
近日驚聞微軟收購GitHub,這下該網站的很多粉絲坐不住了,“這以後還能愉快的同×××友嗎?”更有甚者,什麼Bitbucket, Gitlab 都在搞遷移促銷,似乎GitHub到了微軟手上就像喜兒嫁給黃世仁一樣。


這也難怪了,讓我想起了82年的… … Oh No,是2000年的一個老段子:

在2000年的一個會上,Eric Raymond 遇到“西裝領帶、牛B哄哄”的Craig Mundie。

Eric 問他:“你丫給微軟打工?”

Craig Mundie:“嗯吶,老哥你幹嗎的你?”



Craig Mundie 何許人也?

在微軟從1992年幹到2014年,是直接給CEO諫言的Chief Researcher & Strategy Officer !

Eric Raymond 咋那麼牛B呢?



連同“爲人不識Stallman,混遍開源也枉然”的Richard Stallman 以及Linux他爸爸Linus Torvalds等都是開源界“主神”。



From: "Mike Walters (Search Wizards)" <[email protected]>

To: <[email protected]>


I am a member of the Microsoft Central Sourcing Team. Microsoft is seeking world class engineers to help create products that help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. Your name and contact info was brought to my attention as someone who could potentially be a contributor at Microsoft.  I would love an opportunity to speak with you in detail about your interest in a career at Microsoft, along with your experience, background and qualifications.


To: "Mike Walters (Search Wizards)" <[email protected]>

From: <[email protected]>

I'd thank you for your offer of employment at Microsoft, except that it indicates that either you or your research team (or both) couldn't get a clue if it were pounded into you with baseball bats. What were you going to do with the rest of your afternoon, offer jobs to Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds?  Or were you going to stick to something easier, like talking Pope Benedict into presiding at a Satanist orgy?

“你準備怎麼打發下午剩下的時間呢?給Richard Stallman和Linus Torvalds發Offer嗎?”


If you had bothered to do five seconds of background checking, you might have discovered that I am the guy who responded to Craig Mundie's "Who are you?" with "I'm your worst nightmare", and that I've in fact been something pretty close to your company's worst nightmare since about 1997.  You've maybe heard about this "open source" thing? You get one guess who wrote most of the theory and propaganda for it and talked IBM and Wall Street and the Fortune 500 into buying in. But don't think I'm trying to destroy your company.  Oh, no; I'd be just as determined to do in any other proprietary-software monopoly, and the community I helped found is well on its way to accomplishing that goal.

“我就是跟 Craig Mundie說‘I’m your worst nightmare’的牛B哥 … … 別以爲我要毀掉微軟,我懟所有私有軟件,我所幫助建立的開源社區會幹掉你們!”

But I must thank you for dropping a good joke on my afternoon.  On that hopefully not too far distant day thatI piss on Microsoft's grave, I sincerely hope none of it will splash on you.


GitHub 作爲今天最大的開源項目代碼託管網站,被微軟收購?Geek和Hacker們會不舒服也是可以理解的。


(另外,我發現開源大牛脾氣都挺大,Linus 也是一樣, Stallman倒還好些)



CEO 納德拉好像神奇“藍色藥丸”,微軟重拾雄風,股票更是超過了Google。這與微軟重視開源、擁抱開源的戰略調整是分不開的。

Windows Server 2016支持Docker技術以及.net core開源項目是兩個我接觸最多、感受最深的微軟技術變革。 特別是.net core開源項目,這讓很多企業的老舊.net項目向開放技術、微服務架構遷移看到了可能性。


我們行雲創新團隊有幸在2016年開始,就和某世界500強ICT廠商一起踐行DevOps方法論並開展老舊.net系統微服務化工作。一些核心業務逐步遷移到 .net core + Linux環境,遺留部分遷到 Windows Server容器環境,整體實現模塊化開發提升效率、多雲交付改善用戶體驗、自動化運維主動響應。




說起來,行雲創新的產品研發也是與微軟公司的支持分不開的—— 在Slack上Kubernetes for Windows的AIG裏,行雲的工程師和微軟還有社區的朋友們一起打怪,解決了Kubernetes Windows網絡通信、DNS服務發現等若干死硬問題,最終實現了行雲產品對Linux和Windows環境下微服務組件的完美、統一支持。我們在未來的技術分享中將就此方面技術細節和大家詳細介紹。


從十幾年前的“I’m your worst nightmare”,開源與微軟水火不容,到近年的“微軟也愛開源”,甚至不惜重金收購長期虧損的GitHub,無論未來如何發展,我們程序員羣體凝聚的創造力是無價的。如何能讓大家更加聚焦於創新本身?這是我們行雲創新一直在思考的。藉此文章,邀請您體驗一下我們行雲創新公有云產品——趣碼,希望她能成爲您釋放創新力的幫手,爲您的軟件開發帶來效率的全面提升。




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