C# 在華爲北向(推送)中的應用-CORBA編程原理與實現








using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using common;
using CosEventChannelAdmin;
using CosNaming;
using CosNotification;
using CosNotifyChannelAdmin;
using CosNotifyComm;
using emsMgr;
using emsSession;
using emsSession.EmsSession_IPackage;
using emsSessionFactory;
using equipment;
using globaldefs;
using managedElement;
using managedElementManager;
using nmsSession;
using notifications;
using org.omg.CORBA;
using org.omg.PortableServer;
using org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage;
using org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage;

namespace Corba_Client
    /* 類構造開始                                                                     */
    public partial class CorbaMain : Form
        /* 變量聲明                                                                     */
        static ORB orb;
        static EMSMgr_I emsMgr = null;
        static EmsSession_I emsSession = null;
        static POA rootpoa = null;
        static POA poa = null;
        static CosNotifyChannelAdmin.EventChannel notifChannel = null;
        static CosNotifyChannelAdmin.EventChannelHolder chanHolder = new CosNotifyChannelAdmin.EventChannelHolder();
        static ManagedElementMgr_I managedElementMgr = null;
        static DateTime start_time = new DateTime();
        static DateTime end_time = new DateTime();
        static IntHolder id = null;
        static CosNotifyChannelAdmin.ConsumerAdmin cadmin = null;
        static StructuredProxyPushSupplier structuredProxyPushSupplier = null;
        /* 構造函數                                                                     */
        public CorbaMain()
        /* 窗口初始化                                                                     */
        private void CorbaMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        /* CORBA                                                                     */
        public static void testCorba() {
		// 建立連接登錄、建立消息通道
		try {
			String[] args = new String[2];
			args[0] = "-ORBInitRef";
			args[1] = "NameService=corbaloc::";
			// 生成一個ORB,並初始化
			orb = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init(args, null);
		} catch (Exception ex) {

		NamingContextExt namingContext = null;
		org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef = null;
		try {
			// 獲取 POA對象 
			objRef = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
			rootpoa = org.omg.PortableServer.POAHelper.narrow(objRef);
			// 獲得根命名上下文

			objRef = orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService");
			namingContext = NamingContextExtHelper.narrow(objRef);
			Console.WriteLine("獲取取名字服務成功:" + namingContext);
		} catch (org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName ex) {
		} catch (AdapterInactive e) {
			 Console.WriteLine("不能激活 POAManager" + e);

		NameComponent[] path = new NameComponent[5];
		path[0] = new NameComponent("TMF_MTNM", "Class");
		path[1] = new NameComponent("HUAWEI", "Vendor");
		path[2] = new NameComponent("DAL-T2000-7-P", "EmsInstance");
		path[3] = new NameComponent("2.0", "Version");
		path[4] = new NameComponent("DAL-T2000-7-P", "EmsSessionFactory_I");
		EmsSessionFactory_I emsSessionFactory_I = null;
		org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = null;
		try {
			obj = namingContext.resolve(path);
			Console.WriteLine("obj=>" + obj);
			emsSessionFactory_I = EmsSessionFactory_IHelper.narrow(obj);
			Console.WriteLine("emsSessionFactory_I=>" + emsSessionFactory_I);
		} catch (Exception e) {

		EmsSession_IHolder sessionHolder = new EmsSession_IHolder();
		// Log In and Retrieve EmsSession
		try {
			NmsSession_IPOA pNmsSessionServant = new NmsSessionImpl();
			NmsSession_I nmsSession = pNmsSessionServant._this(orb);
			// 用戶名,密碼
			if (emsSessionFactory_I != null) {
				emsSessionFactory_I.getEmsSession("***", "****",nmsSession, sessionHolder);
				Console.WriteLine("NMSsession ---" + nmsSession + "\nVersion:" + emsSessionFactory_I.getVersion());
				emsSession = sessionHolder.value;

