
所用ICNet版本:hellochick-Github,star 286


這篇博客記錄一下如何不使用預訓練的權重訓練自己的數據集(因爲權重文件都要從Google driver上下載……emmm,牆好高啊)。

P.S. 看到其他博客有說這個作者的代碼變化很大,我使用的是新版的代碼(沒有tool.py)




原圖地址 標籤地址
原圖地址 標籤地址
原圖地址 標籤地址





This code is based on DrSleep's framework: https://github.com/DrSleep/tensorflow-deeplab-resnet 
import argparse
import os
import sys
import time

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from model import ICNet_BN
from utils.config import Config
from utils.visualize import decode_labels
from utils.image_reader import ImageReader, prepare_label

def get_arguments():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Reproduced ICNet")
    parser.add_argument("--random-mirror", action="store_true",
                        help="Whether to randomly mirror the inputs during the training.")
    parser.add_argument("--random-scale", action="store_true",
                        help="Whether to randomly scale the inputs during the training.")
    parser.add_argument("--update-mean-var", action="store_true",
                        help="whether to get update_op from tf.Graphic_Keys")
    parser.add_argument("--train-beta-gamma", action="store_true",
                        help="whether to train beta & gamma in bn layer")
    parser.add_argument("--dataset", required=True,
                        help="Which dataset to trained with",
                        choices=['cityscapes', 'ade20k', 'others'])
    parser.add_argument("--filter-scale", type=int, default=2,
                        help="1 for using pruned model, while 2 for using non-pruned model.",
                        choices=[1, 2])
    return parser.parse_args()

def get_mask(gt, num_classes, ignore_label):
    less_equal_class = tf.less_equal(gt, num_classes-1)
    not_equal_ignore = tf.not_equal(gt, ignore_label)
    mask = tf.logical_and(less_equal_class, not_equal_ignore)
    indices = tf.squeeze(tf.where(mask), 1)

    return indices

def create_loss(output, label, num_classes, ignore_label):
    raw_pred = tf.reshape(output, [-1, num_classes])
    label = prepare_label(label, tf.stack(output.get_shape()[1:3]), num_classes=num_classes, one_hot=False)
    label = tf.reshape(label, [-1,])

    indices = get_mask(label, num_classes, ignore_label)
    gt = tf.cast(tf.gather(label, indices), tf.int32)
    pred = tf.gather(raw_pred, indices)

    loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, labels=gt)
    reduced_loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss)

    return reduced_loss

def create_losses(net, label, cfg):
    # Get output from different branches
    sub4_out = net.layers['sub4_out']
    sub24_out = net.layers['sub24_out']
    sub124_out = net.layers['conv6_cls']

    loss_sub4 = create_loss(sub4_out, label, cfg.param['num_classes'], cfg.param['ignore_label'])
    loss_sub24 = create_loss(sub24_out, label, cfg.param['num_classes'], cfg.param['ignore_label'])
    loss_sub124 = create_loss(sub124_out, label, cfg.param['num_classes'], cfg.param['ignore_label'])

    l2_losses = [cfg.WEIGHT_DECAY * tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'weights' in v.name]
    # Calculate weighted loss of three branches, you can tune LAMBDA values to get better results.
    reduced_loss = cfg.LAMBDA1 * loss_sub4 +  cfg.LAMBDA2 * loss_sub24 + cfg.LAMBDA3 * loss_sub124 + tf.add_n(l2_losses)

    return loss_sub4, loss_sub24, loss_sub124, reduced_loss

class TrainConfig(Config):
    def __init__(self, dataset, is_training,  filter_scale=1, random_scale=None, random_mirror=None):
        Config.__init__(self, dataset, is_training, filter_scale, random_scale, random_mirror)

    # Set pre-trained weights here (You can download weight using `python script/download_weights.py`) 
    # Note that you need to use "bnnomerge" version.
    # ~ model_weight = './model/cityscapes/icnet_cityscapes_train_30k_bnnomerge.npy'
    model_weight = ''   # 這裏將地址設爲空
    # Set hyperparameters here, you can get much more setting in Config Class, see 'utils/config.py' for details.
    LAMBDA1 = 0.16
    LAMBDA2 = 0.4
    LAMBDA3 = 1.0
    BATCH_SIZE = 4
    LEARNING_RATE = 1e-2  # 這些參數按需修改

def main():
    """Create the model and start the training."""
    args = get_arguments()

    Get configurations here. We pass some arguments from command line to init configurations, for training hyperparameters, 
    you can set them in TrainConfig Class.

