Threadx 释放互斥量_tx_mutex_put


4,挂起队列中线程优先级一定比拥有互斥量线程优先级高,因为低优先级获取了互斥量后,只有高优先级线程能够打断低优先级线程,并尝试获取互斥量,并挂在挂起队列中。 如果是高优先级线程先获取了互斥量,低优先级线程不可能打断高优先级线程。

UINT    _tx_mutex_put(TX_MUTEX *mutex_ptr)


    REG_1   TX_THREAD   *thread_ptr = NULL;            /* Working thread pointer          */
    REG_2   TX_THREAD   *old_owner = NULL;             /* Remember previous mutex owner   */
    REG_3   UINT        old_priority;           /* Original thread priority        */
    REG_3   UINT        old_threshold;          /* Original thread threshold       */

    /* Disable interrupts to put an instance back to the mutex.  */

    /* Determine if this thread owns the mutex.  */
    #def 只有拥有互斥量的线程才能够释放互斥量
    if ((mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_ownership_count) &&
        (mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_owner == _tx_thread_current_ptr))

        /* Yes, this thread does own the mutex.  */

        /* Decrement the mutex ownership count.  */
        #def 计数器减1
        mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_ownership_count--;

        /* Determine if the mutex is still owned by the current thread.  */
        #def 计数器减1后,值不是0,说明本线程多次申请了互斥量,那么本线程继续占有互斥量,函数返回
        if (mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_ownership_count)

            /* Restore interrupts.  */

            /* Mutex is still owned, just return successful status.  */
            return (TX_SUCCESS);
			#def 计数器减1后为0,说明本线程不再拥有互斥量。看看是否有其他线程正在等待互斥量,也就是tx_mutex_suspension_list队列是否有挂载线程
            /* Yes, the mutex is available we now need to check for a waiting thread.  */

            /* Determine if priority inheritance is in effect.  */
            #def 设置了优先级继承,把最高优先级线程放在挂起队列最前面,保证最高优先级先恢复执行
            #def 如果没有设置优先级继承,那么恢复的线程就是tx_mutex_suspension_list队列最前面的,不一定是最高优先级队列,是按照FIFO原则进出。
            if ((mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_inherit) && (mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_suspension_list))

                /* Temporarily disable preemption.  */

                /* Restore interrupts.  */

                /* Call the mutex prioritize processing to ensure the
                   highest priority thread is resumed.  */
                   #def 把最高优先级线程放在挂起队列最前面

                /* At this point, the highest priority thread is at the
                   front of the suspension list.  */

                /* Disable interrupts.  */

                /* Back off the preemption disable.  */
			#def 挂起队列为空,说明没有等待互斥量的线程,不需要恢复挂起线程
            if (mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_suspension_list == TX_NULL)

                /* Temporarily disable preemption.  */

                /* Restore interrupts.  */

                /* Mutex is not owned, but it is possible that a thread that
                   caused a priority inheritance to occur is no longer waiting
                   on the mutex.  */
                   #def 如果在申请互斥量是设置了优先级继承,也就是把低优先级进程优先级改为高优先级进程的优先级,现在需要设置为原始优先级
                if ((mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_inherit) && (_tx_thread_current_ptr) &&
                    (_tx_thread_current_ptr -> tx_priority != mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_original_priority))

                    /* Restore the current priority and threshold of thread.  */
                    _tx_mutex_priority_change(mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_owner, mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_original_priority,
                                              mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_original_threshold);

                /* Disable interrupts again.  */

                /* Back off the preemption disable.  */

                /* Restore interrupts.  */

                /* Check for a preemption condition that might be present.  */
                #def 开中断后,可能更高优先级线程变为了可执行线程,需要进行切换
                if ((_tx_thread_current_ptr != _tx_thread_execute_ptr) &&
                    (_tx_thread_system_state == 0))