                CosNotifyChannelAdmin.EventChannelHolder eventChannelHolder = new CosNotifyChannelAdmin.EventChannelHolder();
				notifChannel = eventChannelHolder.value;
			} else {
		} catch (globaldefs.ProcessingFailureException ex) {
			Console.WriteLine("可能是用戶名或者密碼錯誤,或者權限不夠[Corba OSS用戶],或者已登陸的用戶還未退出!");

		// 通過命名服務 --- 查詢 
		Common_IHolder common_IHolder = new Common_IHolder();
		try {

			// Retrieve List of Managers ----------  該emsSession 所能管理的所有對象
			managerNames_THolder supportedManagerList = new managerNames_THolder();
			String[] managers = supportedManagerList.value;
			for (int i = 0; i < managers.Length; i++) {
                Console.WriteLine("Manager " + i + " " + managers[i]);
			// 返回所有網元
			emsSession.getManager("ManagedElement", common_IHolder);
			managedElementMgr = ManagedElementMgr_IHelper
			ManagedElementList_THolder meList = new ManagedElementList_THolder();
			ManagedElementIterator_IHolder meIt = new ManagedElementIterator_IHolder();
			int how_many = 20; // 網元個數個數爲20
			managedElementMgr.getAllManagedElements(how_many, meList, meIt);

			ManagedElement_T[] me = meList.value;
			for (int i = 0; i < me.Length; i++) {
				String nativeEMSName = me[i].nativeEMSName;
				String procuctName = me[i].productName;
				NameAndStringValue_T[] name = me[i].name;
                Console.WriteLine(nativeEMSName + "," + procuctName + ","
						+ name[0].name + " | " + name[0].value + ","
						+ name[1].name + " | " + name[1].value);
			// 查詢網管系統中所有未結束的告警和未結束的TCA事件

			try {
				emsSession.getManager("EMS", common_IHolder);
				emsMgr = EMSMgr_IHelper.narrow(common_IHolder.value);
			} catch (globaldefs.ProcessingFailureException e) {

			String[] excludeProbCauseList = new String[0];
			PerceivedSeverity_T[] excludeSeverityList = new PerceivedSeverity_T[0];
			EventList_THolder eventList = new EventList_THolder();

			EventIterator_IHolder eventIt = new EventIterator_IHolder();

			how_many = 10;

            start_time = new DateTime();
			emsMgr.getAllEMSAndMEActiveAlarms(excludeProbCauseList, excludeSeverityList, how_many, eventList, eventIt);
            end_time = new DateTime();

			long sec = (end_time.Second - start_time.Second) / 1000; // 花費的時間(單位:s)

			Console.WriteLine(how_many + "個告警   ------ getAllEMSAndMEActiveAlarms ------ 消耗:"+ sec + " 秒");

			StructuredEvent[] events = eventList.value;

