
掌握基於Hive 或 Spark SQL的數據分析


















hdfs dfs -rm -r -f -skipTrash /tmp/shopping/

hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/shopping/data/customer

hdfs dfs -put customer_details.csv /tmp/shopping/data/customer/

hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/shopping/data/transaction

hdfs dfs -put transaction_details.csv /tmp/shopping/data/transaction/

hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/shopping/data/store

hdfs dfs -put store_details.csv /tmp/shopping/data/store/

hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/shopping/data/review

hdfs dfs -put store_review.csv /tmp/shopping/data/review/

hdfs dfs -ls -R /tmp/shopping/data/


drop database if exists shopping cascade

create database if not exists shopping



create external table if not exists ext_customer_details (

customer_id string,

first_name string,

last_name string,

email string,

gender string,

address string,

country string,

language string,

job string,

credit_type string,

credit_no string


row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'

location '/tmp/shopping/data/customer'

tblproperties ("skip.header.line.count"="1")


create external table if not exists ext_transaction_details (

transaction_id string,

customer_id string,

store_id string,

price decimal(8,2),

product string,

purchase_date string,

purchase_time string


row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'

location '/tmp/shopping/data/transaction' --this must tblproperties

tblproperties ("skip.header.line.count"="1")


create external table if not exists ext_store_details (

store_id string,

store_name string,

employee_number int


row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'

location '/tmp/shopping/data/store' --this must tblproperties

tblproperties ("skip.header.line.count"="1")


create external table if not exists ext_store_review (

transaction_id string,

store_id string,

review_score int


row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'

location '/tmp/shopping/data/review' --this must tblproperties

tblproperties ("skip.header.line.count"="1")






找出個人信息確認:PII(personal information identification)或個人機密信息:PCI(personal confidential information)數據進行加密或hash



create view if not exists vw_customer_details as




unbase64(last_name) as last_name,

unbase64(email) as email,


unbase64(address) as address,




unbase64(concat(unbase64(credit_no), 'seed')) as credit_no --better way than hash since it can be decoded base64(regexp_replace(base64(credit_no), unbase64('seed'), ''))

from ext_customer_details



create table if not exists transaction_details (

transaction_id string,

customer_id string,

store_id string,

price decimal(8,2),

product string,

purchase_time string,

purchase_date date


partitioned by (purchase_month string)


select transaction_id, count(*) from ext_transaction_details group by transaction_id having count(*) > 1(標準的sql查重)


with base as (

select row_number() over(partition by transaction_id order by 1) as rn,*

from ext_transaction_details


select count(*) from base where rn > 1


with base as (










from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(purchase_date ,'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'yyyy-MM') as purchase_month,


row_number() over(partition by transaction_id order by store_id) as rn

from ext_transaction_details

where customer_id<>'customer_id'



from base

insert overwrite table transaction_details partition(purchase_month)


if(rn = 1, transaction_id, concat(transaction_id, '_fix', rn)) as transaction_id,

--rn = 1的時候輸出transaction_id,當rn >= 2的時候通過concat(transaction_id, '_fix', rn)連接字符串









--select count(*) from ext_store_review r join transaction_details t on r.transaction_id = t.transaction_id and r.store_id = t.store_id where review_score <> '' --153 row

--select count(*) from ext_store_review where review_score <> '' --937 rows


create view if not exists vw_store_review as

select transaction_id, review_score

from ext_store_review

where review_score <> ''



1. 找出顧客最常用的信用卡:

select credit_type, count(distinct credit_no) as credit_cnt

from vw_customer_details group by country, credit_type order by credit_cnt desc

2. 找出客戶數據中的前5個職位名稱:

select job, count(*) as pn from vw_customer_details group by job order by pn desc limit 5