                    /* Return control to the system.  */
                    #def 进行切换

                /* Return success.  */
                return (TX_SUCCESS);
				#def 挂起队列中有线程等待互斥量资源,那么需要恢复挂起线程
				#def 挂起队列中线程优先级一定比拥有互斥量线程优先级高,因为低优先级获取了互斥量后,只有高优先级线程能够打断低优先级线程,并尝试获取互斥量,并挂在挂起队列中。  如果是高优先级线程先获取了互斥量,低优先级线程不可能打断高优先级线程
				#def  如果设置了优先级继承,把最高优先级线程放在挂起队列最前面,保证最高优先级先恢复执行。如果没有设置优先级继承,那么恢复的线程就是tx_mutex_suspension_list队列最前面的,不一定是最高优先级队列,是按照FIFO原则进出
				#def 如果设置了优先级继承,需要恢复互斥量拥有着线程的优先级为原始优先级
                /* Pickup the thread a the front of the suspension list.  */
                thread_ptr =  mutex_ptr ->tx_mutex_suspension_list;

                /* Save the previous ownership information, if inheritance is
                   in effect.  */
                if (mutex_ptr ->tx_mutex_inherit)
                	#def 临时记录,后面要恢复互斥量拥有着线程的优先级为原始优先级
                    old_owner =     mutex_ptr ->tx_mutex_owner;            
                    old_priority =  mutex_ptr->tx_mutex_original_priority;
                    old_threshold = mutex_ptr->tx_mutex_original_threshold;
					#def thread_ptr 一定是最高优先级线程,因为前面已经调整过队列。 保存原始优先级
                    mutex_ptr ->tx_mutex_original_priority =   thread_ptr ->tx_priority;
                    mutex_ptr ->tx_mutex_original_threshold =  thread_ptr ->tx_preempt_threshold;         

                /* Mark the Mutex as owned and fill in the corresponding information.  */
                #def 设置新的计数器为1,拥有者为新的线程
                mutex_ptr ->tx_mutex_ownership_count =  1;
                mutex_ptr ->tx_mutex_owner = thread_ptr;

                /* Remove the suspended thread from the list.  */

                /* See if this is the only suspended thread on the list.  */
                if (thread_ptr == thread_ptr ->tx_suspended_next)

                    /* Yes, the only suspended thread.  */

                    /* Update the head pointer.  */
                    mutex_ptr ->tx_mutex_suspension_list =  TX_NULL;

                    /* At least one more thread is on the same expiration list.  */

                    /* Update the list head pointer.  */
                    mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_suspension_list =  thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next;

                    /* Update the links of the adjacent threads.  */
                    (thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next) -> tx_suspended_previous =
                        thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_previous;
                    (thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_previous) -> tx_suspended_next =
                        thread_ptr -> tx_suspended_next;

                /* Decrement the suspension count.  */
                mutex_ptr -> tx_mutex_suspended_count--;

                /* Prepare for resumption of the first thread.  */

                /* Clear cleanup routine to avoid timeout.  */
                thread_ptr -> tx_suspend_cleanup =  TX_NULL;

                /* Temporarily disable preemption.  */

                /* Restore interrupts.  */
				#def 关闭之前设置的定时器
                /* Deactivate the timeout timer if necessary.  */					
                if (thread_ptr -> tx_thread_timer.tx_list_head)

                    /* Deactivate the thread's timeout timer.  */
                    _tx_timer_deactivate(&(thread_ptr -> tx_thread_timer));

                    /* Clear the remaining time to ensure timer doesn't get activated.  */
                    thread_ptr -> tx_thread_timer.tx_remaining_ticks =  0;

                /* Put return status into the thread control block.  */
                thread_ptr -> tx_suspend_status =  TX_SUCCESS;

                /* Restore previous priority needs to be restored after priority
                   inheritance.  */
    			#def 恢复old线程的优先级
                if ((mutex_ptr ->tx_mutex_inherit) && (old_owner) &&
                    (old_owner ->tx_priority != old_priority))

                    /* Restore the current priority and threshold of thread.  */
                    _tx_mutex_priority_change(old_owner, old_priority, old_threshold);

                /* Resume thread.  */
                #def 恢复新的互斥量拥有者线程
                if (_tx_thread_resume(thread_ptr))

                    /* Return control to the system.  */

                /* Return a successful status.  */
                return (TX_SUCCESS);

    /* Restore interrupts.  */

    /* Caller does not own the mutex.  */
    return (TX_NOT_OWNED);
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