    Note: we set filter scale to 1 for pruned model, 2 for non-pruned model. The filters numbers of non-pruned
          model is two times larger than prunde model, e.g., [h, w, 64] <-> [h, w, 32].
    cfg = TrainConfig(dataset=args.dataset, 
                random_scale=False, # 這裏直接強制傳參False
                # ~ random_scale=args.random_scale,    # 因爲數據集比較豐富,這裏沒有使用random_scale處理圖像
                # ~ random_mirror=args.random_mirror, # 同上,沒有使用random_mirror處理圖像
                random_mirror=False, # 這裏直接強制傳參False

    # Setup training network and training samples
    train_reader = ImageReader(cfg=cfg, mode='train')
    train_net = ICNet_BN(image_reader=train_reader, 
                            cfg=cfg, mode='train')

    loss_sub4, loss_sub24, loss_sub124, reduced_loss = create_losses(train_net, train_net.labels, cfg)

    # Setup validation network and validation samples
    with tf.variable_scope('', reuse=True):
        val_reader = ImageReader(cfg, mode='eval')
        val_net = ICNet_BN(image_reader=val_reader, 
                            cfg=cfg, mode='train')

        val_loss_sub4, val_loss_sub24, val_loss_sub124, val_reduced_loss = create_losses(val_net, val_net.labels, cfg)

    # Using Poly learning rate policy 
    base_lr = tf.constant(cfg.LEARNING_RATE)
    step_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=())
    learning_rate = tf.scalar_mul(base_lr, tf.pow((1 - step_ph / cfg.TRAINING_STEPS), cfg.POWER))
    # Set restore variable 
    restore_var = tf.global_variables()
    all_trainable = [v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if ('beta' not in v.name and 'gamma' not in v.name) or args.train_beta_gamma]

    # Gets moving_mean and moving_variance update operations from tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS
    if args.update_mean_var == False:
        update_ops = None
        update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)

    with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
        opt_conv = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, cfg.MOMENTUM)
        grads = tf.gradients(reduced_loss, all_trainable)
        train_op = opt_conv.apply_gradients(zip(grads, all_trainable))
    # Create session & restore weights (Here we only need to use train_net to create session since we reuse it)
    # ~ train_net.restore(cfg.model_weight, restore_var) # 因爲沒有預訓練權重,這句註釋掉!
    saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=tf.global_variables(), max_to_keep=5)

    # Iterate over training steps.
    for step in range(cfg.TRAINING_STEPS):
        start_time = time.time()
        feed_dict = {step_ph: step}
        if step % cfg.SAVE_PRED_EVERY == 0:
            loss_value, loss1, loss2, loss3, val_loss_value, _ = train_net.sess.run([reduced_loss, loss_sub4, loss_sub24, loss_sub124, val_reduced_loss, train_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            train_net.save(saver, cfg.SNAPSHOT_DIR, step)
            loss_value, loss1, loss2, loss3, val_loss_value, _ = train_net.sess.run([reduced_loss, loss_sub4, loss_sub24, loss_sub124, val_reduced_loss, train_op], feed_dict=feed_dict)            

        duration = time.time() - start_time
        print('step {:d} \t total loss = {:.3f}, sub4 = {:.3f}, sub24 = {:.3f}, sub124 = {:.3f}, val_loss: {:.3f} ({:.3f} sec/step)'.\
                    format(step, loss_value, loss1, loss2, loss3, val_loss_value, duration))
if __name__ == '__main__':


import numpy as np
import os

class Config(object):
    # Setting dataset directory
    # ~ CITYSCAPES_DATA_DIR = './data/cityscapes_dataset/cityscape/'
    CITYSCAPES_DATA_DIR = '' # 設爲空
    # ~ ADE20K_DATA_DIR = './data/ADEChallengeData2016/'
    ADE20K_DATA_DIR = '' # 設爲空
    # ~ ADE20K_eval_list = os.path.join('./data/list/ade20k_val_list.txt')
    # ~ CITYSCAPES_eval_list = os.path.join('./data/list/cityscapes_val_list.txt')
    ADE20K_eval_list = os.path.join('') # 設爲空
    CITYSCAPES_eval_list = os.path.join('') # 設爲空

