


數據: data
數據庫: DB
SQL:結構化查詢語言 ,其中MySQL支持這個。


mysql -h 主機名 -u 用戶名 -p密碼 庫名

C:>mysql –採用匿名賬號和密碼登陸本機服務
C:>mysql -h localhost -u root -proot –採用root賬號和root密碼登陸本機服務
C:>mysql -u root -p –推薦方式默認登陸本機
Enter password: **

C:>mysql -u root -p lamp61 –直接進入lamp61數據庫的方式登陸


格式:grant 允許操作 on 庫名.表名 to ‘賬號’@’來源’ identified by ‘密碼’;

mysql> grant select,insert,update,delete on lamp61.* to 'zhangsan'@'%' identified by '123';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

*mysql> grant all on *.* to 'xcj'@'%' identified by "xcj_passwd";
*Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)

*mysql> flush privileges;
*Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
-- 查看授權語句
mysql> show grants for zhangsan@'%';

mysql> revoke update,insert on lamp61.* from zhangsan@'%';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> drop user zhangsan@'%';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)



mysql>\h – 快捷幫助
mysql>\c – 取消命令輸入
mysql>\s – 查看當前數據庫的狀態
mysql>\q – 退出mysql命令行

mysql> show databases;

mysql> select database();

mysql> create database test;
mysql> create database if not exists test;

mysql> drop database test;
mysql> drop database if exists test;

mysql> use test;

mysql> show create table stu\G

mysql> create table stu(
-> id int not null auto_increment primary key,
-> name varchar(16) not null,
-> sex enum(‘m’,’w’) not null default ‘m’,
-> age int not null);

mysql> show tables;

mysql> desc stu;

mysql> insert into stu(name,sex,age) values(‘zhangsan’,’m’,22),
-> (‘lisi’,’w’,’20’),
-> (‘wangwu’,’m’,’30’),
-> (‘zhaoliu’,’m’,’20’);

mysql> select * from stu;

mysql> delete from stu where id=1;

mysql> update stu set age=25 where id=2;

mysql> alter table stu add classid int not null;–注意一定要加類型

mysql> alter table stu modify sex varchar(32) default ‘w’;–注意類型不能少
mysql> alter table stu change sex sex varchar(32) default ‘w’;??????????

mysql> alter table stu add idnum varchar(18) not null 【after age】;

mysql> alter table stu drop idnum;

mysql> alter table stu add index(tel);

mysql> alter table stu drop index tel;–注意此處不加()

mysql> show create table s tu\G;

mysql> alter table stu rename as stu_msg;

– 重設表的自增id值(建議先刪除數據)
mysql> alter table users rement=1;

mysql> select now();


五、 MySQL數據庫的數據類型:


5.1 數值類型:
    *float(4字節)   float(6,2)
    *double(8字節)   (可以數據放大幾倍,可以把小數點往後移動)
    decimal(自定義)字串形數值 用於價格,涉及錢的的字段(一般精確到8位)

 5.2 字串類型
    *char  定長字串 字符長度:
    *varchar 可變字串 規則:字節長度65535   字符長度與字符集長度




5.3 時間和日期類型:
    date  年月日
    time  時分秒
    datatime 年月日時分秒
    timestamp 時間戳
    year 年

5.4 NULL值

零填充的作用:zero_fill  計算機底層處理時有零填充處理數據會很快。


六、 表的字段約束:
unsigned 無符號(正數)
zerofill 前導零填充
auto_increment 自增
default 默認值
not null 非空
unique 唯一性
index 常規索引





mysql> insert into stu(id,name,age,sex,classid) values(null,'ee',22,"m",'lamp64');

mysql> insert into stu values(null,'ww',22,"m",'lamp64');  --不指定字段名添加數據

mysql> insert into stu(age,name) values(21,'kkk'); --指定部分字段來添加

mysql> insert into stu(age,name) values(22,'aaa'),(23,'bbbb'),(24,"eee"); --批量添加
  1. 修改
    格式:update 表名 set 字段名=修改值[,字段名=修改值…] [where 條件][order by ..][limit..]

    – 將stu表中id等於11這條數據的age改爲20,sex改爲w、classid改爲lamp63。
    mysql> update stu set age=20,sex=’w’,classid=’lamp63’ where id=11;

  2. 刪除:
    格式: delete from 表名 [where 條件][order by ..][limit..]

    – 刪除stu表中id等於13的數據
    mysql> delete from stu where id=13;

