翻譯 Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja 邊譯邊學(12)

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja 邊譯邊學(12)第3.1節 函數的區別是什麼?

3.1 What’s with the functional difference?
3.1 函數的區別是什麼?

How many times have you heard someone moan “I hate JavaScript!”?

  We’re willing to bet that nine times out of ten (or perhaps even greater), this is a direct consequence of someone trying to use JavaScript as if it were another language that the lamenter is more familiar with, and frustrated by the fact that it’s not that other language.

  This is probably most common with those coming to JavaScript from a language such as Java, a decidedly non-functional language, but one that a lot of developers learn before their exposure to JavaScript.

  Making matters even worse for these developers is the unfortunate naming choice of JavaScript. Without belaboring the history behind that lamentable naming decision, perhaps developers would have fewer incorrect preconceived notions about JavaScript if it had retained the name LiveScript or been given some other less confounding name.

  Because JavaScript, as the old joke depicted in figure 3.1 goes, has as much to do with Java as a hamburger has to do with ham.

  Hamburgers and ham are both foods that are meat products, just as JavaScript and Java are both programming languages with a C-influenced syntax, but other than that, they don’t have much in common, and are fundamentally different right down to their DNA.


Another factor that plays into some developers’ poor initial reaction to JavaScript may be that most developers are introduced to JavaScript in the browser. So rather than reacting to JavaScript, The Language, they may be recoiling from the JavaScript bindings to the DOM API. And the DOM API… well, let’s just say that it isn’t going to win any Friendliest API of the Year awards. But that’s not JavaScript’s fault.


另一個造成一些開發人員對javascript最初反應不佳的因素可能是大多數開發人員都是在瀏覽器中初次接觸JavaScript。 所以人們通常將它當作是一種DOM API,而不是JavaScript-一種編程語言。 dom api……好吧,讓我們假設它不會贏得任何*“年度最友好的api”*獎項。 但那確實不是JavaScript的錯。

  Before we learn about how functions are such a central and key concept in JavaScript, let’s understand why the functional nature of JavaScript is so important, especially for code written for the browser.

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