
   初次接觸LTP (Linux Test Project) 被LTP的各種man文件、LTP官網文檔還有網上找的七七八八的文章搞得一頭霧水,怎麼都測試不成功,不知道是我英文太爛沒理解對還是它寫的不清楚。經過反覆摸索終於成功了,現詳述如下,還望各位看客不要嫌我寫得羅嗦,希望對初次安裝使用LTP測試套的人有所幫助。


      可以從 Source/下載最新的LTP壓縮包,如ltp-full-20110228.bz2



    1、tar jvxf ltp-full-20110228.bz2

    2、cd ltp-full-20110228.bz2

    3、./configure (此步可能不成功,則先執行make autotools,然後再./configure)


    5、make install

    注意:ltp 的默認安裝路徑是/opt/ltp,所以接下來的執行測試步驟都需要在/opt/ltp目錄下完成(這個一定要特別注意,我當時就誤到這了,在/home目錄下折騰半天總是測試報錯

FATAL: LTP not installed correctly

INFO:  Follow directions in INSTALL!



    當前有三個腳本可用於執行LTP測試套件,分別是runltp、networktests.sh以及。最常用的就是runltp腳本,它可用於執行LTP中絕大部分的測試(default set of tests,但是不包括networktests及diskio測試。



    -a EMAIL_TO     EMAIL all your Reports to this E-mail Address

    -c NUM_PROCS    Run LTP under additional background CPU load

                    [NUM_PROCS = no. of processes creating the CPU Load by spinning over sqrt()

                                 (Defaults to 1 when value)]

    -C FAILCMDFILE  Command file with all failed test cases.

    -d TMPDIR       Directory where temporary files will be created.


                    Run LTP under additional background Load on Secondary Storage (Seperate by comma)

                    [NUM_PROCS   = no. of processes creating Storage Load by spinning over write()]

                    [NUM_FILES   = Write() to these many files (Defaults to 1 when value 0 or undefined)]

                    [NUM_BYTES   = write these many bytes (defaults to 1GB, when value 0 or undefined)]

                    [CLEAN_FLAG  = unlink file to which random data written, when value 1]

    -e              Prints the date of the current LTP release

    -f CMDFILES     Execute user defined list of testcases (separate with ',')

    -g HTMLFILE     Create an additional HTML output format

    -h              Help. Prints all available options.

    -i NUM_PROCS    Run LTP under additional background Load on IO Bus

                    [NUM_PROCS   = no. of processes creating IO Bus Load by spinning over sync()]

    -l LOGFILE      Log results of test in a logfile.


                    Run LTP under additional background Load on Main memory (Seperate by comma)

                    [NUM_PROCS   = no. of processes creating main Memory Load by spinning over malloc()]

                    [CHUNKS      = malloc these many chunks (default is 1 when value 0 or undefined)]

                    [BYTES       = malloc CHUNKS of BYTES bytes (default is 256MB when value 0 or undefined) ]

                    [HANGUP_FLAG = hang in a sleep loop after memory allocated, when value 1]

    -N              Run all the networking tests.

    -n              Run LTP with network traffic in background.

    -o OUTPUTFILE   Redirect test output to a file.

    -p              Human readable format logfiles.

    -q              Print less verbose output to screen.

    -r LTPROOT      Fully qualified path where testsuite is installed.

    -s PATTERN      Only run test cases which match PATTERN.

    -t DURATION     Execute the testsuite for given duration. Examples:

                      -t 60s = 60 seconds

                      -t 45m = 45 minutes

                      -t 24h = 24 hours

                      -t 2d  = 2 days

    -T REPETITION   Execute the testsuite for REPETITION no. of times

    -v              Print more verbose output to screen.                   

    -w CMDFILEADDR  Uses wget to get the user's list of testcases.

    -x INSTANCES    Run multiple instances of this testsuite.

    執行LTP測試的方式主要有兩種,一種是執行全部default set of tests, 另一種是執行user defined set of tests。   

1、執行default set of tests

   cd /opt/ltp (你所安裝的ltp的存放目錄,默認是/opt/ltp)

   ./runltp -p -l result.log

2、執行user defined set of tests

   如果你只是想執行LTP中的一部分test cases,你可以按照如下步驟操作:

   cd /opt/ltp/runtest

   vim your_command_file (創建命令文件,當然也可以使用runtest目錄中現有的命令文件)

   命令文件由兩部分組成,一是test case標籤“tag",另一個是你希望執行的具體的"test case"腳本名以及一些參數。比如:

   #Tag          Test case


   mtest01        mtest01 -p 10



   cpuctl_stress 9


   cd .. (退出runtest目錄,回到/opt/ltp目錄)

   ./runltp -p -l result.02.log -f your_command_file




還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.