
1. 矩陣分解



若一個方陣其行與列皆爲正交的單位向量,則該矩陣爲正交矩陣,且該矩陣的轉置和其逆相等。兩個向量正交的意思是兩個向量的內積爲 0


如果對於所有的非零實係數向量x ,都有 x’Ax>0,則稱矩陣A 是正定的。正定矩陣的行列式必然大於 0, 所有特徵值也必然 > 0。相對應的,半正定矩陣的行列式必然 ≥ 0。



1.2 矩陣分解概述

  • SVD分解
  • QR分解
  • LU,LDU分解(等價於高斯消元)
  • Cholesky 分解(LDLT 和LL分解合起來稱爲喬里斯基分解Cholesky decomposition)

1.3 QR分解

根據《計算機視覺中的數學方法》定義 8.1.1 如果非奇異實矩陣 A 能夠表示爲正交矩陣 Q與上三角矩陣 R 的積,即 AQR (8.1.1) 則稱式(8.1.1)是 A 的 QR 分解。

與 QR 分解類似,還有 QL,LQ,RQ 分解,其中 L 表示下三角矩陣。矩陣的 QR 分解,RQ 分 解,QL 分解,LQ 分解統稱爲矩陣的正交三角分解。





A 是上三角矩陣 R 與Q=GxGyGz旋轉矩陣的乘積。這樣,我們就完成了 矩陣 A 的 RQ 分解。Givens 旋轉方法,對於 n 階矩陣需要作大量 Givens 旋轉矩陣的積,計算量較大

稱爲 Householder 矩陣, Hv 是正交矩陣,更確切地說它是反射矩陣。

n 階非奇異方陣A 作一系列的 Householder 變換,可化將它化爲正交矩陣與上三角矩陣。

只需要作(n-1)個 Householder 矩陣的積,其計算量 大約是 Givens 旋轉方法的一半

1.4 LU,LDU分解法

LU分解, 把矩陣分成下三角矩陣(Lower)和上三角矩陣(Upper)的一種分解。 所以LU分解只用到了三角矩陣;

在LU的基礎上, 如果我們再進一步,引入對角矩陣(Diagonal)D, 那麼LU分解就變成了LDU分解。

1.5 喬里斯基(Cholesky)分解

正定對稱矩陣 A 可以唯一地分解爲對角元素均大於零的上三角矩陣 L 與其轉置 LT的乘積,其中 L爲對角元素均大於零的上三角矩陣.
A=LLT=[L1100L21L220L31L32L33][L11L21L310L22L3200L33] A=LL^T=\begin{bmatrix} L_{11} & 0 & 0 \\ L_{21} & L_{22} & 0 \\ L_{31} & L_{32} & L_{33} \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} L_{11} & L_{21} & L_{31} \\ 0 & L_{22} & L_{32} \\ 0 & 0& L_{33} \end{bmatrix}
A=LDLT=[100L2110L31L320][D1000D2000D3][1L21L3101L32001] A=LDL^T=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ L_{21} & 1 & 0 \\ L_{31} & L_{32} & 0 \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} D_1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & D_2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & D_3 \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} 1 & L_{21} & L_{31} \\ 0 & 1 & L_{32} \\ 0 & 0& 1 \end{bmatrix}

1.6 SVD


A=UΣVT A=U\Sigma V^T


Decomposition Method Requirements on the matrix Speed (small-to-medium) Speed (large) Accuracy
PartialPivLU partialPivLu() Invertible ++ ++ +
FullPivLU fullPivLu() None - - - +++
HouseholderQR householderQr() None ++ ++ +
ColPivHouseholderQR colPivHouseholderQr() None + - +++
FullPivHouseholderQR fullPivHouseholderQr() None - - - +++
CompleteOrthogonalDecomposition completeOrthogonalDecomposition() None + - +++
LLT llt() Positive definite +++ +++ +
LDLT ldlt() Positive or negative semidefinite +++ + ++
BDCSVD bdcSvd() None - - +++
JacobiSVD jacobiSvd() None - - - - +++
  • PartialPivLU

LU decomposition of a matrix with partial pivoting。LU decomposition of a square invertible matrix, with partial pivoting(部分消元): the matrix A is decomposed as A = PLU where L is unit-lower-triangular(單位下三角), U is upper-triangular(上三角), and P is a permutation matrix(置換矩陣).

