英語學習(Spring文檔閱讀生詞 2)

solely 唯一的,單獨的


the ApplicationContext implementations 



autowire 自動裝配

introspection 自省,反省

XX is supported for some degreee。 XX在某種程度上是被支持的。

 concurrent access exceptions, inconsistent state in the bean container, or both.

併發訪問問題, 不一致的狀態

Conventionally 按照慣例

Convention 名詞,慣例

alphanumeric 包括字母或者數字的,字母和數字並用的

semicolon 分號

so forth 以此類推

lowercase letter 小寫字母

Bean Naming Conventions Bean的命令約定

 in the (unusual) special case 在某種特殊情況下


 taking the simple class name and turning its initial character to lower-case. 

這一段話的意思是,Spring對於Bean的名字是這樣的,在其Class Name的基礎上,將其首字母改成小寫就是他的Bean Name了


adequate 足夠的,合格的,合乎需要的。

In this case 在這種情況下

encapsulated 封裝的

encapsulate 封裝

recipe 配方

  • Typically, to specify the bean class to be constructed in the case where the container itself directly creates the bean by calling its constructor reflectively, somewhat equivalent to Java code with the new operator.

通常, 給出構造方法,然後容器通過反射方式去調用構造其,有點類似於java代碼中的new操作符

somewhat 有點


in the less common case  在不太常見的情況下

Inner class names

If you want to configure a bean definition for a static nested class, you have to use the binary name of the nested class.

For example, if you have a class called SomeThing in the com.example package, and this SomeThing class has a staticnested class called OtherThing, the value of the class attribute on a bean definition would be com.example.SomeThing$OtherThing.

Notice the use of the $ character in the name to separate the nested class name from the outer class name.


對於嵌套類,如果要描述他的類名,描述方式是com.xx.xx.outerclass$innerClass 內部類和外部類通過$分割開來

這種名字,在英文文檔中的描述是binay name.


approach 方式

suffice 足夠

sufficient 足夠的

When you create a bean by the constructor approach, all normal classes are usable by and compatible with Spring. That is, the class being developed does not need to implement any specific interfaces or to be coded in a specific fashion. 

fashion 範式

當你使用構造器的方式去創建bean的時候, 所有普通的類都和Spring兼容的, 那意味着, 你不需要實現任何接口也不需要必須按照某種特定的範式去編程。這意味着對代碼是低侵入式的。


virtually 實際上 等價與 actually

exotic 異國情調的

adhere 粘附,附着

Instantiation with a Static Factory Method


subsequently 隨後的 後來的

legacy code 遺留代碼

For details about the mechanism for supplying (optional) arguments to the factory method and setting object instance properties after the object is returned from the factory, see Dependencies and Configuration in Detail.



 By contrast 相比之下

end-users 終端用戶

coherent 連貫的

Code is cleaner with the DI principle, and decoupling is more effective when objects are provided with their dependencies. The object does not look up its dependencies and does not know the location or class of the dependencies. As a result, your classes become easier to test, particularly when the dependencies are on interfaces or abstract base classes, which allow for stub or mock implementations to be used in unit tests.


當我們使用DI之後,代碼會變得更加乾淨,而且解耦程度更加徹底,對象之間的依賴關係交給DI容器管理,對象不需要自己管理這些依賴關係,也不需要知道他所依賴的這些類在哪個地方,那麼結果就是,你的類可以更加易於測試,尤其是你的依賴是通過接口或者抽象類來管理的時候, 那意味着你可以通過使用mock對象來運行junit測試代碼。只要Mock對象實現了對應的接口就可以了。


ambiguity 歧義的,模棱兩可的

potential 潛在的

 If no potential ambiguity exists 沒有潛在的歧義存在

disambiguation 消除歧義

disambiguate 消除歧義


Constructor-based Dependecy Injection

Setter-based Dependency Injection

succinct 簡明的


The first form is preferable to the second,


form 方式

anonymous 匿名的

destruction 銷燬

respectively 分別的

respective 各自的,分別的

demonstrates 演示

Limitations 侷限性

Limitations of XX . XX的侷限性

redundant 冗餘的

infrastructure 基礎設施

extensible 可擴展的

snippets 代碼片段

for the rare cases 對於極少數的情況

Compound 複合物

lazy-initialized 懶加載的

significantly 重要地,有重大意義地

significant 重要的

negate 否定,動詞

negatative 否定的,消極的

Analogous 相似的


Table 2. Autowiring modes






































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