3. 對於美國女性來說,她們手中最受歡迎的卡片是什麼

select credit_type, count(distinct credit_no) as ct

from vw_customer_details

where country = 'United States' and gender = 'Female'

group by credit_type order by ct desc

4. 按性別和國家計算客戶統計

select count(*), country, gender

from vw_customer_details

group by country, gender


1. 計算每月總收入

select sum(price) as revenue_mom, purchase_month from transaction_details

group by purchase_month order by purchase_month

2. 按季度計算總收入

with base as (

select price,

concat_ws('-', substr(purchase_date, 1, 4), cast(ceil(month(purchase_date)/3.0) as string)) as year_quarter

from transaction_details



sum(price) as revenue_qoq, year_quarter --quarter does not support until hive 1.3

from base group by year_quarter

3. 按年計算總收入

select sum(price) as revenue_mom, substr(purchase_date, 1, 4) as year

from transaction_details

group by substr(purchase_date, 1, 4)

4. 按工作日星期計算總收入

select sum(price) as revenue_wow, date_format(purchase_date, 'u') as weekday

from transaction_details

group by  date_format(purchase_date, 'u') --1 is Mon and 7 is Sun


with base as (

select price, date_format(purchase_date, 'u') as weekday, purchase_month,

concat_ws('-', substr(purchase_date, 1, 4), cast(ceil(month(purchase_date)/3.0) as string)) as year_quarter, substr(purchase_date, 1, 4) as year

from transaction_details


select sum(price) as total, weekday, purchase_month, year_quarter, year from base group by weekday, purchase_month, year_quarter, year

5. (需要清理數據)(按時間桶(上午、中午等)計算總收入/平均購買量)


--early morning: (5:00, 8:00]

--morning: (8:00, 11:00]

--noon: (11:00, 13:00]

--afternoon: (13:00, 18:00]

--evening: (18:00, 22:00]

--night: (22:00, 5:00]



with base as (

select price, purchase_time, if(purchase_time like '%M',


from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(purchase_time,'hh:mm aa'),'HH:mm'), purchase_time) as time_format

from transaction_details   ),

timeformat as (



purchase_time, price, (cast(split(time_format, ':')[0] as decimal(4,2)) + cast(split(time_format, ':')[1] as decimal(4,2))/60) as purchase_time_in_hrs

from base   ),

timebucket as (


price, purchase_time, purchase_time_in_hrs,

if(purchase_time_in_hrs > 5 and purchase_time_in_hrs <=8, 'early morning',

if(purchase_time_in_hrs > 8 and purchase_time_in_hrs <=11, 'morning',

if(purchase_time_in_hrs > 11 and purchase_time_in_hrs <=13, 'noon',

if(purchase_time_in_hrs > 13 and purchase_time_in_hrs <=18, 'afternoon',


if(purchase_time_in_hrs > 18 and purchase_time_in_hrs <=22, 'evening', 'night'))))) as time_bucket

from timeformat


--select * from timebucket 這樣可以知道,時間格式太多了需要清洗

select time_bucket, avg(price) as avg_spend, sum(price)/1000 as revenue_k from timebucket group by time_bucket

-- divide 1k to see the chater more clear

6. 按工作日計算平均消費

select avg(price) as avg_price, date_format(purchase_date, 'u') as weekday

from transaction_details

where date_format(purchase_date, 'u') is not null

group by date_format(purchase_date, 'u')

7. 計算年、月、日交易總額

with base as (

select transaction_id, date_format(purchase_date, 'u') as weekday, purchase_month,

concat_ws('-', substr(purchase_date, 1, 4), cast(ceil(month(purchase_date)/3.0) as string)) as year_quarter, substr(purchase_date, 1, 4) as year

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null    )

select count(distinct transaction_id) as total, weekday, purchase_month, year_quarter, year

from base group by weekday, purchase_month, year_quarter, year order by year, purchase_month

8. 找出交易量最大的10個客戶

with base as (

select customer_id, count(distinct transaction_id) as trans_cnt, sum(price) as spend_total

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null group by customer_id


cust_detail as (

select *, concat_ws(' ', first_name, last_name) as cust_name


From base td join vw_customer_details cd on td.customer_id = cd.customer_id


select trans_cnt, cust_name as top10_trans_cust

from cust_detail order by trans_cnt desc limit 10

9. 找出消費最多的十大客戶

with base as (


customer_id, count(distinct transaction_id) as trans_cnt, sum(price) as spend_total

