Android:What is ART?

背景:Android4.2之前,安卓手機系統的應用程序均在Dalvik Java的虛擬機上運行,這種運行模式還要依靠一個編譯器來實現與應用程序的溝通。應用程序每次運行時,都需要將程序內的代碼轉變爲機器碼才能運行,這無形中多附加了一道手續,這就造成了手機耗電相對較快,佔用內存大,用久了會卡頓的現象。


One of the greatest features of Android 4.4.x KitKat, also probably the most under-reported one, is the next generation Android RunTime (ART).

翻譯:Android4.4.x KitKat 最顯著的特徵之一就是下一代的Android Run Time(ART),或許也是下一個即將被廣爲關注的特徵

What is ART?

翻譯:什麼是ART? (藝術)

When you start any apps on your Android device, the system actually takes some time and effort to compile the app package to machine code so your device can understand and execute. It does this Just in Time of execution. So as you run apps on your device, it actually keeps doing these resource intensive tasks in the background and this is a major reason why people notice Android apps are a bit sluggish when compared to their iOS counterparts.

This is, until you switch to the new Android RunTime (ART).

翻譯:這個問題會一直存在,除非你換到新的Android Run Time。

With ART enabled, machine code compilations are done Ahead of Time during app installation. So when you run apps on your device, it can skip all that and simply executes the code directly.

The result? Reports show that ART yields performance improvements of around 10% to 20% on average. On the other hand it also boosts battery life because your device now does a lot less resource intensive machine code compiling. Take into considerations ART is currently a preview technology in Android 4.4.x KitKat so it can only get better and better in upcoming Android releases.

翻譯:這樣做的結果是什麼呢?報告顯示ART使得操作性能平均提高10%到20%。而另一方面,這也延長了電池的使用時間。因爲現在你的設備大大減少了執行編譯機器碼這一耗費資源的行爲。考慮到ART目前只是運用在Android4.4.X KitKat版本上,因此在未來發布的Android版本中ART只會越來越好。



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