  • FullPivLU-比上面的要慢一些

LU decomposition of a matrix with complete pivoting。This class represents a LU decomposition of any matrix, with complete pivoting: the matrix A is decomposed as $ A = P^{-1} L U Q^{-1} $ where L is unit-lower-triangular, U is upper-triangular, and P and Q are permutation matrices

  • HouseholderQR

This class performs a QR decomposition of a matrix A into matrices Q and R such that
A=Q R \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{Q} \, \mathbf{R}
by using Householder transformations. Here, Q a unitary matrix and R an upper triangular matrix

  • ColPivHouseholderQR

    Householder rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix with column-pivoting(列主消元法)

This class performs a rank-revealing(有置換矩陣變換的,特徵值都會進行排序,由大到小,所以HouseholderQR不支持的) QR decomposition of a matrix A into matrices P, Q and R such that
A P=Q R \mathbf{A} \, \mathbf{P} = \mathbf{Q} \, \mathbf{R}
by using Householder transformations. Here, P is a permutation matrix, Q a unitary matrix and R an upper triangular matrix.

  • FullPivHouseholderQR-比上面兩個要慢

Householder rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix with full pivoting

This class performs a rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix A into matrices P, P’, Q and R such that
P A P=Q R \mathbf{P} \, \mathbf{A} \, \mathbf{P}' = \mathbf{Q} \, \mathbf{R}
by using Householder transformations. Here, P and P’ are permutation matrices, Q a unitary matrix and R an upper triangular matrix.

  • LLT

Standard Cholesky decomposition (LL^T) of a matrix and associated features

This class performs a LL^T Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric, positive definite matrix A such that A = LL^* = U^*U, where L is lower triangular

  • LDLT

Robust Cholesky decomposition of a matrix with pivoting。

Perform a robust Cholesky decomposition of a positive semidefinite or negative semidefinite matrix $ A  A = PTLDL*P $, where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with a unit diagonal and D is a diagonal matrix.

  • BDCSVD -最快的SVD算法

class Bidiagonal Divide and Conquer SVD


  • JacobiSVD-SVD方法對於小型矩陣時,速度快,大型的慢

    Two-sided Jacobi SVD decomposition of a rectangular matrix

#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
int main()
   Matrix2f A, b;
   A << 2, -1, -1, 3;
   b << 1, 2, 3, 1;
   cout << "Here is the matrix A:\n" << A << endl;
   cout << "Here is the right hand side b:\n" << b << endl;
   Matrix2f x = A.ldlt().solve(b);
   cout << "The solution is:\n" << x << endl;

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <ctime>
// Eigen 部分
#include <Eigen/Core>
// 稠密矩陣的代數運算(逆,特徵值等)
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#define MATRIX_SIZE 100
* 本程序演示了 Eigen 基本類型的使用
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    // 解方程
    // 我們求解 A * x = b 這個方程
    // 直接求逆自然是最直接的,但是求逆運算量大
    Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > A1;
    A1 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random( MATRIX_SIZE, MATRIX_SIZE );
    Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > b1;
    b1 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random( MATRIX_SIZE, 1 );
    clock_t time_stt = clock(); // 計時
    // 直接求逆
    Eigen::Matrix<double,MATRIX_SIZE,1> x = A1.inverse()*b1;
    cout <<"time use in normal inverse is " << 1000* (clock() - time_stt)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "ms"<< endl;
    // QR分解colPivHouseholderQr()
    time_stt = clock();
    x = A1.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b1);
    cout <<"time use in Qr decomposition is " <<1000*(clock() - time_stt)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<"ms" << endl;
    cout <<x<<endl;
    time_stt = clock();
    x = A1.fullPivHouseholderQr().solve(b1);
    cout <<"time use in Qr decomposition is " <<1000*(clock() - time_stt)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<"ms" << endl;
    cout <<x<<endl;
    /* //llt分解 要求矩陣A正定
    time_stt = clock();
    x = A1.llt().solve(b1);
    cout <<"time use in llt decomposition is " <<1000*(clock() - time_stt)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<"ms" << endl;
    cout <<x<<endl;*/
    /*//ldlt分解  要求矩陣A正或負半定
    time_stt = clock();
    x = A1.ldlt().solve(b1);
    cout <<"time use in ldlt decomposition is " <<1000*(clock() - time_stt)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<"ms" << endl;
    cout <<x<<endl;*/
    //lu分解 partialPivLu()
    time_stt = clock();
    x = A1.partialPivLu().solve(b1);
    cout <<"time use in lu decomposition is " <<1000*(clock() - time_stt)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<"ms" << endl;
    cout <<x<<endl;
    time_stt = clock();
    x = A1.fullPivLu().solve(b1);
    cout <<"time use in lu decomposition is " <<1000*(clock() - time_stt)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC <<"ms" << endl;
    cout <<x<<endl;
    return 0;



矩陣分解 (加法篇)-講解比較基礎

矩陣分解 (乘法篇)




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