

二維碼於1994年由日本DENSO WAVE公司發明,據官方給出的介紹:

DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED擁有QR碼的專利權,但針對業已形成規格的QR碼,公司明確表示不會行使這項權利。這是開始研發當初就定下來的方針,反映了研發者的想法:“希望能有更多的人使用QR碼”(來源:qrcode.com)


二維碼怎麼說?QR code,全稱Quick Response Code.


QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed in 1994 for the automotive industry in Japan.(Wikipedia)


學過高等數學的應該對這個詞比較熟悉,表示“(數學的)矩陣”,英文解釋爲“an arrangement of numbers, letters, or signs in rows and column s that you consider to be one amount, and that you use in solving mathematical problems”

當然,它還有另外一個意思,表示“(人或社會的)發源地,搖籃”,英文解釋爲“a situation from which a person or society can grow and develop”,如:the cultural matrix 文化發源地。

2017年經濟學人「The Economist explains」專欄一篇講述二維碼越來越普遍的文章,是這麼介紹什麼是二維碼的:

THE rectangles of a two-dimensional (2D) barcode are Mondrian-esque. The black-and-white codes represent data in grid form, which only a computer can decipher. They represent a hyperlink or piece of text, which can be read by scanning the code—for example with a mobile phone. No internet connection is needed.



-esque表示“...特色的,...風格的,...式的”,英文解釋爲“in the manner or style of a particular person, group, or place”,如:Kafkaesque (= in the style of the writer Franz Kafka ) 卡夫卡式的(指具有小說家卡夫卡的風格);


他的風格是什麼樣的呢?其實今天的封面圖片就是哦。在Google Image搜搜Mondrian-esque,返回了這樣的結果:

看了這下面這圖你是不是就明白了開頭說的The rectangles of a two-dimensional (2D) barcode are Mondrian-esque.這句話是什麼意思了。


decipher /dɪˈsaɪfə/ 表示“解譯,破譯;辨認,解釋”,英文解釋爲“To change a message written in a code into ordinary language so that you can read it; To find the meaning of something that is difficult to read or understand舉個🌰:

I'm still no closer to deciphering the code.



表示“難以辨認的;難以理解的”(impossible to read or understand),如:an indecipherable signature 難以辨認的簽名。

同義詞:decode,可以表示“解碼,解讀,解譯”英文解釋:if a computer decodes data , it receives it and changes it into a form that can be used by the computer or understood by a person.

These encodings, often seen in the Quick Response (QR) format, are widely used in Japan and China, where (by one estimate) they enabled $1.65trn of mobile payments in 2016. But they are less familiar in North America and Europe, despite their appearance on airline boarding passes and shipping labels, and in apps used by the likes of Starbucks and Walmart. A Tumblr site founded in 2012 called “Pictures of People Scanning QR codes” has no entries—an intentional gag. Why are 2D codes employed so widely in some places and not in others?


boarding card/boarding pass,英文解釋爲“an official card that you have to show before you get onto a plane”。


表示“故意的,蓄意的”,英文解釋爲“done deliberately and usually intended to cause harm”舉個🌰:

I did trip him, but it wasn't intentional.


同義詞:deliberate,同樣表示“故意的,有意的,蓄意的”(intended or planned),舉個🌰:

Witnesses say the firing was deliberate and sustained.



trip作動詞,熟詞僻義,表示“絆;絆倒,英文解釋爲“To hit something with your foot by accident so that you fall or almost fall; To make someone fall by putting your foot in front of them when they are moving”舉個🌰:

He tripped and fell.


trip作動詞也可以指“觸動(開關)”(to switch on a piece of electrical equipment by accident),如:trip the alarm 觸動了警報器。


表示“笑話,惡作劇”,英文解釋爲“A gag is a joke. A gag is a humorous trick that you play on someone.”舉個🌰:

The running gag is that the band never gets to play.


這一段的倒數第二句:A Tumblr site founded in 2012 called “Pictures of People Scanning QR codes” has no entries—an intentional gag. 什麼意思呢?不知道“背景”的話肯定很懵。

Tumblr是個社交媒體網站,不瞭解的可以看下之前的推送:「BBC」評Tumblr將全面永久禁止黃色內容。有個用戶在2012年時註冊了一個Tumblr賬號,並給主頁起名叫“Pictures of People Scanning QR codes”,人們掃二維碼的圖片,卻什麼也沒發(文中用的是no entries,而主頁上用的則是no posts),這顯然是個“intentional gag”。


而有意思的是,至今竟然有748人給他/她點贊(someone liked this)和轉發(someone reblogged this)。

Scannable codes became popular in Japan in 2002, when mobile internet access was still poor. Advertisers, publishers and handset-makers teamed up to popularise QR codes as a way to share information with customers. Japan led the field until recently, when the use of 2D codes in China boomed. Two Chinese digital-payment platforms,Tencent's WeChat Pay and

Alibaba's Alipay, allow people to make contactless payments by scanning codes. A customer can either scan a merchant's QR code, or the merchant can scan the customer's account code.

team up

表示“合作,(與某人)結成一隊”,英文解釋爲“to join with someone in order to work on something舉個🌰:

You can team up with one other class member if you want.


lead the field/pack/world

表示“在該領域/羣體中/世界上領先,處於領頭地位”,英文解釋爲“to be better than all other people or things舉個🌰:

Their scientists lead the world in nutrition research.



表示“非接觸式支付的,感應支付的(利用無線技術通過信用卡、借記卡以及手機支付)”,英文解釋爲“relating to the use of wireless technology to make a payment using a credit card or debit card, or a mobile phone”,如:contactless cards 感應式銀行卡 ,contactless payment 非接觸式支付,舉個🌰:

Our debit cards are now contactless and will work at contactless readers throughout the UK.


This allows mobile phones without near-field communication, which is built into modern Apple and Android phones, to make contactless payments. While Apple Pay and Android Pay are flourishing in America and Europe, the technology needed to support them is too expensive for many shops in poorer countries.

near field communication

什麼是near field communication?縮寫NFC你可以會在新聞上見到,意思是“近距離無線通信,近距離通信,近場通信”,就是讓兩個設備在較近的距離(如幾釐米)內實現通信。英文介紹:the ability of electronic devices, magnetic strips, etc. to send and receive information over short distances, for example two or three centimetres


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