vivado bug


vivado 2019.1 :

1、MIPI RXsubsystem 手冊說MPSOC  -2 支持2500Mb/s ,但是vivado  IP GUI配置界面只能選1500Mb/s 以下的速率。

2、進行DRC 設計規則檢測時,提示MIPI RX IP內部有沒驅動的信號,但是追蹤到IP底層代碼是有賦值的。

NDRV-1#1 ErrorDriverless Nets  Undriven nets found. Running opt_design will clean up the undriven nets from your design. Please ensure that opt_design has been run on your design and check the remainingnets for DONT_TOUCH properties. The undriven nets in your design are: Bus Net ZCU104_NDI_HDMI_inst/hps/ps_hdmi_i/MIPI_RX_SS/mipi_csi2_rx_subsyst_0/U0/phy/inst/inst/bd_bab1_phy_0_rx_support_i/slave_rx.bd_bab1_phy_0_rx_hssio_i/inst/top_inst/bs_ctrl_top_inst/n5_rx_bit_ctrl_in1[39:0] has undriven bits 0:39.Related violations: <none>

解決 方法:

vivado 升級到2019.2 ,升級後,這兩個問題自動解決!


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