    # ~ ADE20K_train_list = os.path.join('./data/list/ade20k_train_list.txt')
    # ~ CITYSCAPES_train_list = os.path.join('./data/list/cityscapes_train_list.txt')
    ADE20K_train_list = os.path.join('') # 設爲空
    CITYSCAPES_train_list = os.path.join('') # 設爲空
    IMG_MEAN = np.array((103.939, 116.779, 123.68), dtype=np.float32)
    ADE20k_param = {'name': 'ade20k',
                'num_classes': 150, # predict: [0~149] corresponding to label [1~150], ignore class 0 (background) 
                'ignore_label': 0,
                'eval_size': [480, 480],
                'eval_steps': 2000,
                'eval_list': ADE20K_eval_list,
                'train_list': ADE20K_train_list,
                'data_dir': ADE20K_DATA_DIR}
    cityscapes_param = {'name': 'cityscapes',
                    'num_classes': 19,
                    'ignore_label': 255,
                    'eval_size': [1025, 2049],
                    'eval_steps': 500,
                    'eval_list': CITYSCAPES_eval_list,
                    'train_list': CITYSCAPES_train_list,
                    'data_dir': CITYSCAPES_DATA_DIR}
    # ~ model_paths = {'train': './model/cityscapes/icnet_cityscapes_train_30k.npy', 
              # ~ 'trainval': './model/cityscapes/icnet_cityscapes_trainval_90k.npy',
              # ~ 'train_bn': './model/cityscapes/icnet_cityscapes_train_30k_bnnomerge.npy',
              # ~ 'trainval_bn': './model/cityscapes/icnet_cityscapes_trainval_90k_bnnomerge.npy',
              # ~ 'others': './model/ade20k/model.ckpt-27150'}
    model_paths = {'train': '', # 設爲空
              'trainval': '', # 設爲空
              'train_bn': '', # 設爲空
              'trainval_bn': '', # 設爲空
              'others': ''} # 設爲空
    ## If you want to train on your own dataset, try to set these parameters.
    others_param = {'name': 'LMC_2433_DATASET', # 這裏輸入你的數據集名稱
                    'num_classes': 6, # 你的數據集類別數
                    'ignore_label': 0, # 你的數據集中background的類別(如果理解有誤請指正)
                    'eval_size': [256, 256], # 你的訓練集圖片大小
                    'eval_steps': 206, # 這裏是驗證時的步數,訓練時沒有什麼用
                    'eval_list': '/home/kanghao/semantic_segmentation/icnet/ICNet-tensorflow/LMC_2433_DATASET/test.txt', # 驗證集的txt文件地址,我設置的是測試集的……
                    'train_list': '/home/kanghao/semantic_segmentation/icnet/ICNet-tensorflow/LMC_2433_DATASET/train.txt', # 訓練集的txt文件地址
                    'data_dir': '/home/kanghao/semantic_segmentation/icnet/ICNet-tensorflow/LMC_2433_DATASET'} # 數據集地址

    ## You can modify following lines to train different training configurations.
    INFER_SIZE = [256, 256, 3]  # 對應數據集的圖片尺寸
    TRAINING_SIZE = [256, 256] # 同上
    TRAINING_STEPS = 20000 # 訓練的步數
    N_WORKERS = 8
    BATCH_SIZE = 4 # batch size
    LEARNING_RATE = 1e-4 # 學習率
    MOMENTUM = 0.9
    POWER = 0.9
    RANDOM_SEED = 1234
    WEIGHT_DECAY = 0.0002 # 權重衰減
    SNAPSHOT_DIR = './snapshots/' # 模型保存地址
    SAVE_PRED_EVERY = 1000
    # Loss Function = LAMBDA1 * sub4_loss + LAMBDA2 * sub24_loss + LAMBDA3 * sub124_loss
    LAMBDA1 = 0.16
    LAMBDA2 = 0.4
    LAMBDA3 = 1.0
    def __init__(self, dataset, is_training=False, filter_scale=1, random_scale=False, random_mirror=False):
        print('Setup configurations...')
        if dataset == 'ade20k':
            self.param = self.ADE20k_param
        elif dataset == 'cityscapes':
            self.param = self.cityscapes_param
        elif dataset == 'others':
            self.param = self.others_param

        self.dataset = dataset
        self.random_scale = random_scale
        self.random_mirror = random_mirror
        self.is_training = is_training
        self.filter_scale = filter_scale
    def display(self):
        """Display Configuration values."""
        for a in dir(self):
            if not a.startswith("__") and not callable(getattr(self, a)) and not isinstance(getattr(self, a), dict):
                print("{:30} {}".format(a, getattr(self, a)))

            if a == ("param"):
                for k, v in getattr(self, a).items():
                    print("   {:27} {}".format(k, v))



python train.py --dataset=others




            dataset = dataset.batch(cfg.BATCH_SIZE, drop_remainder=True)

