VTK: 相机参数控制


我们可以通过GetActiveCamera()函数来获取当前渲染器(vtkRenderer)中的默认相机。也可以通过SetActiveCamera()函数来设置一个新相机到渲染器中。 函数签名如下:

 // Description:
  // Specify the camera to use for this renderer.
  void SetActiveCamera(vtkCamera *);

  // Description:
  // Get the current camera. If there is not camera assigned to the
  // renderer already, a new one is created automatically.
  // This does *not* reset the camera.
  vtkCamera *GetActiveCamera();


void vtkCamera::SetViewUp(double vx, double vy, double vz);% 朝上方向,默认为(0, 1, 0)  
void vtkCamera::SetPosition(double x, double y, double z); % 相机位置,默认为(0, 0, 1)  
void vtkCamera::SetFocalPoint(double x, double y, double z);% 焦点,默认为(0, 0, 0)  
void vtkCamera::SetClippingRange(double dNear, double dFar);% 前后裁剪平面位置,默认为(0.1, 1000)  
void vtkCamera::SetViewAngle(double angle); % 视角,默认为30度  

    相机的运动控制,主要包括旋转、缩放等一系列运动。旋转主要包括相机围绕焦点水平、垂直旋转;焦点围绕相机水平垂直旋转;相机围绕投影方向旋转五大类。 函数标签如下:
// Description:
  // Rotate the camera about the direction of projection.  This will
  // spin the camera about its axis.
  void Roll(double angle); //围绕投影方向自旋转

  // Description:
  // Rotate the camera about the view up vector centered at the focal point.
  // Note that the view up vector is whatever was set via SetViewUp, and is
  // not necessarily perpendicular to the direction of projection.  The
  // result is a horizontal rotation of the camera.
  void Azimuth(double angle);//以焦点为中心,水平旋转相机

  // Description:
  // Rotate the focal point about the view up vector, using the camera's
  // position as the center of rotation. Note that the view up vector is
  // whatever was set via SetViewUp, and is not necessarily perpendicular
  // to the direction of projection.  The result is a horizontal rotation
  // of the scene.
  void Yaw(double angle);//以相机为中心水平旋转焦点

  // Description:
  // Rotate the camera about the cross product of the negative of the
  // direction of projection and the view up vector, using the focal point
  // as the center of rotation.  The result is a vertical rotation of the
  // scene.
  void Elevation(double angle);//以焦点为中心垂直旋转相机

  // Description:
  // Rotate the focal point about the cross product of the view up vector
  // and the direction of projection, using the camera's position as the
  // center of rotation.  The result is a vertical rotation of the camera.
  void Pitch(double angle); //以相机为中心 垂直旋转焦点
     缩放主要是通过设置Dolly()或setDistance()完成。setDistance会移动焦点位置  Dolly是相机到焦点距离的一个除数
 // Description:
  // Move the focal point so that it is the specified distance from
  // the camera position.  This distance must be positive.
  void SetDistance(double);

  // Description:
  // Divide the camera's distance from the focal point by the given
  // dolly value.  Use a value greater than one to dolly-in toward
  // the focal point, and use a value less than one to dolly-out away
  // from the focal point.
  void Dolly(double value);

                    相机运动示意图                                          焦点运动示意图                    

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