			for (int i = 0; i < events.Length; i++) {
				Property[] propertyList = events[i].filterable_data;
                Console.WriteLine("event:" + i);
				// 1、通知事件的唯一ID編號
				String notification = propertyList[0].value.extract_string();
				Console.WriteLine("1、通知事件的唯一ID編號    " + propertyList[0].name
						+ " --- " + notification);
				// 2、上報事件的對象名稱
				NameAndStringValue_T[] nsv = globaldefs.NamingAttributes_THelper
				Console.WriteLine("2、上報事件的對象名稱    " + propertyList[1].name + " --- ");
				for (int j = 0; j < nsv.Length; j++) {
					Console.WriteLine("                        " + nsv[j].name
							+ ":   " + nsv[j].value);
				// 3、產生告警的對象的相關信息
				String nativeEMSName = propertyList[2].value.extract_string();
				Console.WriteLine("3、產生告警的對象的相關信息    " + propertyList[2].name
						+ " --- " + nativeEMSName);
				// 4、EMS 用戶界面上描述的告警原因
				String nativeProbableCause = propertyList[3].value
				Console.WriteLine("4、EMS 用戶界面上描述的告警原因    " + propertyList[3].name
						+ " --- " + nativeProbableCause);
				// 5、上報該告警的對象的類型
				ObjectType_T objectTypeT = notifications.ObjectType_THelper
				String obtString = objectTypeT.toString();
				int obt = objectTypeT.value();
				Console.WriteLine("5、上報該告警的對象的類型    " + propertyList[4].name
						+ " --- " + obtString + "   " + obt);
				// 6、EMS 上報事件的時間值(爲UTC 時間),比neTime晚2 秒
				String emsTimeString = Time_THelper
				Console.WriteLine("6、EMS 上報事件的時間值(爲UTC 時間),比neTime晚2 秒    "
						+ propertyList[5].name + " --- " + emsTimeString);
				// 7、網元上報事件的時間值(爲UTC 時間),如果網元沒有上報該時間值,則爲空
				String neTimeString = Time_THelper
				Console.WriteLine("7、網元上報事件的時間值(爲UTC 時間),如果網元沒有上報該時間值,則爲空    "
						+ propertyList[6].name + " --- " + neTimeString);
				// 8、標識是否可以被清除
				bool bClearable = propertyList[7].value.extract_boolean();
				Console.WriteLine("8、標識是否可以被清除    " + propertyList[7].name + " --- "
						+ bClearable);
				// 9、標識告警產生對象的層速率
				short sRate = transmissionParameters.LayerRate_THelper
				Console.WriteLine("9、標識告警產生對象的層速率    " + propertyList[8].name
						+ " --- " + sRate);
				// 10、TMF 定義的告警可能原因
				String probableCause = propertyList[9].value.extract_string();
				Console.WriteLine("10、TMF 定義的告警可能原因    " + propertyList[9].name
						+ " --- " + probableCause);
				// 11、與EqType 和AeID(設備類型和告警事件ID)字段一起來唯一標識一條告警事件類型
				String probableCauseQualifier = propertyList[10].value
				Console.WriteLine("11、與EqType 和AeID(設備類型和告警事件ID)字段一起來唯一標識一條告警事件類型    "
						+ propertyList[10].name
						+ " --- "
						+ probableCauseQualifier);
				// 四個),對於清除告警, 其告警級別爲PS_CLEARED
				PerceivedSeverity_T cNT = notifications.PerceivedSeverity_THelper
				String perceivedSeverity = cNT.toString();
				Console.WriteLine("12、告警級別(包括PS_CRITICAL、PS_MAJOR、PS_MINOR、PS_WARNING 四個)    "
						+ propertyList[11].name + " --- " + perceivedSeverity);
				// 13、標識該告警是否對業務造成影響(SA_UNKNOWN / SA_SERVICE_AFFECTING /
				ServiceAffecting_T eNT = notifications.ServiceAffecting_THelper
				String serviceAffecting = eNT.toString();
				Console.WriteLine("13、標識該告警是否對業務造成影響    " + propertyList[12].name
						+ " --- " + serviceAffecting);
				// 14、受影響的終結點列表
				NameAndStringValue_T[] NASV = globaldefs.NamingAttributes_THelper
				Console.WriteLine("14、受影響的終結點列表    " + propertyList[13].name
						+ " --- ");
                for (int j = 0; j < NASV.Length; j++)
					Console.WriteLine("   " + NASV[j].name + ":   " + NASV[j].value);
				// 15、 產生該告警的對象的詳細信息
				String additionalText = propertyList[14].value.extract_string();
				Console.WriteLine("15、 產生該告警的對象的詳細信息    " + propertyList[14].name
						+ " --- " + additionalText);
				// 16、包含告警序列號(AlarmSerialNo:此字段可唯一標識一條告警)、告警簡要原因(AlarmReason)、設備類型(ProductName)、單板名稱(EquipmentName)、告警
				// 確認狀態(AffirmState)、告警參數信息(DetailInfo)六個附加字段、從子架名稱(SlaveShelf)
				NameAndStringValue_T[] ADI = globaldefs.NamingAttributes_THelper
				Console.WriteLine("16、包含告警序列號、告警簡要原因、設備類型、單板名稱、告警確認狀態、告警參數信息    "
						+ propertyList[15].name + " --- ");
                for (int j = 0; j < ADI.Length; j++)
					Console.WriteLine("   " + ADI[j].name + ":   " + ADI[j].value);
				// 17、根據ITU-T X.733 將告警分爲6
				// 個基本類型:“communicationsAlarm"、"qualityofServiceAlarm"、"equipmentAlarm"、"processingErrorAlarm"、"securityAlarm"、"environmentalAlarm"
				String X733EventType = propertyList[16].value.extract_string();
				Console.WriteLine("17、根據ITU-T X.733 將告警分爲6 個基本類型    "
						+ propertyList[16].name + " --- " + X733EventType);
				// 18、上報告警事件的對象的類型,該字段只指針對TMF3.0版本中新增的對象類型
				String objectTypeQualifier = propertyList[17].value
				Console.WriteLine("18、上報告警事件的對象的類型    " + propertyList[17].name
						+ " --- " + objectTypeQualifier);