如果你Tensorflow版本低於1.10.0,那麼是沒有drop_remainder參數的,我的選擇是直接去掉了這個參數。這個參數的作用是如果最後的圖像不足一個batch size,那麼就丟棄不用,所以如果你batch size設置的剛好可以用訓練集圖片總數除以你的batch size初的盡的話,沒有問題。


訓練結束,除了訓練時直觀的看到total loss的下降(在我的數據集上,我訓練10,000步,最後total loss下降到0.32左右),還可以通過mIOU、per class accuracy、streaming accuracy來評估訓練效果。但是原作者的evaluate.py文件僅針對ade20k及cityscape數據集,所以還需要自己修改代碼,我修改後的代碼如下:

import argparse
import time

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import trange

from utils.config import Config
from utils.image_reader import ImageReader
from model import ICNet, ICNet_BN

# mapping different model
model_config = {'train': ICNet, 'trainval': ICNet, 'train_bn': ICNet_BN, 'trainval_bn': ICNet_BN, 'others': ICNet_BN}
acc_list = []
mIOU_list = []
pca_list = []
def get_arguments():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Reproduced ICNet")

    parser.add_argument("--model", type=str, default='',
                        help="Model to use.",
                        choices=['train', 'trainval', 'train_bn', 'trainval_bn', 'others'],
    parser.add_argument("--dataset", type=str, default='',
                        choices=['ade20k', 'cityscapes', 'others'],
    parser.add_argument("--filter-scale", type=int, default=2,
                        help="1 for using pruned model, while 2 for using non-pruned model.",
                        choices=[1, 2])

    return parser.parse_args()

def main():
    args = get_arguments()  
    cfg = Config(dataset=args.dataset, is_training=False, filter_scale=args.filter_scale)
    model = model_config[args.model]

    reader = ImageReader(cfg=cfg, mode='eval')
    net = model(image_reader=reader, cfg=cfg, mode='eval')
    # mIoU
    pred_flatten = tf.reshape(net.output, [-1,])
    label_flatten = tf.reshape(net.labels, [-1,])   

    mask = tf.not_equal(label_flatten, cfg.param['ignore_label']) 
    indices = tf.squeeze(tf.where(mask), 1)  
    gt = tf.cast(tf.gather(label_flatten, indices), tf.int32)
    pred = tf.gather(pred_flatten, indices) 

    if cfg.dataset == 'ade20k':
        pred = tf.add(pred, tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int64))
        mIoU, update_op = tf.metrics.mean_iou(predictions=pred, labels=gt, num_classes=cfg.param['num_classes']+1)
    if cfg.dataset == 'others':
        accuracy, accuracy_update = tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_accuracy(pred, gt)
        mIoU, update_op = tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean_iou(predictions=pred, labels=gt, num_classes=cfg.param['num_classes'])
        per_class_accuracy, per_class_accuracy_update = tf.metrics.mean_per_class_accuracy(labels=gt, predictions=pred, num_classes=cfg.param['num_classes'])
        metrics_op = tf.group(accuracy_update, update_op, per_class_accuracy_update)
    elif cfg.dataset == 'cityscapes':
        mIoU, update_op = tf.metrics.mean_iou(predictions=pred, labels=gt, num_classes=cfg.param['num_classes'])
    # ~ net.restore(cfg.model_paths[args.model])
    for i in trange(cfg.param['eval_steps'], desc='evaluation', leave=True):
        # ~ _ = net.sess.run(update_op)
        # ~ _,accuracy, mIoU, per_class_accuracy = net.sess.run([metrics_op,accuracy, mIoU, per_class_accuracy])
        _, accuracy_value, mIoU_value, per_class_accuracy_value = net.sess.run([metrics_op, accuracy, mIoU, per_class_accuracy])
    total_acc = sum(acc_list)
    total_mIoU = sum(mIOU_list)
    total_pca = sum(pca_list)
    print('Streaming Accuracy: {}'.format(total_acc / len(acc_list)))
    print('mIoU: {}'.format(total_mIoU / len(mIOU_list)))
    print('per class accuracy: {}'.format(total_pca / len(pca_list)))
if __name__ == '__main__':


是的 沒錯 我知道 你別說了 你閉嘴 停 結果很差…… 目前對代碼理解還很生疏,等我研讀一下代碼看看能不能解決……現在直觀的方法就是把gt和pred圖保存一下,看看分割效果??


_,accuracy, mIoU, per_class_accuracy = net.sess.run([metrics_op,accuracy, mIoU, per_class_accuracy])

在我的源碼中我註釋掉的那句。 這個sess.run返回的是float32類型的數據,而輸入的是一個tensor,所以不要把輸出的變量名比如mIoU設置成和sess.run()中的相同……


還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.