實用juniper SRX NAT小技巧。

當配置route-based IPSec ***,對應的security tunnel 接口和external 接口在同一個zone時,爲了正常的Internet 訪問,需要做source nat off。
set security nat source rule-set 002 from zone trust
set security nat source rule-set 002 to zone untrust
set security nat source rule-set 002 rule 01 match source-address
set security nat source rule-set 002 rule 01 match destination-address
set security nat source rule-set 002 rule 01 then source-nat off

正常訪問Internet 的配置。
set security nat source rule-set 002 rule 02 match source-address
set security nat source rule-set 002 rule 02 match destination-address
set security nat source rule-set 002 rule 02 then source-nat interface
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy 001 match source-address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy 001 match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy 001 match application any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy 001 then permit

SRX上面做了server 的destination nat,但是在內網客戶端需要通過destination nat 的地址去訪問服務器,
對於TCP的應用,會有session 迴流的情況出現,一般有兩種解決辦法,1,搭設DNS server,進行正確的解析,
2,將內網訪問的客戶會話通過source nat 轉化爲內網接口去訪問的會話。
現在講的第二種,配置如下,兩點需要注意,a,destination nat 裏面要添加from zone trust;
b,需要放行trust to trust 的流量(SRX security policy default 是deny)。

set security nat source rule-set 001 from zone trust
set security nat source rule-set 001 to zone trust
set security nat source rule-set 001 rule 03 match source-address
set security nat source rule-set 001 rule 03 match destination-address
set security nat source rule-set 001 rule 03 then source-nat interface
set security nat destination rule-set 001 from zone trust
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone trust policy 001 match source-address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone trust policy 001 match destination-address any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone trust policy 001 match application any
set security policies from-zone trust to-zone trust policy 001 then permit

common destination nat 配置:

set security nat destination rule-set 001 from zone untrust
set security nat destination pool nfs-app address
set security nat destination pool nfs-app address port 2049
set security nat destination rule-set 001 from zone trust
set security nat destination rule-set 001 from zone untrust
set security nat destination rule-set 001 rule 01 match destination-address
set security nat destination rule-set 001 rule 01 match destination-port 9090
set security nat destination rule-set 001 rule 01 then destination-nat pool nfs-app
set security nat destination rule-set 001 rule 02 match destination-address
set security nat destination rule-set 001 rule 02 match destination-port 9000
set security nat destination rule-set 001 rule 02 then destination-nat pool old-lab
set security zones security-zone trust address-book address nfs
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy 001 match source-address any
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy 001 match destination-address nfs
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy 001 match application nfs-tcp
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy 001 match application nfs-udp
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy 001 then permit
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy 001 then log session-close
set applications application nfs-udp protocol udp
set applications application nfs-udp source-port 1-65535
set applications application nfs-udp destination-port 2049
set applications application nfs-tcp protocol tcp
set applications application nfs-tcp source-port 1-65535
set applications application nfs-tcp destination-port 2049

設備的service 的網關是通過另外的ISP線路和另外設備,server網關不在SRX上,但是需要通過SRX做destination nat讓Internet 用戶可以訪問。
要解決這個其實也很有意思,類似nat迴流,需要做個source nat 講Internet 用戶的會話轉變爲接口的會話。
set security nat source rule-set 003 rule 03 match source-address
set security nat source rule-set 003 rule 03 match destination-address
set security nat source rule-set 003 rule 03 then source-nat interface

common destination nat 配置:

set security nat destination pool old-lab address
set security nat destination pool old-lab address port 22
set security nat destination rule-set 001 rule 02 match destination-port 9000
set security nat destination rule-set 001 rule 02 then destination-nat pool old-lab
set security zones security-zone trust address-book address old-lab
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy 002 match source-address any
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy 002 match destination-address old-lab
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy 002 match application junos-ssh
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy 002 then permit
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy 002 then log session-init

客戶不希望自己的Internet 接口ssh被別人用port 22暴力破解,SRX本身是沒有修改ssh port 的功能,這時候就要用到nat,
做過RE-protect 的童鞋應該知道loop back 接口是data plane和control plane 的interface。
我們可以講untrust接口的ssh關閉,講loopback 接口的ssh 通過destination nat 轉變爲Internet 接口的其它port。
同理也可以將http 和https接口做類似的轉換。以下是destination nat 部分的配置,policy配置煩請自行補上。
set security nat destination rule-set 001 rule 03 match source-address
set security nat destination rule-set 001 rule 03 match destination-address
set security nat destination rule-set 001 rule 03 match destination-port 9099
set security nat destination rule-set 001 rule 03 then destination-nat pool loop-ssh

還有中場景是做IPSec 時由於merge 或是網絡規劃等問題,出現了地址重合,不管是做policy-based還是routed-based的IPSec 都會遇到一點點的問題,同樣可以通過nat 的方式去解決。還有種情況是在託管第三方設備的DC,需要講同一臺server 根據不同的客戶,映射爲不同的地址,但是在SRX上有一種限制,match 的address 同一個rule 同一個方向,最多隻有8個,number of elements exceeds limit of 8,需要怎麼做呢?由於時間限制,waiting next...

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