  3. 查詢:
    格式: select 字段信息 from 表名
    [where 條件][group by 分組[having 子條件]][order by 排序][limit 部分數據]

    mysql> select * from stu; – 查看stu表中所有字段的所有信息

    mysql> select id,name,age from stu; –只查看部分字段信息

    mysql> select id,name,sex,”beijing” from stu; –追加一列輸出信息,值:beijing

    mysql> select id,name as username from stu; –爲name字段名起個別名(通過as)

    mysql> select id,name username,sex from stu; –同上,as關鍵字可以省略

    mysql> select id,name username,sex,”beijing” city from stu;

    mysql> select id,name,age,age+4 age2,classid from stu; –同時獲取4年後的年齡(別名age2)

    mysql> select id,concat(classid,”:”,name) stuname,age,sex from stu;

    mysql> select distinct classid from stu; –查看stu表中classid字段的值,使用distinct去除重複值

    4.2 –where條件
    mysql> select * from stu where sex=’m’; –查看sex值爲m的所有信息

    mysql> select * from stu where sex=’m’ && classid=’lamp61’; –查看sex值爲m的並且classid爲lamp61的所有信息
    mysql> select * from stu where sex=’m’ and classid=’lamp61’; –推薦使用and與

    mysql> select * from stu where classid=’lamp61’ or classid=’lamp64’; –查看61期和64期信息

    mysql> select * from stu where classid !=’lamp61’; –不是lamp61期的學生信息

    mysql> select * from stu;
    | id | name | age | sex | classid |
    | 1 | zhangsan | 20 | m | lamp61 |
    | 2 | lisi | 22 | w | lamp61 |
    | 3 | wangwu | 21 | m | lamp61 |
    | 4 | qq | 24 | w | lamp62 |
    | 5 | aa | 20 | m | lamp62 |
    | 6 | bb | 25 | m | lamp63 |
    | 7 | dd | 23 | w | lamp62 |
    | 8 | ee | 22 | m | lamp64 |
    | 9 | ww | 22 | m | lamp64 |
    | 10 | kkk | 21 | m | NULL |
    | 11 | aaa | 20 | w | lamp63 |
    | 12 | bbbb | 23 | m | NULL |
    12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    mysql> select * from stu where age>=22;

    mysql> select * from stu where age>=22 and sex=’m’;

    mysql> select * from stu where age>=22 and age<=24;
    mysql> select * from stu where age between 22 and 24;

    mysql> select * from stu where age<22 or age>24;
    mysql> select * from stu where age not between 22 and 24;

    mysql> select * from stu where classid is null;
    mysql> select * from stu where classid <=> null;

    mysql> select * from stu where id=1 or id=5 or id=6 or id=10;
    mysql> select * from stu where id in (1,5,6,10);

    –like是模糊查詢,支持兩個特殊字符:”_”:任意一個字符 “%”:任意數量的任意字符
    mysql> select * from stu where name like ‘__’;
    mysql> select * from stu where name like ‘%a%’;
    mysql> select * from stu where name like ‘a%’;

    4.3 – order by 排序 格式: ….. order by 被排序的字段名 [asc(升序,默認)|desc(降序)][,其他字段排序]
    mysql> select * from stu order by age; –默認升序asc
    mysql> select * from stu order by age asc;

    mysql> select * from stu order by age desc;

    mysql> select * from stu order by age desc,id desc;

    mysql> select * from stu where classid=’lamp61’ order by age desc;

    4.4 –limit 子句 用於截取部分數據,(分頁技術)
    – 格式: …limit n 或 …limit m,n (其中n表示取多少條數據,m表示起始位置)

    – 提取前3條數據
    mysql> select * from stu limit 3;

    – 獲取年齡最大的4位
    mysql> select * from stu order by age desc limit 4;

    – 獲取61期年齡最大的一位
    mysql> select * from stu where classid=”lamp61” order by age desc limit 1;

    mysql> select * from stu limit 0,4; –以4條/頁,獲取第一頁
    mysql> select * from stu limit 4,4; –以4條/頁,獲取第二頁
    mysql> select * from stu limit 8,4; –以4條/頁,獲取第三頁
    mysql> select * from stu limit 12,4; –以4條/頁,獲取第四頁

    –分頁公式:….. limit (當前頁-1)*頁大小,頁大小;

    4.5 –用於統計的統計函數(聚合函數):
    – count()統計條數, sum()求總和、 avg()平均、 max()最大、 min()最小
    mysql> select count(id) from stu;
    mysql> select count(*) from stu;

    mysql> select count(*),sum(age),avg(age),max(age),min(age) from stu where classid=’lamp61’;
    | count(*) | sum(age) | avg(age) | max(age) | min(age) |
    | 3 | 63 | 21.0000 | 22 | 20 |
    1 row in set (0.02 sec)

    4.6 –分組處理 group by
    mysql> select classid,count(*) from stu group by classid;

    mysql> select classid,count(*) from stu where sex=’m’ group by classid;

    mysql> select classid,count(*) from stu where sex=’m’ and classid is not null
    group by classid order by count(*) desc;

    mysql> select classid,count(*) num from stu where sex=’m’ and classid is not null
    group by classid order by num desc;

    mysql> select classid,avg(age) aa from stu group by classid order by aa desc;

    mysql> select classid,count(*) num from stu where sex=’m’ and classid is not null
    group by classid order by num desc;

二、 數據庫的導出
1. 導出:

    D:\>mysqldump -u root -p lamp61>lamp61_20130328.sql
    Enter password: ****

    D:\>mysqldump -u root -p lamp61 stu>lamp61_stu_20130328.sql
    Enter password: ****

 2. 恢復:
    D:\>mysql -u root -p lamp61<lamp61_stu_20130328.sql
    Enter password: ****

    D:\>mysql -u root -p lamp61<lamp61_20130328.sql
    Enter password: ****
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