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null group by customer_id


cust_detail as (

select *, concat_ws(' ', first_name, last_name) as cust_name

from base td join vw_customer_details cd on td.customer_id = cd.customer_id   )

select spend_total, cust_name as top10_trans_cust

from cust_detail order by spend_total desc limit 10

10. 誰擁有該期間的最小交易數量

with base as (

select customer_id, count(distinct transaction_id) as trans_cnt

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null

group by customer_id   )

select * from base order by trans_cnt limit 10

11. 按季度/年計算獨立客戶總數

with base as (

select transaction_id,

concat_ws('-', substr(purchase_date, 1, 4), cast(ceil(month(purchase_date)/3.0) as string)) as year_quarter, substr(purchase_date, 1, 4) as year

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null   )

select count(distinct transaction_id) as total, year_quarter, year

from base

group by year_quarter, year order by year_quarter

12. 計算整個活動中客戶的平均最大值

with base as (

select customer_id, avg(price) as price_avg, max(price) as price_max

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null group by customer_id   )

select max(price_avg)

from base

13. 每個月誰花的錢最多

with base as (

select customer_id, purchase_month, sum(price) as price_sum, count(transaction_id) as trans_cnt

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null group by purchase_month, customer_id   ),

rank_sum as (


rank() over(partition by purchase_month order by price_sum desc) as rn_sum,

rank() over(partition by purchase_month order by trans_cnt desc) as rn_cnt,

purchase_month, price_sum, trans_cnt, customer_id

from base   )

select purchase_month, 'spend' as measure_name, price_sum as measure_value, customer_id

from rank_sum where rn_sum = 1

14. 每個月誰是最頻繁的訪客

with base as (

select customer_id, purchase_month, sum(price) as price_sum, count(transaction_id) as trans_cnt

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null group by purchase_month, customer_id   ),

rank_sum as (


rank() over(partition by purchase_month order by price_sum desc) as rn_sum,

rank() over(partition by purchase_month order by trans_cnt desc) as rn_cnt,

purchase_month, price_sum, trans_cnt, customer_id

from base   )

select purchase_month, 'visit' as measure_name, trans_cnt as measure_value, customer_id

from rank_sum where rn_cnt = 1 order by measure_name, purchase_month

15. 找出最受歡迎的5種產品的總價格

select product, sum(price) as price_sum

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null group by product

order by price_sum desc limit 5

16. 根據購買頻率找出最受歡迎的5種產品

select product, count(transaction_id) as freq_buy

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null

group by product order by freq_buy desc limit 5

17. 根據客戶數量找出最受歡迎的5種產品

select product, count(customer_id) as freq_cust

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null

group by product order by freq_cust desc limit 5


1. 找出最受歡迎的商店正在訪問的獨特的客戶

select sd.store_name, count(distinct customer_id) as unique_visit

from transaction_details td join ext_store_details sd on td.store_id = sd.store_id

group by store_name order by unique_visit desc limit 5

2. 根據顧客購買的數量找出最受歡迎的商店

select sd.store_name, sum(td.price) as total_revnue

from transaction_details td join ext_store_details sd on td.store_id =sd.store_id

group by store_name

order by total_revnue desc limit 5

3. 根據顧客交易情況找出最受歡迎的商店

select sd.store_name, count(transaction_id) as unique_purchase

from transaction_details td join ext_store_details sd on td.store_id = sd.store_id

group by store_name order by unique_purchase desc limit 5

4. 通過唯一的客戶id獲得商店最受歡迎的產品

with base as (

select store_id, product, count(distinct customer_id) as freq_cust

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null group by store_id, product   ),

prod_rank as (

select store_id, product, freq_cust, rank()

over(partition by store_id order by freq_cust desc) as rn

from base   )

select store_name, product, freq_cust

from prod_rank td join ext_store_details sd on td.store_id = sd.store_id

where td.rn = 1

5. 獲得每個商店的員工與客戶訪問率

with base as (

select store_id, count(distinct customer_id, purchase_date) as cust_visit

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null

group by store_id


Select store_name, cust_visit, employee_number,

round(cust_visit/employee_number,2) as cust_per_employee_within_period

from base td join ext_store_details sd on td.store_id = sd.store_id

6. 按年、月計算各門店收入

select store_name, purchase_month, sum(price) as revenue

from transaction_details td join ext_store_details sd on td.store_id = sd.store_id

where purchase_month is not null

group by store_name, purchase_month

7. 根據商店的總收入製作餅圖

select store_name, sum(price) as revenue

from transaction_details td join ext_store_details sd on td.store_id = sd.store_id

where purchase_month is not null

group by store_name

8. 找出每個商店最繁忙的時間段

--define time bucket

--early morning: (5:00, 8:00]

