

Some useful websites for programmers.

When learning CS there are some useful sites you must know to get always informed in order to do your technologies eve and learn new things. Here is a non exhaustive list of some sites you should visit, this list will get updated as soon as I can get another link, but you can also contribute by adding those you know :wink:

When you get stuck

  • Stack Overflow : subscribe to their weekly newsletter and any other topic which you find interesting
  • Quora : A place to share knowledge and better understand the world:


  • Hacker News : news aggregator for programmers where civility is king, try a newsletter to get top news to your inbox:
  • Ars Technica : posts unique quality articles
  • ACM TechNews
  • Lobsters : Lobsters is a technology-focused community centered around link aggregation and discussion.
  • TechCrunch : another good website for tech news
  • GSMArena.com : news related to latest mobile phones and android.
  • product hunt : Discover your next favorite thing

Coding practice for beginners

For those who want to start a small project but cant find the ideas

General Coding advice

Coding Style

Interview Preparation


MOOCs for learning something new

Sites related to your preferred programming language (For me Java)

Learn AI

Seminar , research writing , talks etc

Everything in one place

YouTube Channels

Good Articles

Building a Simple Compiler/interpreter


Watch others code

  • LiveCoding.tv : screencast of people building application , websites , games ect.

What should a programmer know

Competitive programming

Computer Books

Video Tutorials

Online Compiler and Sharing Code snippets

Blogs of Developers

For improving your English

When you get bored from CS related stuff

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