14.4.9 File-Per-Table Tablespaces

  • A file-per-table tablespace is a single-table tablespace that is created in its own data file rather than in the system tablespace. Tables are created in file-per-table tablespaces when the innodb_file_per_table option is enabled. Otherwise, InnoDB tables are created in the system tablespace. Each file-per-table tablespace is represented by a single .ibd data file, which is created in the database directory by default.
  • file-per-table表空間是單表的表空間,它是在自己的數據文件中創建的,而不是在系統表空間中創建的,如果開啓了innodb_file_per_table選項,則表創建在file-per-table表空間,否則,innodb表就會創建在系統表空間裏面,每一個 file-per-table表空間是由一個.ibd 數據文件表示,默認是在數據庫目錄中創建的
  • File per-table tablespaces support DYNAMIC and COMPRESSED row formats which support features such as off-page storage for variable length data and table compression. For information about these features, and about other advantages of file-per-table tablespaces, see Section 14.7.4, “InnoDB File-Per-Table Tablespaces”.
  • file-per-table表空間支持DYNAMIC和COMPRESSE並且行格式,並且支持可變長度數據的頁外存儲和表壓縮等特性,有關這些功能的信息和file-per-table表空間文件其他優點,請看 Section 14.7.4, “InnoDB File-Per-Table Tablespaces”.

PREV: 14.4.8 Undo Logs. https://blog.51cto.com/itzhoujun/2353194
NEXT: 14.4.10 General Tablespaces. https://blog.51cto.com/itzhoujun/2353196

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