on the estimated Transform of the next frame. 基於下一幀的預估變換來平滑本幀變換。

  9. Collision Detection 碰撞檢測 Used to prevent fast moving objects from
    passing through other objects without

  10. detecting collisions. 碰撞檢測模式。用於避免高速物體穿過其他物體,卻未觸發碰撞。

  11. Discrete 不連續、離散 Use Discreet collision detection against all other
    colliders in the scene. Other colliders will use Discreet collision
    detection when testing for collision against it. Used for normal
    collisions (This is the default value).

  12. -Continuous 連續 Use Discrete collision detection against dynamic colliders (with a rigidbody) and continuous collision detection
    against static MeshColliders (without a rigidbody). Rigidbodies set
    to Continuous Dynamic will use continuous collision detection when
    testing for collision against this rigidbody. Other rigidbodies
    will use Discreet Collision detection. Used for objects which the
    Continuous Dynamic detection needs to collide with. (This has a big
    impact on physics performance, leave it set to Discrete, if you
    don’t have issues with collisions of fast objects)
    -Continuous Dynamic

  13. 動態連續 Use continuous collision detection against objects set to
    Continuous and Continuous Dynamic Collision. It will also use
    continuous collision detection against static MeshColliders
    (without a rigidbody). For all other colliders it uses discreet
    collision detection. Used for fast moving objects.
    Constraints 約束 Restrictions on the Rigidbody’s motion:- 對剛體運動的約束。

  14. Freeze Position
    凍結位置 Stops the Rigidbody moving in the world X, Y and Z axes selectively.
  15. Freeze Rotation
    凍結旋轉 Stops the Rigidbody rotating around the world X, Y and Z axes selectively.

Rigidbodies allow your GameObjects to act under control of the physics engine. This opens the gateway to realistic collisions, varied types of joints, and other very cool behaviors. Manipulating your GameObjects by adding forces to a Rigidbody creates a very different feel and look than adjusting the Transform Component directly. Generally, you shouldn’t manipulate the Rigidbody and the Transform of the same GameObject - only one or the other.

The biggest difference between manipulating the Transform versus the Rigidbody is the use of forces. Rigidbodies can receive forces and torque, but Transforms cannot. Transforms can be translated and rotated, but this is not the same as using physics. You’ll notice the distinct difference when you try it for yourself. Adding forces/torque to the Rigidbody will actually change the object’s position and rotation of the Transform component. This is why you should only be using one or the other. Changing the Transform while using physics could cause problems with collisions and other calculations.


Rigidbodies must be explicitly added to your GameObject before they will be affected by the physics engine. You can add a Rigidbody to your selected object from Components->Physics->Rigidbody in the menu. Now your object is physics-ready; it will fall under gravity and can receive forces via scripting, but you may need to add a Collider or a Joint to get it to behave exactly how you want.

When an object is under physics control, it moves semi-independently of the way its transform parents move. If you move any parents, they will pull the Rigidbody child along with them. However, the Rigidbodies will still fall down due to gravity and react to collision events.

To control your Rigidbodies, you will primarily use scripts to add forces or torque. You do this by calling AddForce() and AddTorque()on the object’s Rigidbody. Remember that you shouldn’t be directly altering the object’s Transform when you are using physics.

可以通過腳本增加力或力矩來控制你的剛體。通過調用剛體中的AddForce()和AddTorque方法;來實現。 記住,不要同時使用物理與變換(選擇直接修改transform時就不要使用Rigidbody等物理組件控制了)。




 [html] view plain copy void Update () {  

        //float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");  
        //float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");  

        //Vector3 movement = new Vector3 (moveHorizontal, 0, moveVertical);  
        //rb.AddForce (movement * speed);  
          this.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().AddRelativeForce (new Vector3(-10f,0f,0f);              }  
          this.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().AddRelativeForce (new Vector3(10f,0f,0f));  
          this.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().AddTorque (new Vector3(0F,-20F,0f));  
          this.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().AddTorque (new Vector3(0F,20F,2f));  
        if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.Space)) {  
          this.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().velocity = new Vector3 (0f,0f,0f);  
        }   }


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