                for (int j = 0; j < propertyList.Length; j++)
					 Console.WriteLine("   " + propertyList[j].name + ",      "
							+ propertyList[j].value);


		} catch (ProcessingFailureException e) {
			 Console.WriteLine("Processing Exception" + e.getMessage());
		} finally {


        /* 連接                                                                     */
        public static void connect()
            /* Defines the type of proxy required */
            ClientType ctype = ClientType.STRUCTURED_EVENT;

            /* Holder to hold the proxy id */
            id = new org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder();
            /* Proxy supplier variable */
            ProxySupplier proxySupplier = null;
            /* Obtain the consumer admin object reference */
            cadmin = notifChannel.default_consumer_admin();

            // subscibe event

                _EventType[] added = new _EventType[1];
                _EventType[] removed = new _EventType[0];

                added[0] = new _EventType("tmf_mtnm", "NT_ALARM"); // 參考TMF814

                cadmin.subscription_change(added, removed);

            catch (InvalidEventType e1)
            catch (System.NullReferenceException e)


                /* obtain a structured push supplier object reference. */

                proxySupplier = ((CosNotifyChannelAdmin.ConsumerAdminOperations)cadmin).obtain_notification_push_supplier(ctype, id);

            catch (AdminLimitExceeded ex)
                 * Thrown if the admin object is unable to have any more proxy suppliers associated with it.

            /* Narrow the proxy supplier to a Structured Proxy Push Supplier */
            structuredProxyPushSupplier = StructuredProxyPushSupplierHelper.narrow(proxySupplier);

                /* connect the consumer to the proxy */
            catch (AlreadyConnected e)
                 * This exception is thrown if a consumer is already connected to this proxy. This should not be thrown because the proxy has just been created.
                MessageBox.Show("Already connected!");
            catch (TypeError e)
                 * This exception is thrown if you attempt to connect a sequenced consumer to a structured proxy or vice versa.
                MessageBox.Show("Type error!");

        /* 獲取對象                                                                     */
        private static StructuredPushConsumer getObject() {

		StructuredPushConsumer serverObj = null;	
		org.omg.PortableServer.Servant servant = new StructuredPushConsumerPOAImpl();
        org.omg.CORBA.Object refo=null;	

		try {
			refo = rootpoa.servant_to_reference(servant);
            serverObj = StructuredPushConsumerHelper.narrow(refo);
		} catch (ServantNotActive e) {
			MessageBox.Show("Unexpected Exception: " + e);
		} catch (WrongPolicy e) {
			MessageBox.Show("Unexpected Exception: " + e);
		return serverObj;





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