--morning: (8:00, 11:00]

--noon: (11:00, 13:00]

--afternoon: (13:00, 18:00]

--evening: (18:00, 22:00]

--night: (22:00, 5:00] --make it as else, since it is not liner increasing

--We also format the time. 1st format time to 19:23 like, then compare, then convert minites to hours

with base as (

select transaction_id, purchase_time, if(purchase_time like '%M', from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(purchase_time,'hh:mm aa'),'HH:mm'), purchase_time) as time_format, store_id from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null


timeformat as (

select purchase_time, transaction_id, (cast(split(time_format, ':')[0] as decimal(4,2)) +  cast(split(time_format, ':')[1] as decimal(4,2))/60) as purchase_time_in_hrs, store_id

from base


timebucket as (


transaction_id, purchase_time, purchase_time_in_hrs, store_id,

if(purchase_time_in_hrs > 5 and purchase_time_in_hrs <=8, 'early morning',

if(purchase_time_in_hrs > 8 and purchase_time_in_hrs <=11, 'morning',

if(purchase_time_in_hrs > 11 and purchase_time_in_hrs <=13, 'noon',

if(purchase_time_in_hrs > 13 and purchase_time_in_hrs <=18, 'afternoon',

if(purchase_time_in_hrs > 18 and purchase_time_in_hrs <=22, 'evening', 'night'))))) as time_bucket

from timeformat


--select * from timebucket 這樣可以知道,時間格式太多了需要清洗

select sd.store_name, count(transaction_id) as tran_cnt, time_bucket

from timebucket td join ext_store_details sd on td.store_id = sd.store_id

group by sd.store_name, time_bucket order by sd.store_name, tran_cnt desc

9. 找出每家店的忠實顧客


with base as (

select store_name, customer_id, sum(td.price) as total_cust_purphase

from transaction_details td join ext_store_details sd on td.store_id = sd.store_id

where purchase_month is not null

group by store_name, customer_id


rk_cust as (

select store_name, customer_id, total_cust_purphase,

rank() over(partition by store_name order by total_cust_purphase desc) as rn

from base


select * from rk_cust where rn <= 5

10. 找出明星店的最大收入

with base as (

select store_id, sum(price) as revenue

from transaction_details

where purchase_month is not null

group by store_id


Select store_name, revenue, employee_number,

round(revenue/employee_number,2) as revenue_per_employee_within_period

from base td join ext_store_details sd on td.store_id = sd.store_id


1. 找出要在ext_store_review中檢查映射的衝突事務


--td.transaction_id, td.store_id, sd.store_id

select count(*) --725/8101

from transaction_details td join ext_store_review sd on td.transaction_id = sd.transaction_id

where purchase_month is not null and td.store_id != sd.store_id

2. 瞭解客戶評審範圍

Select count(td.transaction_id) as total_trans,

sum(if(sd.transaction_id is null, 1, 0)) as total_review_missed,

sum(if(sd.transaction_id is not null, 1, 0)) as total_review_exist

from transaction_details td left join ext_store_review sd on td.transaction_id = sd.transaction_id

where purchase_month is not null

3. 瞭解客戶/交易評審分數的分佈情況

Select review_score, count(distinct customer_id) as num_customer, count(*) as num_reviews

From transaction_details td join ext_store_review sd on td.transaction_id = sd.transaction_id

where purchase_month is not null and review_score <> ''

group by review_score

4. 顧客總是光顧同一家商店嗎

select -- not always

count(*) as visit_cnt,



from transaction_details td join ext_store_review sd on td.transaction_id = sd.transaction_id


purchase_month is not null and review_score = '5'

group by customer_id, td.store_id order by visit_cnt desc

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